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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Seems really good, I'm not the biggest audiophile tbh but I'm enjoying it. The whole mood and presentation is spot on, incredible atmosphere and ambience. I do find myself checking every corner for interactive bits which is a little distracting but that's a minor issue.
  2. Played a bit more last night, f%&k me sneaking through the underground and hospital was spooky. The Lycan elder sequence was really well done too, for a bunch of quicktime events that is. I was really hoping the action would make it up to one of the airships and it looks like it's going to Put the controller down at the start of the Agamemnon chapter.
  3. Is there really no way of checking how long you've played a particular game? Seems like a bit of an oversight to me. The Wii U gets a lot of shit for being backwards but the PS4 seems to be missing fundamental things like the above and even something as basic as folders or organisation on the home screen. Having said that the UI is growing on me a little. I really like the easy screen capture button on the controller, it's super useful, although I wish the quality was better. Shame it won't let you save uncompressed PNGs. I don't suppose there's any way of publishing screenshots (Miiverse style) to your wall with a comment or is it just for your own viewing benefit.
  4. A memory card slot would certainly make it easier to play the same game on a handheld.......
  5. £20-30 for the same single player missions just with a different weapon? I think it makes more sense to consider the game to be £30 and the amiibo's unlocking minor challenge missions.
  6. You could put it as simplistically as that and comment on the endless amount of shooters on other platforms.
  7. They must have spent a fortune on the game, I'd be amazed if we didn't see an Order 1887. Seems a shame to waste that world and those assets on just the one game. (no spoilers obviously cause I haven't finished it) Just had a look and found this: The Order: 1886 Sequel "Certainly Won't Take 3 Years, Main Focus Is Gameplay System": Insider
  8. Played a bit more of this tonight, absolutely loving it. When you go in expecting a cinematic, story-driven game it makes the experience far more enjoyable. I got to the part where I was searching through the streets of Whitechapel, chapter 3 I believe. I've just called in air support and that's where I put the controller down. Any hints how far into the story I am? Visually and presentation wise it's easily the best game game I've ever played. I really like the exploring, although the "collectibles" seem a little pointless and I wish there was a little bit more interactivity. Gunplay is good fun although I find aiming quite tricky to get spot on. Still, really really enjoying it.
  9. Fantastic level, terrible video
  10. Thanks for the welcome! Just plugged the console in and had my first play through. Settled on the Order and just finished the prologue and the first chapter. Loving it so far. The graphics and overall presentation are STUNNING. I can't believe how good it looks. I love the way the cutscenes mix seamlessly with the action. Feels like I'm playing a film, which I guess is what they were going for. Fighting the Lycans was good fun, especially nabbing the third one in the streets. I need to read up on the storyline to date though as I'm a tad lost already as to what's going on. I like being able to replay chapters, though it does drive home just how linear the game is, but that's not a problem for me personally. As for the PS4 itself, it's a very nice looking console, the controller is great and very comfortable. I find the system UI a little ugly tbh. Is there really no way of organising the home screen with folders? So much clutter that I'll never use. Oh well. Otherwise enjoying it so far, must remember to add people to my friend list!
  11. Interesting thanks, maybe I'll give it a shot then. I assumed it was just constant brawling with zombies. Even if it was it does feel like one of those games you just have to play.
  12. Thanks guys for all the help and suggestions. Maybe The Order first up would be best. Not interested in Alien, Last of Us or Dying Light (don't like zombie/horror games), Destiny or Far Cry (hate FPS's, though third person is good), Witcher 3 (I find big RPGs way too intimidating and too time consuming), Bloodborne isn't my kind of game at all. I suppose I should probably make an effort with Last of Us as it's so highly rated. Valiant Hearts looks good though, Fez I got bored of after 10 minutes (I found the map/traversal between areas a bit too confusing) Limbo is amazing, will probably get it again. Basically I like third person action/shooters, RPG shooters like Mass Effect, platformers, puzzle games and the occasional bit of driving.
  13. Hmmmm doesn't seem like much love for Watch Dogs :-( bear in mind gents that I've not played GTA or any modern openworld action game so I'll have nothing to compare it to. Maybe the Order is the way to go for a first taste of the console. Torn again lol. Thanks for the Towerfall suggestion, not really into multiplayer games tbh.
  14. PS4 GET! I've also got Tomb Raider, Arkham Knight and Infamous on the way. After umming and ahhing for ages about what to play first I've settled on Watch Dogs... I think. Having thought about it I reckon it'll have a bit more variety and the kind of gameplay that I like compared to Infamous. I'm a big fan of cover-based third person shooting, it has a bit of driving, the hacking looks fun and generally the game was pretty well received. It'll also be my first openworld game, so I'm excited about that. The Order is probably next on my list. Tomb Raider I'm happy to leave till a bit later so that the gap between it and the sequel isn't so long, but am very excited to play it. Indie wise I'm looking forward to finally playing Journey, also Resogun, Transistor, Flower, Galak-Z, Velocity 2X, and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. Oh and Trials Fusion if that counts. Bigger titles to follow: Uncharted Collection (can't wait), Tearaway Unfolded (can't wait), No Man's Sky (omg), Rime (Wind Waker 2), Need For Speed (I like the FMV addition) and AC: Syndicate (decent jumping in point to the series I think) Plus loads more this year like Rogue Legacy, Adr1ft, maybe Battlefront if the single player is ok. *rubs hands* Let's see what all the fuss is about... (tonight, when I get in)
  15. Come back to us when Arkham Knight DLC unlocks skins in Rocket League, Uncharted 4, Journey and extra features in another dozen unrelated games. Then complain about the poor value of amiibo.
  16. I honestly think if you asked 100 people why they bought their amiibo, the vast majority would say for the figurines themselves, and that the in-game content is a nice little bonus on top.
  17. Let's see Rocket League release paid DLC that gives you aesthetic items and other perks in a dozen unrelated games.
  18. I hope Nintendo never go down the pay money for aesthetic items in a game route.
  19. The DLC will come when they finally release the £1 Smash Bros cards they've been talking about
  20. I love how the value of main series amiibo just keeps growing with each new release. It was a fantastic and very generous business model allowing cross-game functionality. Spend 10 quid one day and then a few years later have extra functionality in two dozen games, as well as a nifty little figurine. Awesome stuff IMO. (posted in chibi robo thread but makes more sense here)
  21. I love how the value of main series amiibo just keeps growing with each new release. It was a fantastic and very generous business model allowing cross-game functionality. Spend 10 quid one day and then a few years later have extra functionality in two dozen games, as well as a nifty little figurine. Awesome stuff IMO.
  22. Oof that's very tempting even though I'm not really interested in that kind of game...
  23. Yes I'm sure Nintendo will care about the handful of people who will bother with this, versus the millions who've bought the actual figurines, and cater their business strategy towards it.
  24. Not watched the trailer (spoilers) but apparently the games look much better than their original versions. Can't wait to play these games
  25. Good idea but to be honest I quite like having two of each anyway Hopefully they'll be quite good quality...
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