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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. I'm similar, but it's more of a novelty collector's item sort of purchase for me. I may not get a ton of use out of it but it's something I want to have. The Switch virtual console really needs to come and soon though. In fact these days I just want everything on the Switch, AAA Nintendo games, AAA games, indies, virtual console...
  2. I think people really need to give the motion controls more time to get used to. The game is so much better and you're so much more accurate with them. It's the same way mouse and keyboard is 10x better for shooters than analog sticks.
  3. Four EDGE covers this month. Headline: “Hat’s Off – How Nintendo is giving a radical makeover to the most famous face in gaming.”
  4. Yeah that's next. Given Plague uses the same stages as the original I wanted something in between, so played Specter first.
  5. Have to say I'm a really big fan of Nintendo's eShop curation on the Switch, so far at least. It's so much better than having the shop flooded every week. This way the good games get far more attention (and likely sales) and there's genuine interest each week in what's new. Also having recently navigated the horror show that is the PS4 store, I've learned to appreciate Switch's quick, barebones eShop interface.
  6. I was keen to work my way through my backlog so played a few games in quick succession. Infamous Second Son (PS4) I hadn't played an Infamous game before but I really enjoyed it. Unlike a lot of other openworld games that fill your map with useless collectibles and busywork, Seattle was a joy to explore and clear 100%. Traversal was enjoyable and slick, all the powers were really fun and the game looked beautiful (weird exposure delay, apart). It felt a bit dated though in the sense that you couldn't go in water or in 99% of buildings. Seattle itself wasn't too interesting as a result, compared to something like Watch Dogs. Still, enjoyed it a lot. 8/10 Ratchet and Clank (PS4) First off, one of the prettiest games I've ever played. It felt like I was playing a Pixar movie, everything looked so good and the amount of frantic action made the battles pretty spectacular at times. The action was good, though it was a shame you couldn't level select and repeat missions. Weapons were fun to experiment with. All in all very enjoyable, but mostly wins big points for the visuals, the gameplay was just ok. 8/10 Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment (Switch) I'd only played the original Shovel Knight campaign before this and I was surprised at just how much this felt like a brand new game. I've moaned that Yacht Club should have been working on a sequel in the past three years but this was a pleasant surprise. Easier than the original, but also I daresay more fun. Great storytelling and tons of polish and constant moments to make you smile. I can't speak highly enough about the series. In my mind both are perfect games. 10/10
  7. Just went from playing PS4 for an hour to the Switch. The latter's Pro controller feels incredible compared to the DS4, so much more comfortable.
  8. I'm about the same as you but would add Hollow Knight, Celeste, Thimbleweed Park, Redout, Rime and Sonic Mania for the rest of the year. Hollow Knight especially is apparently fantastic on Steam. I'm probably more excited about Steamworld Dig 2 than a huge game like AC: Origins
  9. I can't wait for Mario + Rabbids. It looked really good at E3 and everyone who played it seems to have loved it. Fire Emblem Warriors on Switch too before the end of the year, and looking forward to finally playing Rayman Legends
  10. They're providing a feature complete game at release and supporting it with free updates for a year, and Splatfests for two years. Great stuff.
  11. I don't get it either. Presented with facts/reports, still complains the same point. *shrugs*
  12. It's very easy to pretend to know the situation better than people who are actually in the know, to flippantly say "they should have used different parts then!" and suggest that someone isn't doing their job properly. The reality is likely a little bit more complex.
  13. Funnily enough, a company like Apple that can sell 70 million iPhones in a mere three months gets first dibs on parts. Nintendo aren't the only console manufacturer to suffer from shortages.
  14. Again, there's a parts shortage that is heavily contributing to the lack of Switch units, combined with its popularity
  15. Completely agree with the first point. I definitely think elements need to stand out more. I find for all the positives the new software brings, it's harder on the eye to navigate than before. Posts aren't as legible, newly updated threads aren't as obvious etc
  16. For a big release, I've never seen a more shallow game. It was so disappointing to realise that a couple of hours in I'd seen everything the game had to offer. Everything else was just a procedurally generated mix of what I'd seen before. I think it's a terrible, terrible game, but an interesting experience, for a few hours. Deserves all the hate it's gotten IMO
  17. Except that he didn't say "we may still overtake them". He said (when asked by the interviewer whether the Wii U might overtake the other two down the line I might add): "if you look at life-to-date numbers, between Sony and Nintendo they’d be pretty close in terms of PS4 vs. Wii U, with Xbox coming in third place. I think it’s going to be a three-horse race for the balance of this cycle" Obviously still a silly thing to say, but funnily enough, company execs say stupid things all the time. Sony told everyone that we would get a second job to afford a PS3. What exactly was Reggie going to say when the interviewer asked "Will Wii U ever overtake PS4 and Xbox One"?
  18. It's fine, I've mis-remembered things on here in the past, like the Uncharted 4 release date, but Nintendo never said Wii U would outsell Wii when it was doing badly. Reggie saying it could outsell PS4/One was 8 or 9 months after the PS4 launched and the year Nintendo released DK, MK8, Smash and Bayonetta. Also given the Wii dominated PS3 and the 360, it wasn't that far fetched. Nintendo have a habit of turning struggling consoles around like the DS and 3DS they ended up being very successful, just didn't happen with the Wii U and maybe he figured Kart and Smash would give it a similar boost. The NES Mini shortages were stupid, but they were launching a new console soon after and probably didn't want it to take up shelf space/conversation that could have been taken up by Switch. SNES Mini we have no idea how in demand it'll end up being. Amiibo was a brand new business for them, and the Gamecube controller adapter, I guess they didn't think it would be a big seller. I didn't even realise there were shortages of that?
  19. They're competing with Apple for parts, hence the slow manufacturing. Got a link? I genuinely don't remember that.
  20. If by almost nothing, you mean over half an hour of back-story cutscenes throughout the game and plenty of storyline in the build up to each divine beast on top of that, then ok. Would I have liked a bit more to the ending, sure, but I didn't think it was utter rubbish.
  21. Disagree, I really enjoyed the ending, and thought it fit the pacing of the game perfectly. That said having more is no bad thing
  22. Aonuma confirms the Chapions' Ballad DLC takes place AFTER Ganon's defeat. Interesting...
  23. Specter of Torment is so good.
  24. In supercruise, look at your speed indicator on the right hand side of the radar, do you see the highlighted blue section? That's telling you the optimal speed you need to be going at to travel to stations/planets. Keep your speed in the blue and you'll be fine. Then disengage supercruise when it tells you. As for normal flight, I guess it just takes patience, line up with the entrance using thrusters and take it slow. Double check you've got flight assist on. There is a docking computer you can buy on some of the higher tech systems which dock your ship for you automatically, though I think that only comes into effect when you're inside. Combat wise give the training missions another go maybe. In the actual game if you do fight something start out picking fights with Sidewinders, they're not going to be particularly strong.
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