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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Finally! Spent 5000 stars on the question block and brick coasters might have to trawl eBay for the other two if they're not too expensive.
  2. Ok thanks guys, kinda having second thoughts about what to play first lol. Mostly because I watched gameplay of Tomb Raider (varied gameplay) and the Order (stunning and great looking cover shooting) + Batman seems to have a mix of play styles and is obviously gorgeous looking. I don't doubt Infamous is good fun though. I guess it doesn't matter which goes first really.
  3. Out of curiosity, gameplay wise are Infamous missions mostly just about running around and fighting people? Is that the meat of the game, ie. no puzzle solving or anything like that? As opposed to a game like Batman which seems a bit more varied I think?
  4. I think it makes a lot of sense to gradually build the toolset up, I much prefer to only have a few tools at first to get used to the level creation. And anyway it's only 9 days, meh.
  5. Nice little quote from Spencer. As I mentioned a few pages back I imagine Sony or Microsoft would kill to have the strength of IP that Nintendo has.
  6. The yellow they've used on the pin badges hurts my eyes
  7. If they were £1 or £1.50 per pack and I'd buy a truckload
  8. Nah I'm not collecting them at that price either, never mind.
  9. Way too expensive, never mind.
  10. Oh I didn't realise you could do that. And no, not played any of the Prime games although I think I'd be fine with those. Only Metroid I've played are the NES and SNES ones back in the day.
  11. Nah I'm sure that'll be fine, I'm not that much of a pussy. It's just the first person spooky that gets me, I just don't like the viewpoint. Probably stems from not being able to see what's behind you till they're in your face and attacking, freaks me out ever since the Quake/Doom days. It's why I'm not going near Minecraft.
  12. Sounds a great deal, I'm constantly staggered how cheap these big budget games get after launch. Must just be used to first party Nintendo games not really going down in price. I think I'll just go with the basic PS4 model, or maybe the Batman bundle. Shame you can't buy the 20th anniversary ones short of spending a grand, it's a beaut.
  13. I like the daily unlocks, it's for the best I think. As for the sound and special effects, WOW! And I assumed we already knew everything about this game.
  14. I think going in expecting it to be a cutscene-heavy linear storytelling game will help, thanks. Happy with both linear or openworld games (the latter, I've never played before). Awesome! Ok I'm gonna go with the order you suggest. Batman seems like the most well received of all of them so it'll be good to built up to that. Does it matter that I've never played any of the other previous entries in the series? I suspect it'll be a bit of a problem. But... but...! Seriously though, I played a bit at Eurogamer, really not my kind of thing. I'm a bit of a pussy when it comes to first person games (never been keen), let alone first person survival horror games.
  15. Fair enough will keep an open mind but atm a lot of first person games freak me out, ditto horror ones and I find RPGs way too intricate and intimidating. Action/Adventure, puzzles and platformers or mild third person shooter/RPG like Mass Effect works for me. Ok so I've narrowed down my first game into my PS eduction to four games: the Order, Watch Dogs, Batman or Infamous SS. Leaning towards the Order for the presentation and more sinplistic game play to get me started. Infamous is also tempting though and Batman third in line in my head atm. Any suggestions would be appreciated ! Not so much quality wise, but what would make a good first start.
  16. I wish the Official Playstation Magazine still gave demo disks like in the good old PS1 days, that was amazing. Wipeout 2097, Tekken 2, Blast Chamber...
  17. Thanks for the heads up, hoping to pick up my PS4 next week so hopefully these will still be around then. edit: Bloodborne doesn't really seem my kind of game tbh, sure it's great though Will pick up Tomb Raider, The Order and Black Flag at that price, I'd like to get into Dragon Age but it seems a bit too RPG heavy which isn't really my kind of thing.
  18. Finished Yoshi's Wooly World last night, and loved every minute of it. The collectables nature of the gameplay could get (very) frustrating but I just ended up not bothering with completing each level at 100% health, got all the others though. Visually looks absolutely stunning, the soundtrack is pretty good and the levels can be as easy or as tough as you want depending on if you're collecting everything. The power badges were a nice addition, I was happy to use the "uncover secrets" one every so often. Great game, my one negative would be I thought the final boss was a little on the uninspired side. I think they could have done a lot more. The last level was a bit meh as well. Overall though, great game.
  19. Yeah I feel a little silly for getting it though. Only played Tearaway, Wipeout and LBP and as great as those games are, it was a waste of money. PS+ sounds like it might make up for it though... Thanks again for all the tips, if the whole disk gets copied over that's pushing me towards digital. Will keep an eye on the store for any discounts or if the price isn't much more than retail. I suppose if I can upgrade the HDD and transfer everything across to the new one, maybe 500GB will be fine to start with.
  20. Oh yeah, Rare Reply too! How could I forget? Add Everybody's Gone to the Rapture to the PS4 list though
  21. In terms of the games I'm interested in the PS4 has more exclusives: PS4: The Order, Infamous, Journey, Resogun, LBP, Tearaway, Uncharted, No Man's Sky, Firewatch, Rime, The Witness, Horizon: Zero Dawn (?) XBO: Sunset Overdrive, Ori, Below, Cuphead, ReCore (?)
  22. Oh right I assumed 500GB was more than enough! Bear in mind I'm not exactly a heavy gamer who'll end up with dozens of titles in no time. Just doing some research, is that right that install size from physical copies takes up the same space on the hard drive as the whole game downloaded off PSN would? So the install basically copies the entire disk? I figured retail would save on HDD space but seems not, maybe 1TB is the way to go!
  23. Interesting thanks guys, I had no idea you had to install a part of the physical games, I guess it makes sense to cut down on loading times. Do people find that the 500GB PS4 is enough for them? Sorry I'm likely to ask a lot of stupid questions in the coming weeks. Speaking of which... should I wait for the next hardware refresh? I think there's one just out in Japan that's quieter and uses less power. I can't say I'm too fussed about either and I quite like the gloss on the current console Don't think there are any other differences. Those do sound like great deals, looks like I might have to do a mix between retail and digital downloads. I never sell them so not too fussed about not being able to with the latter. I also need to look into PS+, I heard this month's deals are great. If I signed up now would I be able to download last month's free games (and further back)? I suspect not!
  24. Just noticed... PS4 games get heavily discounted after launch don't they! I'm trawling Amazon and the majority of the big releases have been reduced to £20 and under! Infamous, Watch Dogs, Mordor, The Order, Tomb Raider, the Crew, LBP, Drive Club, Evolve, Alien Isolation, all 20 quid and under. I was wondering whether to go all digital or not but these cheap prices have pretty much convinced me not to!
  25. I'll admit, looking through the Amazon listing of the big PS4 games was a little depressing, they all seemed pretty similar and not really my cup of tea... BUT there are plenty of games that do interest me, which I've listed above. Uncharted 4 looked incredible at E3, Tomb Raider looks fun, Horizon, Tearaway etc, some of the smaller games like Rime, Journey and No Man's Sky, and I'll need something to play ME: Andromeda. Certainly not jumping ship from Nintendo but I think the console will suit me fine, I'm keen to play some of these big budget games and it's also great for indies. And for the record re: references to my post history… I've never argued against the quality of these games (apart from poking fun at the Order). My argument has always simply been than the bigger budget games are all pretty samey. Doesn't mean they're not great games, I haven't played them, so am in no position to judge.
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