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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Apart from the nonsensical Burnham-style monologue, looks fantastic. Love that shot of the shuttle flying past Pike. Really excited for the rumoured episodic nature of the series.
  2. TMNT on the SNES might actually be beatable with save states and a rewind function! Loved that game but the 4th level on
  3. Looks fantastic. I can't share the Revenge of the Sith love I'm sad to say but I definitely feel like this will go a long way into redeeming it and the prequels in a lot of people's eyes, probably myself included. In a similar way to how The Clone Wars did. LOVE the look of this place, so cool: And this must be Nur from Fallen Order (and the comics?): Looks like a Pasaana alien (from TROS) a couple of seats to the right of Obi Wan: Overall though the whole thing feels different to the Favreau shows, possibly more cinematic? I'm probably imagining things because I think this show (unlike Andor) was filmed with Stagecraft tech. Either way, looks great and I like how little it showed, I probably won't watch any of the remaining trailers. Just please no flying helicopter lightsabers. Rebels is amazing but man those things were silly
  4. I really don't know why I bother watching these. Almost always disappointing. Oh well, not like we're starved for games this year.
  5. Yep, may as well cancel all future games. The Switch "is at the end of its life" after all. Now where have I heard that before.
  6. They said it's being delayed. Not cancelled. If it does get cancelled then by all means add it to the list. Until then, wait and see.
  7. Sounds familiar! Hopefully without the OTT 'ruining of childhoods' fanboy reactions this time. Pep talk from Qui-Gon to get his head back in the game? She looks cool! 'heart' is an interesting word to use though, wonder what she means. Sounds good! Also I'm glad we're getting off Tatooine.
  8. So much hyperbole. But yeah, it was always going to be delayed in light of recent events, and it's the obvious and correct move. Not much to argue with really.
  9. I'm finding it really hard to judge the first episode of Picard, more of a set-up than an actual storyline really. I think I mostly found it a bit of a mess to be honest. It was all over the place pacing and tone wise, especially early on. By the end a good set-up for the rest of the season though, and nice to see more of a Starfleet-y setting. Jurati though... she's just awful. I don't know what they were thinking. And how come she went from dweeby socially awkward scientist to wise cracking, drunken OTT counsellor type? Also Starfleet Captain Rios: "Stop firing!!" -everyone keeps firing- "Stop firing!!"... does no one on the production team look at this and think hang on... Nice to see a proper fleet too, unlike last season's finale. Still not a fan of the visual effects though.
  10. I think they'll support it for another 5 years, at least, but I'd be surprised if the successor isn't out before then.
  11. There's some terrible game design in this. At one point in the story it gives you three objectives to complete, "do them in any order you want but start with this one, because", so a very clear order to proceed through these main missions. Fine. Unfortunately the map is FULL of blocked paths that require a certain tool to get past. It genuinely feels like half of the ? marks on the map are this type of barrier. So half way through the first objective of the three, I stumble on a ruin, which are some of the more rare examples of authored level design in the game. But no, blocked path, as per usual. I look online to find out when you get the tool to get past all these dozens of barriers I've come across? ... at the end of the third, highest level, objective, on the far edge of the map. Ridiculous.
  12. I like the sound of little missions within each level, always gives these sorts of platformers a bit more depth
  13. I'll probably skip the demo and just buy the game regardless. Any reactions from people who've played it though?
  14. Their output has been strong, not spectacular, and they've played it very, very safe. Weren't you complaining that Nintendo just gives us the same thing over and over? The last few years have given us, another Gran Turismo, another Last of Us, another Horizon, another Ratchet and Clank, another Spider-Man, another Uncharted, we're getting another God of War shortly... the list goes on. It's easy to make new IP like Days Gone and Ghost of Tsushima when the use the same third person openworld action game template Sony have been using for nearly a decade. But yeah, the quality of said titles has been very strong. Just very safe and predictable.
  15. Yeah I think it will get delayed. 1.5 months isn't that much especially since the advertising push will have to start well before then...
  16. Five years. Crazy. Watching that video makes me even more desperate to play the sequel.
  17. Could they have shown any more of the film in that trailer? I feel like every single scene from the film is in there. Anyway, looks good fun!
  18. I get that it’s early footage. I get that it’s Game Freak. I get that it’s beating a dead horse at this point… but wow, the visuals of Scarlet and Violet are embarrassing. I’m amazed they actually decided to show it.
  19. Yeah that seems likely I think, it's similar to how wearing an ice weapon in the desert keeps you cool, the weapon is probably lowering Link's temperature value. Maybe the change in value is more pronounced if you actually use the weapon and so that's enough to get past flames.
  20. Ok let's drop it, I apologise for having a go. Like I said, I'm sure you don't do it on purpose and maybe i'm being oversensitive anyway.
  21. You didn't post a more 'extreme' case, you called it "a far more impressive case", after calling stuff like my post 'strange', suggesting that because it happens in other games, it's not a big deal or worthy of praise. Another prime example of this kind of thing, or a more recent one I can think of I'm not trying to make a big deal, I just find it a bit annoying at this point.
  22. Whether it's consciously done or not, it's become a running theme on this message board by you and one other for years now. Someone posts something, and either of you shoot it down and belittle it, suggesting it wasn't worthy of being posted or discussed.
  23. People have been saying the price will increase on Game Pass for years now. Maybe it will, but it's such an incredible deal as is, if the price does increase, it'll be a bit less incredible. Sony's latest PS revamp sounds pretty awful, but we'll see how it turns out in reality, I expect muddled messaging as always from them. PS+ has been in dire need of a revamp for years now.
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