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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Ronnie


    Finished this late last night, loved it. A wonderful experience. That said, I never want to play the post-game level ever again. Insane and often frustrating. Oh and I've just heard there's not only B-sides, but C-sides to every chapter as well.
  2. To me, Starfox Zero was a backwards step from Assault. Zero was too obsessed with remaking 64 to be much good. It just felt so dated.
  3. They supported the Wii U, a commercial failure, for four years. I got my money's worth, there were lots of amazing games on the console. Pleased to hear they're planning to support the Switch for a long time though.
  4. £1.20 a month, for online and free VC games with online added (and whatever else Nintendo has planned), sounds a great to me.
  5. Ronnie


    Chapter 4 was frustrating until I (belatedly and stupidly) realised you could control the moving platforms! D'oh. So satisfying making it through a screen without dying once.
  6. I suppose they've perfected the formula so all the characters and stages + new ones + both modes and a proper single player story mode would be good enough.
  7. Four years after Smash for Wii U I'd be seriously disappointed if it wasn't a new entry.
  8. Nine million for Odyssey, in what two months!! That's insane. Eurogamer reporting that that's more than Battlefront 2 sold on PC/PS4/XBO combined! 14 million Switches in 9 months is crazy Xenoblade over a million too
  9. Ronnie


    This game is amazing. I highly, highly recommend it! Art style is beautiful, storyline is intense and the gameplay is so addictive.
  10. Well done to the dev team for taking on so much feedback and tweaking the game, that was a great video.
  11. Finished the Champions Ballad last night, loved it. The final boss and the divine beast generally are outstanding, easily the best the game has to offer. I was blown away by how inspired some of the puzzles were, in fact I don't think the divine beasts get enough credit. Such a clever idea, so well executed. The shrines were all enjoyable, I even enjoyed the motion control ones. Oh and the memories were the icing on the cake. Long and full of character.
  12. Ronnie


    Anyone picking this up, just out on the eShop I believe. Thought it deserved its own thread. Getting great reviews, IGN gave it a 10!!
  13. I've also just recently (finally) started on the Champions Ballad. I'm really enjoying it. Would I have liked and did I expect a new storyline, absolutely, but with expectations in check, I'm loving what we actually got. Just finished Mipha's sidequest. Also, running around Hyrule for the first time in months is making me fall in love with the game all over again. Similar to Ocarina of Time, it's one of those games I wish I could experience for the first time again.
  14. Treasure Tracker was revealed at E3 so you never know, I think a normal sized Direct is most likely for a sequel, but who knows really. Good call on making a game out of the 2D sections from Odyssey. Would need to up the complexity a ton though as I found them really easy and simple.
  15. Strong rumours suggesting a regular sized Direct in February, by the same people that leaked other info that proved true. A Feb Direct would be the perfect place to reveal Captain Toad 2. Please Nintendo. Pleeeeease.
  16. A sad lack of Darkest Dungeon being purchased here
  17. The use of cardboard is another example of Nintendo's 'lateral thinking with cheaper technology' approach they've been pushing since the Game Boy. It's worked out pretty well for them in the past.
  18. Good call sorry, I thought at first glance there were joy-con in your hands and ankles but didn't consider the levers/pulley system
  19. From the trailer it looks like the Robot cardboard Toy-Con needs 5 Joy-con to work (I can't believe I'm saying these words), but from reports I think that only increases the functionality and you can get by with fewer, could be wrong though. Hopefully they slap big "REQUIRES NINTENDO SWITCH AND JOY-CONS" stickers on the packaging so mum and dads don't feel tricked.
  20. December NPD data is in Insane 3DS numbers Worldwide Switch sales must be about 13 million ?
  21. You said it yourself, it won't do any harm. If you're not into it, then there's their entire video game line-up to fall back on. Releasing a Mini Direct last week wasn't by accident, it was to reassure fans they're doubling down on great games in 2018 before the Labo reveal. As for the suggestion of it being back to the Wii days, I think that's the point! The Wii was their most successful home console ever, and it got there by bringing in the casual crowd, but the encouraging thing with Switch is they seem to have struck the perfect balance (so far at least) between casual and hardcore. 1-2 Switch and Labo for casuals. Zelda, Dark Souls, Fire Emblem, Doom, Yoshi, Mario, indies etc for the hardcore gamers. Also in terms of the long-term Nintendo need to get back its mindshare with kids, they're the future of the company. The reason we're all here loving Nintendo is because we grew up with them. They seem to be making a big push for that what with the Universal theme parks, the Mario animated film, cereal, amiibo etc, and Labo is just another step towards that. Agree on price though, I'd say it's a good $20 too expensive. But then again it's hard to know for sure without knowing how compelling the software is going to be. Will they be following the Splatoon, Arms etc model and release content updates over time? If so there's added value there.
  22. After watching the video I was thinking amazing but not for me. Ten minutes later... obviously I'm buying both kits.
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