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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. So surprising to hear you say that. What didn't you like about it? I guess if you didn't grow up playing the likes of Mega Man, Castlevania, Duck Tales on the NES, the precise action platformer genre might not hit the spot for you. Personally I thought the visuals were stunning, music even better and the gameplay pretty much perfect for the genre. Great humour, plenty to do in the overworld and lots of varied weapon combos. It's easily in my Top 10 games of all time.
  2. Can someone explain what in that video suggested Switch? I don't get it
  3. The visuals are the main reason I'm tempted by this, but the slow pace and multiplayer focus is putting me off.
  4. And he hasn't needed to for the past year, including these past few weeks. He didn't need to moderate @dazzybee's recent posts. It's all a big fuss over nothing.
  5. Well value wise Xbox Games with Gold will be a better proposition, so yes, an extra PS4 or VR game to make up for losing PS3/Vita wouldn't go amiss. I'm not too bothered, I'm not renewing my Plus account when it's up, just seems weird. I wasn't even aware they weren't upping the number of PS4 games until IGN said so
  6. Looks like they (finally) put out a good month to distract people from the bad news they're ditching PS3 and Vita games from the service and replacing them with... nothing.
  7. https://nintendoeverything.com/rumor-super-mario-odyssey-version-1-2-0-datamine-shows-new-hint-art-thumbnails/ DLC on the way?
  8. Ronnie


    I used the Pro controller analog stick and thought it was perfect
  9. I could be wrong but I think @King_V is talking about certain mod(s) giving preferential treatment to posters they like and treating others with a different scrutiny. If that's the case then I agree.
  10. I don't understand how this tiny misunderstanding deserves a short story worth of aggro and criticism. Bizarre. Was it really worth it?
  11. If you're so concerned about not derailing threads you should have PM'd myself and @dazzybee instead of launching into paragraphs of argument and nitpicking in the first place.
  12. Which could equally apply to @Rummy's excessively long and over-bearing way with words. I'm not saying it's easy being a mod, but heavy handedness is never a good thing on a forum.
  13. I agree. This thread was going fine until it was completely and bizarelly derailed with pointless arguments and accusations, and not for the first time either. In no world did @dazzybee deserve any of the condescending stuff thrown his way.
  14. If we're limiting it to one title per console I'd say NES: Super Mario Bros SNES: Super Mario World GB: Tetris N64: Super Mario 64 GBA: ?? Gamecube: Smash DS: Brain Training Wii: Wii Sports 3DS: ?? Wii U: ?? Funnily enough I couldn't think of a system defining game for the GBA, 3DS and Wii U. Maybe Splatoon, NintendoLand or 3D World for Wii U.
  15. Put about an hour and a half into Owlboy last night, really enjoying it. The pixel art is stunning, I can see why it took them so long to develop. Gameplay is fun. I like the twin stick shooter mechanic
  16. I'm with you there. I loved Odyssey but gameplay wise give me 3D World any day.
  17. Rabbid Peach seems quite likely as a new character, maybe a character from ARMS, and an Inkling. Or just seven more Fire Emblem characters
  18. @Kav I'm honoured! Good post though. Cloud saves should have been in from the start, so surely it'll be in their online plan. I'm hoping for a good selection of VC games, how they implement online into old SNES games will be very interesting. Agree with this, and I think the success of the Switch and how many devs are putting their games on it has slowed down their virtual console plans as well. At first I was really disappointed there wasn't any classic games out but I still have about 15-20 games on Switch I need to get through.
  19. I haven't ignored it, I've commented on it many times. You're absolutely right, this method has never been done before. My point is... what's the big deal? Why do you paint this as a bad thing, a company doing something that's never been done before? I'm sure Nintendo would have loved to have their online service up and running for the release of the Switch, but they haven't managed it. A shame, but I'm not going to cry about a delay to paying for online. Maybe they could have released a half arsed version of it and asked people to pay (see: many publishers releasing half broken games early), but as usual they chose to delay and get it right before release. Funny, I was thinking the same about you, especially the part about factitious arguing for the sake of arguing. Drumming up a conversation that had been finished and picking holes before even reading the whole exchange. The above quote a perfect example. Arguing with you is like arguing with a brick wall. So yes, let's drop it.
  20. There's nothing antagonistic about the bolded part. Nothing. If you want to point out antagonist parts of people's posts, check out most of Rummy's CAPITALISED comments. Why not mention those? Rummy suggested the fact that we're having to pay for online after an 18 month delay was a "problem". I was merely questioning how big a problem that was, in reality. Is it ideal that the Switch online infrastructure is currently barebones, not at all, it's a big issue for those who are into that kind of thing. I've never suggested it wasn't. Is it a problem that we have to wait before parting with money, no, it isn't.
  21. Ronnie


    Personally much prefer the new icon. Sounds like a great update, I think analog stick + gyro precision aiming is the way to go for console FPS
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