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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. We could maybe update the list every six months or so as new members join and post their their own top 10s and see how that changes the order. BOTW and Odyssey are tricky though like you say. I think enough time has passed for BOTW for the freshness to just about wear off so should be fine, but I wouldn't be surprised if Odyssey would have made it into a few people's lists. We could always do an update in January.
  2. Could always do both. Start with the IGN way, then we can do a separate gaf way and see the differences. I think the IGN way is probably more fun live and in person, than on a message board, but who knows.
  3. I still think the best way to do it is to each list our top 10s, and add up all the points for a final N-Europe Top 10. That's how gaf does it and it works really well. It's a good way to get honourable mentions noted too. Easy way to do it is to just vote on which way you'd like to go with, (or suggest new ones) 1. IGN method 2. Each post our top 10s 3. Each post our top 5s of each platform, with the top 1 or 2 from each console going through to the second round etc
  4. I think we could have spent a bit more time discussing the rules and how best to go about this, but ok... This may not work in a message board format, because people will just wait until the end before posting. This might be more interesting, but it won't be as definitive a list as the other suggested ways of doing it.
  5. I feel we should put this in it's own thread rather than go off topic with this one that people might not see. I'd be happy to lay it all out if no one else is keen, assuming H-O-T doesn't want to, it was his idea. Also, I think IGN's rule of Nintendo published or developed only should apply, so no Little King's Story or Little Nemo. I'd actually be tempted to say Nintendo developed only, but maybe that's just me. And lastly, if we go with your system of 1 game per platform gets through to the final round that means that some quality titles might miss out. Eg: we'd have to have a GBA game in there, when really, two Super Nintendo games might be more worthy, etc. I suppose we could have it so the top 2 of each platform go through...
  6. When was the last time you replayed Sunshine? Mario Kart 64 may not hold up much these days but at the time it was a huge achievement bringing the series into 3D.
  7. Mario, Mario Kart, Donkey Kong, Luigi's Mansion, Captain Toad etc definitely all count as separate franchises. If we decide to do this (on a separate thread maybe) it might work where we each give our top 10 (with the one game per franchise stipulation), and each entry gets a particular points value, so number 4 on the list gets 4 points etc. Then we total up all the points at the end to narrow down the top 10. Or we can do it like IGN did it, just a suggestion.
  8. That's what I do on my personal top 10 gaming list, only one entry per franchise. It ends up being Wind Waker and either Galaxy 1 or 3D World, I tend to go back and forth on that.
  9. I'm kind of keen to see what the IGN list would have been with an additional rule that no Mario, Zelda or Pokemon titles could be included. Just to celebrate what else Nintendo have in their locker because let's face it, the dozen or so mainline Mario and what is it, 20 Zelda games easily dominate and push other games to the wayside.
  10. Absolutely adoring this game, even as someone who would never have touched a turn based strategy game like this before. I've 100%'d both of the first two worlds, onto the third tonight...
  11. It's hard to look past nostalgia when compiling lists. I try and think to myself "If Super Mario 3D World came out at the time of Super Mario World, would it be as celebrated", and often the answer is a definite yes.
  12. I was gutted Wind Waker missed out. The guy who criticised the screen layout AND format on two occasions was a bit of a... - glad they shot him down Basically like you say H-O-T 10 spaces isn't anywhere near enough
  13. I know you didn't mean the part I quoted. You said "Edge says you can't remap" then said "I've been assuming all this time you can't remap" ?
  14. I'm confused, your assumption seems to match the quote from the Edge review? You can't redistribute skill points I don't think, though that's the case in most games with skill trees I believe?
  15. 'To a degree' Nintendo? They're the ones innovating the most when it comes to tech. D-Pads, shoulder buttons, analog sticks, rumble, motion control, speakers in the controller, dual screen gaming, touchscreen gaming, stereoscopic 3D, Miiverse, proprietary lag-free game streaming to a tablet, NFC, HD rumble, the entire Switch concept. All slightly more noteworthy than 'hard drives and achievements' on Xbox. Kinect was cool tech but everyone ended up either not using it or hating it to the point where they've now completely ditched it. It was only ever a response to the Wii anyway. And I wouldn't hold my breath on hololens for Xbox any time soon if at all. Their online set-up with Xbox Live was/is fantastic though I'll give them that, but otherwise I don't see them adding a lot to be honest and their latest "most powerful console" spiel is a little depressing. Especially when it completely side steps their major issue: barely any exclusive games.
  16. I'm not sure Microsoft add a huge amount to the table to be honest. Console wise the Xbox One and PS4 are near enough the same, and games wise Microsoft's major problem is they just don't have enough compelling exclusives apart from Halo, Forza and maybe Gears. Of the big three I can see them being the most likely to drop out and shift their focus to PC gaming, maybe not soon but unless sales drastically improve I'm not sure we'll see another console from them past the X.
  17. Regardless, Serebii's point about Nintendo improving on earlier trailers while others downgrade visuals from earlier bullshots is valid.
  18. Wow thanks very much for the detailed explanation. Doesn't seem too complex. Maybe this'll be the jrpg for me. Thanks again
  19. PS2 was successful, Sony got arrogant and f-ed the successor, before turning things around with the PS4 Wii was successful, Nintendo got arrogant and f-ed the successor, before turning things around with the Switch 360 was successful, Microsoft got arrogant and is (sort of) f-ing up the successor, and I don't see the Xbox One X doing much to change things.
  20. What's the combat like? As someone who doesn't play JRPGs because of the complexity and all the systems involved I'm not sure if I'll get on with this game. Will try the demo in a couple of weeks when I finish Mario Rabbids. I liked the simplicity of the combat in games like Child of Light but I can't imagine this is similarly straightforward.
  21. Graphical upgrade. And I always thought Nintendo's games age brilliantly, unlike their competitors.
  22. I'll probably pick up Kingdom New Lands as well, let us know what you think. I was a bit confused because it seems they also have a game called Kingdom Two Crowns releasing next year, which is the one that was featured on the last Nindie Showcase in February. Not sure what the differences are between the two games though.
  23. Crazy amount of games atm. Switch wise I've bought but yet to start Graceful Explosion Machine, Kamiko, Tumble Seed, Shantae, Mighty Gunvolt, Gonner, Cave Story, Sonic Mania, Binding of Isaac and now Kingdom New Lands which just released today. Otherwise I just finished Mass Effect Andromeda and am still in world 2 of Mario + Rabbids. Great times.
  24. Happy to see they're taking their time to get it right. There's plenty to play in the meantime, Steamworld Dig 2 and Golf Story in the next couple of weeks for instance.
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