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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. For a game I play every day I'm more than happy to put 5 or 10 quid into this, why should games be free anyway. Put £1.80 in today and got the Moon, Majora's Mask, ruppees and the sword and shield
  2. Started playing this in the last few days, really enjoying it. I probably won't bother having my arse handed to me in the traditional shooter multiplayer modes, but I have just put an hour into the spaceship combat ones, which were great fun. Loved the Endor, Hoth and Sullust training missions too. They reminded me of the campaign missions from Rogue Squadron and Rogue Leader, sigh, good times.
  3. I really enjoyed Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition. Looking forward to downloading the Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons Super Mario Bros. Edition DLC.
  4. Do you think you'll be able to Platinum Witcher 3 @Hero\-of\-Time?
  5. I loved the film overall but the last half hour felt incredibly rushed, and when compared to A New Hope (which the film is clearly based on), totally lacking in any sort of dramatic tension, apart from the part on the walk-way. The way they hatch the mission plan within 45 seconds, the shaky-cam battle that was all a bit meh and forgettable. Dunno, I think they could have improved the final Act quite a bit. Compare it to the Death Star trench run where you were on the edge of your seat throughout.
  6. Fair enough I missed the bay doors being open, but crashing onto ice isn't any better than crashing into rock
  7. What looks more badass? A ship that can smash into the surface of a planet without consequence or hyperspace indoors? Just OTT and silly. The stuff you'd find in the prequels, or Star Trek (2009/13)
  8. Saw this last night, really enjoyed it (huge Star Wars fan) and certainly infinitely better than the godawful prequels, but it still had some major issues. The entire third act of the film was a total mess. I also hated the 'space' battles. Too much shaky cam, there was no weight to any of the ships. The original trilogy was so clean and precise in that regard. I also didn't like how the Falcon was suddenly this indestructible toy that could survive anything. But overall, fantastic. JJ more or less nailed the look and feel.
  9. This film looks like nuTrek's Insurrection. The sets look cheap, the aliens look rubbish, the storyline sounds in no way fitting for a 50th anniversary film, the Enterprise is destroyed again (no drama there when we know it happens 9 months in advance). Paramount wanted Trek to be more like Guardians of the Galaxy, and that's exactly what this trailer looks like. A cheap, knock off of GotG.
  10. Fed up receiving the same delayed Shovel Knight amiibo email. Every single week they seem to push the release date back.
  11. She looks NORMAL in Smash! Her head was tiny in her original form, disturbingly so. Now it's all proportional.
  12. Indistinguishable Fire Emblem character number 7 Apart from that, it was a nice send off Direct. The game has an incredible amount of content, they've done a wonderful job with it. Inkling, Shovel Knight etc can wait till Smash NX, they need to hold some characters back for that.
  13. Platinum get! A few screenshots I took... More... (spoilers from second half of game)
  14. I've not missed a day either, still really enjoying it. Today's practise machine is a good one to get quite a few badges, I got 16 pretty easily.
  15. The game definitely loses something without a camera and the voice acting towards the end in this version really, really put me off, but otherwise... incredible game. Loved every second of it, again.
  16. OMG Ice Climber badges in Japan!! I really really hope they make their way here eventually
  17. Anyone else picked this up? Released a couple of days ago. Loving it so far! At first I was disappointed the devs didn't make another Metroidvania style game but I've been pleasantly surprised with how much this is!
  18. As Brian Altano puts it... Nintendo, insanely Japanese, insane.
  19. I didn't think they could top the Vita game, but they most certainly did. This is just incredible. You can really tell they've put the extra time to good use fleshing out the campaign and improving on the various levels. Just finished The Desert, wow. Amazing game, I wish it were a Nintendo game, it would have thrived, not sent to die for a second time on Playstation, barely selling.
  20. Where are people getting the idea that there are no physical buttons? They're quite clearly displayed and explained above. No need for hysterics.
  21. Good enough for me thanks! I suppose I can always dip into the multiplayer anyway and see what it's like
  22. Ok thanks I might go for it then, especially as I'm a big Star Wars fan
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