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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Oh come on, there are three times as many PS4s out there; that levels the playing field more than enough. I just find it very pleasing (and somewhat amusing) to see that Splatoon, a new Nintendo IP (a multiplayer shooter of all things) has sold twice as many copies as a huge AAA GOTY winner like Bloodborne. Fantastic numbers, ditto for Yoshi and 3D World. I was worried NSMBU would far outsell it.
  2. Those are seriously impressive numbers. 4 million for Splatoon is incredible. Double the sales of Bloodborne!
  3. I loved Starfox Adventures! (And Starfox Assault)
  4. Probably a stupid question, but can I buy it on the PS4 shop?
  5. No I haven't, does look like my kind of game though
  6. I cannot believe how ugly this game looks in 2016, it's aged HORRIBLY. But then fanboys only have themselves to blame for dismissing the Wind Waker when it was first released Thankfully looks like Nintendo found a happy medium for Skyward Sword/Zelda U
  7. Looks like they spent about 10 minutes slapping that trailer together
  8. Really really really loving this, though I'm taking it quite slow (Hearthstone, Darkest Dungeon and err Ninty Badge Arcade are taking up the rest of my time). I'm towards the end of the Shanty Town portion of the game, I imagine I'm probably about a third or half way through the storyline maybe. The most enjoyable part of the game for me, apart from the visuals, is just traversing the world itself. It's very fluid and loads of fun. Not massively keen on the combat, I don't like the way they run up to you rather than stay in cover, but that's just a personal preference. The collectibles seem a little pointless so I'm not sure I'll be too fussed getting the GPS caches or relics. I'm surprised how short the tombs are. For some reason I expected them to be Zelda dungeon-like in length, but most so far seem to just be one puzzle/room. Nothing against that, it works well enough. So yeah, awesome.
  9. Smash Wii U: Definitive Edition for NX sounds like a good idea, ditto Mario Maker. Those games are platforms that can last a generation with regular updates.
  10. It'll be tough for the Wii U to top its four GOTY nominations from 2014 again that's for sure
  11. Is anyone else playing this? Dungeon-crawling roguelike RPG type thing. Top notch production values, intense and stressful gameplay mechanics and basically just a huge amount of fun. IGN reviewed it yesterday Absolutely loving it so far. It's on PC/Mac at the moment, PS4 to come in the next few months I believe...
  12. Manly Pikachu is the best thing ever
  13. Another delay! I'll definitely get it when it eventually comes out but I have to say the art style is really off-putting, it looks very cheap.
  14. Yeah I guess AAA is a bit of a nebulous term. Put it another way, it's nice to see a 'big budget' puzzle game.
  15. 10/10 from IGN. Day 1 for me, can't wait. It's nice to see a AAA puzzle game for a change.
  16. They're horrible. Zero credibility, personality and waaaay too wholesome and sugary sweet. It's all so forced.
  17. I know what you mean, I 'told my friend' that Twilight Princess HD was happening, the next Fire Emblem would come in three editions, the Shovel Knight amiibo could be scanned trough the packaging and that the sky is blue, before it all happened too. Honest.
  18. Dear lord the game has aged TERRIBLY. Worst art style by far, compare and contrast this game with Wind Waker HD.
  19. I don't think they need to really. We'll have had four years of the console, and some great games. The 3DS Ambassador program was because they dropped the price after a few months. Maybe like £10 off for Wii U owners but that might look a little desperate.
  20. Now isn't the time to make NX an identical PS4/XBO, no one will buy it mid-generation when they already have a PS4/XBO. I really hope NX is unique enough to sell units, it has to be quite cheap as well.
  21. People went CRAZY when Xbox announced BC last E3, it was one of the main talking points of the show. People want the option to be there.
  22. The main thing that's bugging me about Zelda U is how Link looks animated exactly as he is in Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword. I wish Nintendo would just go back to child Link for console entries, which is by far the best version of Link IMO. That way they can use the fantastic character animation in Wind Waker as a template.
  23. People piping down about amiibo? Ha, that'll be the day.
  24. Damn technology for not having invented replicators and make-believe guns for gaming! Outrageous I tell you.
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