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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Half an hour on VR and what feels like another half hour on GT zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. Dreams looked interesting (and different to the usual) but I just hope Media Molecule put in enough of their own content to make a full game and don't just rely on the community.
  3. Ooof, that's a long time away. I'm sure the game will be better for it but still...
  4. Wipeout would be amazing. As long as it's more like 2097 than the recent iterations.
  5. Checkpoints and context sensitive item blocks, nice one Ninty!
  6. Looking forward to a Playstation conference for the first time ever. I'd love to see some new Rime footage, that's long overdue.
  7. After what felt like 60+ hours with the game I've finally finished the campaign and put it down. Overall, really really loved it. Now I'm sure that's just my inexperience with the genre talking, but I thought the storyline was decent, the characters interesting, the hacking and action great fun, all tied together with some lovely visuals. The final missions were a lot more epic than I was expecting, particularly the final one. The presentation was superb overall. Out of curiosity, how similar is this to GTA? Can't wait for Watch Dogs 2! But now I want to play something as far removed from an openworld game as possible!! Looks like Tearaway Unfolded is next...
  8. This will be my first Assassin's Creed, looking forward to it
  9. The thought of voice chat in the game really turns me off, I definitely wouldn't use it, but I'm sure I'm in the minority. I actually really like the emoticons. But yes, organising which levels to play was a hassle, having to PM. They could have implemented a better solution in-game. Your session sounds a nightmare last night though had a decent one myself with two people who knew what they were doing. Must say this game is surprising me, I thought I wouldn't enjoy it at all but it's actually great fun. (provided you get matched with decent players)
  10. Couldn't figure it out lol Cheers H-O-T, brilliant fun. That last boss though!!!! %£$@ me, how many hits??
  11. Nintendo have put up a video of the game's (excellent IMO) main theme. Love it, quite medieval-y and really fits the Zelda universe.
  12. Is that the only way to get the retro Mario amiibo?
  13. Gang hideouts I find pretty straightforward if you just take your time and go in stealthily. Using a silenced pistol obviously a big help. Criminal convoys are fun but I don't feel the need to 100% them. The thing I'm having most trouble with are the timed ctOS hacks. The countdown timer stresses me out (obviously by design) but having to retry most a couple of times is frustrating. Finished the second act the other day. Really enjoyed it. The assault on Iraq's compound was good fun although the enforcer at the very end was a nightmare. Ended up planting about a dozen IEDs to kill him. I get the impression a quick pistol headshot will become less and less viable from here on out. I did the Missing Persons and Human Trafficking final missions, they were a little disappointing. Could have done more with them, especially with the former. Still loving it but anxious to finish now and get started on Tearaway then Uncharted
  14. Just re-watched the main trailer for Skyward Sword, it reminded me just how many gameplay mechanics were in that game. I'm sure Witcher is great but it does sound like a very different game. Zelda seems much more about action set pieces and using your equipment to get around (and fly).
  15. I'm not really much of a multiplayer gamer, but will give online play a go for something like this. But I can imagine wanting to spend most of my time in single player mode.
  16. Gee really?? Never would have guessed. Doesn't stop me being able to comment on it.
  17. Watching videos of this, the solo mode seems a little fiddly. I know IGN liked it but it just seems like a lot of swapping characters/frustration to me.
  18. Yes but Nintendo aren't about to spend 53 million quid developing Zelda U/NX.
  19. Filling the overworld with life would fix the major issue in the game IMO. The storyline also sort of fell of a cliff half way through but other than those two issues there's a lot to love about the game.
  20. Twilight Princess doesn't need to many gameplay changes I don't think. Maybe shortening the horrendously long tutorials at the beginning. The only thing that needs real work is filling the world with life. The whole overworld felt dead. Probably too much to ask for though.
  21. I took a month or so off the PS4 (Mario Maker, duh) but finally returned to Watch Dogs today and played about 5 or 6 hours between morning and evening sessions. Really loving it. I'm sure in the grand scheme of things people might have many valid complaints, but coming from someone who's never played an openworld GTA style game before, I'm having a blast. Still on Act 2, but towards the end, recently got the access code from Iraq's dogtags and just rescued the nephew from some building. The storyline is a little all over the place, but I'm enjoying the campaign quite a bit. I think it helps that I love the stealth/third person shooting gameplay. The NPCs are fantastic and I don't even mind Aidan Pearce that much, a bit bland but decent enough. I've realised I'm never going to do everything in the game so I'm concentrating on the side missions that I can 100% like the gang hideouts, privacy invasions, QR codes, missing persons etc. Fixer Contracts and Criminal convoys I'm not bothering with, too much effort, though I do love driving around the city in a nice car. As opposed to the Order where a new trophy popped up every play through I think I've noticed about two so far in 30 hours of gameplay. Anyway, I'm really really loving it. I'm enjoying the more presentation-focused games on PS4, quite different to the gameplay-focused ones from Nintendo.
  22. A suggestion for this thread... How about when posting a new level in here, you have to first play and comment on the one above yours. Could be a good way to get a bit of chat going instead of just a list of levels. Just a thought
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