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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yep I've got Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs, Batman and Infamous waiting. Reckon I'll enjoy the first two most, mostly because I prefer shooting to brawling. Can't wait for Uncharted and Tearaway after those four.
  2. Haha cheers. Odd how you can't see who it was who gave it to you. I'll have a think, I suspect it'll be Watch Dogs next... be nice to try an openworld game after the Order. Something a little less linear.
  3. Finished and Platinum'd this today (who gave me the thumbs up btw? ). Taken for what the game is, a story-driven interactive adventure, I really loved it. Very glad I experienced it, but probably not something I'd likely go back to as there isn't much reason to, apart from re-living the story. Presentation and world-building on show was a triumph and probably the best thing about the game. Visuals were stunning, voice acting was excellent, music was great, mood was atmospheric and the editing was top notch. I liked the way the cut scenes blended seamlessly with the action. Photo mode was also great fun, being able to roam around during action sequences, and the various gradings available to mix up the style was a very nice touch. Some scenes actually looked better with certain grades (the ambush on Westminster bridge for instance). The shooting was pretty fun, I liked it a lot. Except for the bastards who took about a dozen shots to take down. Nice mix of weaponry. Storyline was a little iffy the longer it went on I thought. It seemed like it hit a wall towards the end and they needed to drag things out for the inevitable sequel. Still decent overall. The characters were pretty compelling. The final chapter was a little bit of a let down and the ending in general was pretty depressing, but I was expecting that. Was hoping for a bigger setpiece for the finale, but the cramped final level was still ok. The Lycan fights didn't really make much sense, but oh well. I also thought it was strange how Galahad went off the boil because his mate was killed, even though he mows down hundreds of people. Suppose that'll never make sense in a game like this. Overall, a great game, though perhaps not something that will stick in the mind for very long. Might be more fair to say it was more of an experience than a game. Some screenshots I took (spoilers)
  4. It's strange to be so downhearted over a first party Nintendo release. Everything just seems wrong with it, the visuals, the controls, the rehashed dialogue/storyline/missions, the lack of any kind of evolution after a ten year gap in the franchise. I'm sure it'll be fun, this is a first party Ninty game after all, but it should have been so, so much more.
  5. Yeah I'm sure it'll be fun. I think they need slower paced levels to pad the game out a little bit or like Lylat Wars you could probably finish it in half an hour. That was probably why they included the land missions in Assault.
  6. I'm crushingly disappointed how bland and safe Star Fox Zero looks to be, but this game looks a little generic, and that even includes the title lol
  7. Am I the only one who thinkgs the supposed, actual Shovel Knight amiibo itself looks a little disappointing? Could have picked a better pose. Even though I don't think it's legit. Something about the packaging seems off...
  8. The lack of proper lighting on the Arwings are a reflection of the game's visuals, flat, basic, empty.
  9. I'm exactly the same as you @Daft, I'll go for platinums with some games like Tearaway on Vita because I adored it, but others like LittleBigPlanet, no thanks. Order I'll platinum for sure, maybe Resogun if it's not too much of a slog.
  10. I'd still say there are only four styles. It would look a little strange if they were spaced out to fill the sidebar. You could also ask yourself why the eraser or robot are grouped at the top and not spaced out on the right hand side. Having said that, if the game is very popular they could always introduce DLC with a couple of new styles. Super Mario Bros 2 would be incredible and something people would pay for I think, given the amount of new material it would involve.
  11. A lot of those card matching designs would make great wallpapers for your desktop or phone. I really hope they carry on with the physical rewards in this new loyalty scheme they're building.
  12. I just think it would ruin the community. Silly sound effects would be shoehorned into every other level just because people can. I'm not saying people like yourself and others wouldn't use it sensibly, but I do think it would open a huge can of worms.
  13. Nintendo's box art designers are geniuses. Except the ones who did the Mario 3D World one (regulars must have been on holiday that week)
  14. Am I the only one that's really disappointed they've included custom recordable sound effects? I can easily imagine the types of obnoxious, off-putting stuff we'll get in the community. I'm also frankly amazed Nintendo, being Nintendo, included it. It just seems like the last thing they'd put in a game, let alone a Mario game.
  15. I figured it would be a nice palate cleanser after a heavy Order session, nice to jump in for 20 minutes and play a couple of levels. Pretty hard to get all the humans though, mostly because it wasn't always easy seeing where the keepers appeared from. I also think I'm going to pull my hair out in frustration at all those less than 100% trophy bars that are stacking up.
  16. Just did today as it happens! Lara Croft (looks fun), Limbo (a classic), Stealth Inc 2 (played and loved on Wii U #teamWiiU), Sound Shapes (hadn't heard of it, looks pretty fun) and DriveClub PS+. Is the latter a good download? How much of the complete game it is? Seems a bit of a steal if it's the majority just with a few less cars and tracks.
  17. Soooooo.... Resogun's pretty incredible. So prettyyyy.....
  18. Just looked at screen shots of Grow Home, hadn't heard of it before, visually looks pretty great!
  19. Played the airship chapter last night, LOVED IT. Easily my favourite setting so far, just a beautiful location. Had some trouble killing the guy in the knight's helmet around four fifths of the way through though, took about 10 shots at least.
  20. Personally I'm not really interested in sharing pics on Facebook and Twitter so a Miiverse-like photo wall would be nice but oh well. The UI is definitely growing on me I just wish there was a way of hiding the stuff you didn't use.
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