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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yeah I know I was replying to DriftKaiser sorry
  2. The custom PS4 avatars are fine but they don't seem to show up in-game half the time? Sometimes it shows the default avatar you had to choose when setting up your account. It's all a bit clunky. Probably because they were terrible. A bit like PS Move and Kinnect, when compared to the Wii remote. "Despise", really?
  3. I don't see NX handheld coming out first at all. 3DS may be barely selling but there's still a 55+ million install base out there, I can't see Nintendo abandoning that so quickly.
  4. Yeah I'm happy with Miis, they're a good idea. I'm surprised PS4 hasn't followed suit like Xbox and nicked the idea. The PS4 avatars are a little impersonal. That said their integration in games can be a little much sometimes.
  5. Sad to hear about the performance issues, will definitely wait for a patch or just get it on PC. Reviews are great though, the one common negative is the ending is a bit meh, which is a shame in such a narrative driven game. Still, looks absolutely gorgeous and that's reason enough to play
  6. I wasn't so taken with Braid. Don't get me wrong the gameplay was clever but I found the art style and general aesthetic and tone of the whole game horribly off-putting. Limbo on the other hand... 10/10.
  7. Reviews seem a tad disappointing. They love the aesthetic and charm but the actual gameplay/platforming is frustrating, especially later on. A case of style over substance ?
  8. Why are people surprised there are a lot of platformers on Nintendo consoles. It's like being surprised by all the openworld action/shooters on the competition. Why are people surprised there are a lot of platformers on Nintendo consoles. It's like being surprised by all the openworld action/shooters on the competition.
  9. Those two games are a drop in the ocean. The Wii U library on the whole, quality wise, is excellent. That Nintendo touch :-) They'd have to, their first party output is pretty laughable. Just like Nintendo has to pick up the slack on Wii U. Sadly the pull of COD and FIFA is greater these days than Ninty first party titles.
  10. That Nintendo seal of quality takes time I guess. The Wii U launch line up was no worse than its competitors. The drought is mostly down to the third party situation. Imagine the PS4 without third parties, there'd be about two games a year.
  11. I know what you mean. I avoided the PS4 at launch because there was barely anything of interest to me for a year or two, but jumping onboard recently it's caught up and there's now a fantastic line up. I do think the jump to HD caused those early Wii U droughts though. Hopefully should be smoother sailing with NX.
  12. All consoles have meh launch line-ups these days, nature of the game
  13. I made a comparison, one big flagship exclusive vs another. It really wasn't anything to get up in arms about. It was a nothing comment, praising Nintendo, on a Nintendo message board. You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101? As for the rest, Nintendo have a huge array of IP Playstation and Xbox would kill for, why not use them! Yes it would be amazing to have Nintendo develop all the games they have thus far and throw in Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP, but then you're like a kid at Christmas who just wants everything. Realism has to kick in at some point. I made a comparison, one big flagship exclusive vs another. It really wasn't anything to get up in arms about. It was my point of view, praising Nintendo, on a Nintendo message board. You mean like Splatoon, Captain Toad, Wonderful 101? As for the rest, Nintendo have a huge array of IP Playstation and Xbox would kill for, why not use them! Yes it would be amazing to have Nintendo develop all the games they have thus far and throw in Metroid, F-Zero, Waverace, 1080, more new IP, but then you're like a kid at Christmas who just wants everything. Realism has to kick in at some point.
  14. Given they have no third party support, I think they've done a pretty good job getting diversity like Bayonetta 2 > Captain Toad > Mario Kart 8 > Xenoblade > Mario Maker> Pikmin 3 > Splatoon. Seven WILDLY different games, as just a few examples. The third parties would have padded each genre out, but sadly it's been Nintendo more or less on it's own this gen.
  15. All I was saying was that the Wii U does not lack "a diversity in genres" which @kav82 was suggesting. Yes it lacks in terms of volume, but of all the major Wii U games there's something for everyone there.
  16. That video did a terrible job of explaining what's new. I'm not sure what's happened to Nintendo's trailers lately, they're all so poor these days. Here's what's actually new
  17. Lack of diversity of genres? The Wii U has the 3D platformer, 2D platformer, survival horror, racing, action, adventure, strategy, RPG, brawler, hack and slash, puzzler, level creator, space shooter, multiplayer shooter genres all ticked. What other genres do you think are missing? The volume of titles is certainly poor (though not in terms of first party releases), but in terms of the breadth of content, there's certainly something for everyone. And put it another way, the PS4's 3x install base would have helped Splatoon a hell of a lot more, would we have seen 12 million sales?
  18. All sounds good. It'll be nice being able to control the camera with the right stick, not being able to do that bugged me on the Wii version.
  19. Who decides what's needed? I was amused, that's all. It really wasn't worth all the uproar. Just imagine how many more millions Splatoon would have sold if it had voice chat!
  20. Hopefully Apple/Google will push Nintendo's games, and feature them pretty heavily.
  21. Maybe they were posted in this thread to inject some much needed positivity in a toxic thread full of complaints. It's pretty laughable that some people are so put out because I raised the briefest of smiles that a Nickelodeon styled Nintendo shooter outsold a flagship GOTY PS4 game by double. Ok let's move on, Splatoon selling 4+ million units is pretty amazing. Well done Nintendo. A fantastic game selling fantastically well.
  22. Provocative? Jeeze, this board. I only compared it to Bloodborne because that's what lots of people were doing on gaf. They found it pleasing and amusing as well. It's comparing one exclusive to another.
  23. As is the ultra defensive nature of posters on this board, who take exception at the slightest, most uncontroversial statements. Silly me for trying to inject a shred of positivity into the Wii U thread. If you really have a problem with me saying that I'm pleased Splatoon has sold more than a high profile AAA game then that says more about you than it does me. Unbelievable, god forbid a PS4 game isn't showered with praise.
  24. Because I want Nintendo to succeed and this is pleasing, positive news. Simple really.
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