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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I'd say a percentage completion stat goes against the very design of BOTW, so I don't think it's to be taken too seriously in that game. Their 'reward' for getting all 900 Korok seeds was pretty much poking fun at that fact.
  2. Now I just want to watch Solo again for the 19th time. But yeah, probably just a dude in a helmet, but I think they knew fans would speculate given the vague similarities.
  3. Maybe I’m misunderstanding your point but Andor is post-Solo.
  4. Star Wars Explained (another must watch bit of SW content) seemed to suggest the way things ended with Qi'ra in the recent comic series would make her showing up unlikely. I could be mis-remembering though, I've not read it. If ever a show would delve into Crimson Dawn though, this is it.
  5. Firstly, hope things are better with you @Julius these days compared to when you fell behind on the show. I thought Chapter 3 was the weakest one but the space vespas didn't bother me at all. I feel like Star Wars is so obsessed with giving us cameos or spins on things we've seen a hundred times before I thought it was really cool to see something legitimately new in the universe. Getting the backstory on Fennec in Chapter 4 was much needed and really well done too. I'd never been a fan of hers but Chapter 4 started to change that for me. I enjoyed that one a lot. But man, Chapter 5 made me feel like a kid again. I must have watched that episode like five or six times by now, just incredible from start to finish. Possibly my favourite live action episode ever. Plus, X-wings. Automatic win. Chapter 7 has a TON to do if it's going to put a positive spin on the show in the mainstream, even if I've personally been loving it so far. Hoping for a nice long episode, lots of action, and lots of Boba. I hope they leave Grogu out of it until Mando season 3.
  6. Could this beat Red/Blue sales I wonder? Glad to see it's doing well though, scrolling through messages boards people seem to really adore it.
  7. Fair play, they aren't half-arsing the Favreau/Filoni-verse! Chapter 6 was quite something. Delighted to see people online loving it though. Another 100% on RT.
  8. Unsurprisingly, doesn't sound like Switch 2 is a thing any time soon.
  9. I didn't mean to sound so harsh on the game, I'm sure it'll be fantastic. It's just hard to get much motivation for it now when it's two years away (probably closer to three when the inevitable delay(s) happens).
  10. I've not been moaning for ages that they're too focused on Shovel Knight, I don't know where you got that from. I've been moaning that they're too focused on the original game, instead of creating a sequel. My last post on it literally asked for a proper sequel to the original game. The part you quoted isn't even speaking of indifference about Mina, it was calling them out at overhyping a simple game reveal that's years away, via Kickstarter. Glad you like the aesthetic, I'm personally not a fan.
  11. So the "groundbreaking announcement" was... a new game via a Kickstarter. The gameplay looks ok, but frankly I find the visuals to be really ugly. The colour palette and the low resolution especially. Meh, I'm sure it'll be great, but at this moment in time I'm a bit disappointed. Also I'm not sure a Nintendo Direct Yacht Club Presents was needed for that set of "announcements".
  12. Haha you're right, that's exactly what it feels like.
  13. Ronnie


    I get what they were trying to do in the first video, but not sure it needed to be 11 minutes long. Still, amazing work, very impressive!
  14. Yacht Club may have been working on Shovel Knight for a decade, but it doesn't feel like the output has matched that period of time. I know they had Kickstarter goals they had to honour, but as much as I loved Specter of Torment, we really could/should have had a proper sequel to the original by now. Personally I'm hoping this big announcement is Super Shovel Knight or something like that, but given Yacht Club's history, even if it were announced now, it'd take a couple of years to release anyway.
  15. Going back to basics seems likely. In the same way that BOTW was so similar to the original Legend of Zelda on NES.
  16. The IGN review of this game is excellent and deserves a watch for those still on the fence. It doesn't just hand wave away presentation issues like some do.
  17. I love the way the NSO apps list the games, but only after I spent 5 minutes re-arranging everything to the same size and dumping the games I'm not interested in at the bottom.
  18. I like how Nintendo tend to manage expectations in their tweets and Direct announcements, whereas Yacht Club are like "We also have a hair-raisingly exciting MEGA ANNOUNCEMENT! You do not want to miss this historic event!" What could possibly go wrong.
  19. Text box after text box with no voice acting whatsoever. Still, baby steps for this franchise I guess.
  20. Chapter 5 was fucking. outstanding. I don't think I've ever shouted at the tv when the end credits popped up, simply wanting MORE. 10/10, which seems to be exactly what its Rotten Tomatoes score is.
  21. Forget the deals, even £8 or 11 per month is pretty amazing for what you get.
  22. I'm not expecting it to be as good as Game Pass, but just something slightly better than what we have now.
  23. I'm looking forward to this rumoured Game Pass competitor from Sony. It has to be an upgrade on PS Plus surely.
  24. Setting aside the mega influential voice of video gaming IGN Italia ... very good reviews! I'll happily admit I seemed to be wrong about whether they could pull off a game like this.
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