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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. It's a games console. So no, it's not like being invited to a job interview but not being told what the job is.
  2. Given how much stuff leaks these days, I'm not sure it's a bad thing that Nintendo is keeping their cards close to their chest with some developers. NDAs don't seem to mean much these days.
  3. It's very exciting. E3 can't come soon enough, the buzz is building nicely
  4. I just don't think Nintendo have much to talk about. The vast majority of their focus is on NX and they're unlikely to spill the beans there in a Direct. Otherwise we have Zelda (which is likely an E3 thing) and Starfox. Maybe another unannounced Wii U game and some 3DS stuff but otherwise I think it's all NX atm.
  5. Quality comes into it as well I think, funnily enough. Nintendo are rated the top developer most of the recent years.
  6. Great point. There's certainly plenty of diversity of genres on Wii U, and the attach rate of said titles is more often than not excellent.
  7. Same as @Hero\-of\-Time, easily one of my favourite Wii U games. It's a real gem. I really hope we get a sequel
  8. You mean their last two consoles are outdated tech. The first of which sold 100+ million units. Who's to say what NX is going to be. 3DS is outdated tech compared to the Vita, but the 3DS has sold nearly 60 million and the Vita is a laughing stock. I know it's customary to bash Nintendo for pretty much everything on here, but how about we wait and see what NX is before we suggest that Nintendo are "killing themselves", when they just won the previous gen.
  9. You want Nintendo to go third party because you want voice chat in their games. Gotcha.
  10. Obscurity? They have priceless world-renowned IP that Sony and Microsoft would kill for. They'll be fine.
  11. Or a top 5 Zelda games of each poster, that'd be interesting too if you averaged it all out.
  12. No ZombiU either, I never played it but I heard it was well received.
  13. Sorry all, the PS4 OS is perfect, it dumps all over the Wii U. Nothing to learn from Nintendo at all. No, on the Gamepad a notification pops up saying that 'so and so' has come online. I would have thought that would have been standard on the PS4 by now.
  14. Shovel Knight may feed off nostalgia but it's a fully realised game in its own right. The platforming is excellent, the world-building brilliant and the art and sound lovely. It has plenty of ideas on its own to be worthy of a place on the list, in fact I think it was in most GOTY lists that year, including IGN's.
  15. The lack of Yoshi's Woolly World is even crazier than no W101! IGN LOVE NES Remix, so no surprise to see that up there. Captain Toad is top 5 for me as well, easy. Shovel Knight is fantastic, I'm surprised by the criticism above. It felt like a celebration of Mega Man, Zelda II, Castevania and Duck Tales all in one. Given how the vast majority of that list are Nintendo exclusives, I'd have dumped Minecraft and Disney Infinity and put in Yoshi and W101. Would have been nice to have found a spot for Hyrule Warriors or NintendoLand as well, the latter I find especially under-appreciated.
  16. How can it be quicker than launching a game instantly from the gamepad before the console even boots up? The Wii U has had friend notifications since it launched.
  17. But then the Wii U main screen is actually easy to organise and see all your games in one place, unlike the PS4 screen. I find the quick launch screen on the gamepad amazing for jumping straight into a game, far quicker than booting up the PS4, logging in, then finding the right game and launching. Great little feature. The PS4 can certainly learn a lot from Wii U in terms of that, folders, activity log, online friend notifications, Miiverse etc
  18. Minecraft and the lack of Wonderful 101 apart, that's a great list. I forgot how much fun Splatoon was, watching the video made me desperate to play it again. I would have put Mario 3D World at the top though, platforming perfection, easily a 10/10 game.
  19. It's a shame they can't implement the Wii U's quick launch screen, that's amazing for jumping straight into a game and bypassing the home screen altogether. Lots of fixes and tweaks needed but hopefully the PS4 will get there eventually
  20. If Unravel is any indication, it's because no one can do 2D platformers like Nintendo can. What a sad state of affairs. Give me Nintendo's art style over Witcher 3/Tomb Raider visuals any day. The former are more often than not timeless, the latter will look outdated in 10 years
  21. It's crazy that we can't see how much time we've invested in each game. What a simple feature to implement and they still haven't done it. The UI itself is efficient I suppose but it's a total mess from a visual POV. I hate having games and apps mixed up like that.
  22. I'm pretty staggered there's no activity log or friend notifications. Basic functions that should have been in from day 1. Likewise folders but to be honest they would only be useful if the home screen went through a much needed redesign. It's a total mess and I'm not sure folders will make it any better, even though it's another thing that should have been in from day 1. Also hoping for a Miiverse clone but that's never going to happen.
  23. It may not impact Andromeda but I'd always assumed this was going to be a new trilogy, doesn't sound good news for the (presumed) sequel
  24. Thanks, found it, stupid me. Weird puzzle, not sure how you were supposed to guess that it was the same as a previous one.
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