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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The Verge are loving it https://www.theverge.com/2018/1/17/16900496/nintendo-switch-labo-cardboard-diy-accessories-announced-price-release-date
  2. Ridiculously clever. Very impressive Slick video too
  3. I'm expecting the peripheral to be some kind of camera add-on
  4. Interesting. Sounds like a smart strategy to broaden the target market to attract kids. Hopefully the "kids at heart" part means us lot can enjoy whatever it is too Really is a rollercoaster with Nintendo. Who knows what they're planning!!
  5. The Switch might be selling Wii numbers so far but to keep the momentum up they'll definitely need another casual game to hit the mainstream like Wii Sports, Fii Fit, Brain Training, Nintendogs etc. They tried it with 1-2 Switch but... no. I'm sure they'll get the balance right, so far the latter is the only casual game we've seen from them.
  6. Wow that's crazy. Also, the game looks really pretty now. More so than at E3 (Nintendo's usual upgrade of visuals closer to release)
  7. A great Direct Mini, which is what it was.
  8. Story Mode in Mario Tennis is VERY welcome, I might actually pick it up now. DKCTF absolutely deserves another shot, incredible game. Very surprised no Fire Emblem or Yoshi. I guess this Direct lived up to its mini name
  9. http://comicbook.com/gaming/2018/01/11/nintendo-switch-chibi-robo-fire-responses-by-companies/ Sonic, Bethesda, Mega Man, Assassin's Creed, Obsidian and Riot join the fiery fun...
  10. Amazing. I agree with @killthenet, I really wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo decided to hold back on announcing it because of the meltdown
  11. FUCK YES. Everybody get this amazing game.
  12. They definitely like to troll, I'm pretty sure they know exactly what they're doing with that tweet/retweet. They called out Gaf once pre-E3 teasing their hype thread, it was very funny
  13. They (and gaf before it) hype themselves up to crazy levels whenever there's a Direct due. In this case one is rumoured for the 11th, and the announcement is usually two (sometimes three) days before, at 3pm UK time, so in a couple of hours. Makes for fun reading whether it be the meltdowns at no announcement, or the buzz if we do get one. Nintendo tend to tweet on the hour, give or take a minute or so. I'll never forget about a year ago when everyone was convinced an announcement was incoming and at 3pm Nintendo tweeted... about a Style Savvy for 3DS game. I lol'd.
  14. ResetEra are doing the usual pre-Direct announcement freak out. It'll make for fun viewing around 3pm today
  15. Trick is not to hit any of the shockwave things, just stay in one corner and throw Cappy towards the incoming baddies. Then move to another corner and repeat till you get to the end. I'll often take a hit or two though in that section.
  16. Just 100%'d this game tonight, I'd left the very final kingdom till the end. The last multi-moon probably took me about a dozen tries, though half of those losses were just me not paying attention. Tough but fun, and I'm glad it wasn't another Champion's Road, difficulty wise! The game's gotten enough praise by now from all quarters so I won't go over it all again, but climbing that final tower hit me in the feels. I know you can say this about most first party Nintendo games, but they really have outdone themselves when it comes to just how charming (and polished) every part of this game is. Also a nice touch listing the staff credits in alphabetical order rather than by job. Nintendo says "Thanks for playing" at the end of their games, I say thanks for reminding me why I love video games, over and over, year after year.
  17. I personally enjoyed the overworld/exploration part a lot. Ok it wasn't quite Nintendo-standard level design but I still found it fun searching around for treasure chests etc. I probably wouldn't have been as into the game it was just battle after battle
  18. Stardew Valley, started playing it what feels like only yesterday, turns out five days have passed. I can't put it down!
  19. If Smash on Switch comes out sometime next year it'd be 4 years since Smash 4, which is plenty of time to make a brand new game, built on the previous engine.
  20. Just connecting the dots, if they're confident of selling 20 million Switches in 12 months they'll need at least one huge hitter, quite likely Pokemon.
  21. This made me laugh. The most anticlimactic first bullet point about content and that's what they come up with
  22. It's a mess. Lots of layers, functions everywhere. The store is a chore to navigate. I hate it. Just my personal opinion though.
  23. Seems a pretty new thing to me and plenty of others? And being able to switch it off doesn't make it OK to put ads on our home screen of an already bloated and slow OS.
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