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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. The game seems to really throw you in at the deep end, with lots of enemies from all angles from the very start. Hope I get more used to it.
  2. So a yellow attack indicator means you can't parry with your shield and you should just roll dodge out of the way? Red means you can parry? Is that right? Presumably axe attacks are stronger than your fists? So always best to use that in melee combat?
  3. Love the interaction between Kratos and Atreus. Still struggling with combat, I think I need to be a bit more patient and stop rushing into attacks, and dodge/parry more. I'm exploring every single corner, finding lots of chests. Liking the puzzles a lot.
  4. Got this in the post from ShopTo yesterday and sunk a few hours into it. Loving it so far, though I'm not sure how long my DualShock4 will survive at this rate. Combat is incredibly frantic and all the button combinations are really starting to confuse me. Production wise though, stunning. Really hope I get used to the combat soon, it'll make it a lot more enjoyable. I'm finding it quite fun to explore and find chests dotted around the place. It's also hard to separate Kratos from Teal'c in my head lol
  5. The Verge review: An incredible learning tool, that's a blast to play
  6. Blossom Tales. Fantastic, you guys have to play this now if you like A Link to the Past style games. It shamelessly rips off the Zelda formula but puts it's own spin on things and the gameplay itself is seriously satisfying. Lots of depth and great humour too. Highly recommended.
  7. It's a cheap win blowing people's minds with a game that's 4-5 years away. Not a fan of these huge reveal > release time scales. 2-3+ years for Death Stranding, 4+ years for Shenmue and FF7, 2+ years for TLOU2, 3 years for Detroit, 2 for Spiderman, 2+ for Days Gone Much, much prefer the shorter releases like Fallout 4, Far Cry 5, AC Origins, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Mario + Rabbids, and most (but not all) Nintendo games, etc
  8. Just finished Rise of the Tomb Raider, what a ton of fun that game was! Loved every second of it. Visuals, combat, traversal, puzzles, story all masterfully put together. Probably even preferred it to the first game. Load of content too and though it does the whole checklist of things to do in the (semi) openworld, it never feels too much. Looking forward to Shadow now. 9/10, fantastic.
  9. I thought Ubisoft had the best conference by far last year. Mario Rabbids, The Crew 2, South Park, Transference, Skull and Bones, Starlink, Far Cry 5, Just Dance, BGE2. Wildly different games, something for everyone. A real contrast to Sony's which just ended up boring me by the end, same third person action games they showed off the year before, just with some new footage. A bit sad how three years later, Shenmue 3 and FF7 Remake are nowhere to be seen though. It earned plenty of buzz at the time but it was mostly empty promises. Genuinely not trying to shit on Sony, I've just been pretty underwhelmed by their presentations lately, especially last year which may as well have been a pre-recorded video and didn't need a stage at all. If you're going to do a live conference, at least put on a show!
  10. Did you unlock the whole map at the beginning? I could understand your frustrations if you did. I took it one section at a time, unlocking each tower as I went, felt like an epic journey and kept things fresh for 120+ hours.
  11. Enjoying Blossom Tales way more than I thought I would. Really scratching that top down Zelda itch.
  12. Tried a few games at EGX Rezzed today. Moonlighter - looked gorgeous but I had a real problem with combat. The sword animation was so long you really had to time your attacks, which is fine. What isn't fine is attacking lunges you straight into enemies, which bugged me. Movement wasn't particularly smooth either. Maybe I'm just used to Nintendo top down games controlling so well. Flipping Death - absolutely gorgeous game with great humour. Had me chuckling quite a few times. Fun to play, sold me on it, though movement is a bit tough to get to grips with Dead Cells - fantastic. Fast paced action, controls really well and nice visuals. Terrible name though. Kingdom Two Crowns - Only played a few minutes of this but didn't grab me at all, seemed very limited Planet Alpha - beautiful but a little boring, completely flipped my opinion on it from the trailer. Fun mechanic of changing the time of day to alter the landscape, but it isn't used anywhere near enough, at least in the level I played. Couple of non Switch-bound games... Below - after years and years (and years) of waiting for this game, I thought it lived up to my personal hype. Great atmosphere. Xbox only I believe. The Swords of Ditto - hopefully will be on Switch at a later date now that it supports Game Maker games. Anyway, one of the most beautiful games I've ever seen. Played well. Not sure I'm too keen on the roguelike elements, but hopefully it works in the full game. Another game where the sword swipe didn't feel very satisfying at all, long animation doesn't make for particularly satisfying combat. Great special weapons though, the yoyo is fun to use.
  13. Tequila Works should be ashamed of themselves. This game runs so unbelievably bad I'm tempted to just put it down. The 10fps and load times between rooms are just terrible. And this is three or four patches in. I dread to think what the release version was like.
  14. Yeah I mostly played it for the visuals
  15. Great news, great game, even if the ending was a little bit of a let down. Definitely worth it though, beautiful visuals and great voice acting.
  16. Thanks all. I spent about five minutes with three cpu friends walking behind me before I was starting to regret my purchase. Definitely playing without any from now on, it was just way too chaotic.
  17. Am I the only person who really hates the friend ability in this game? I just want to play this as Kirby, as a single player experience and not have the cpu play the game for me. Is it alright to just go through the levels without anyone else or do they become necessary to proceed later on? (I don't mind missing out on all the challenge rooms)
  18. Smash sold 5 million. Pokémon Go has at least 650 million downloads as of twelve months ago. Same situation but to a much much bigger scale. A goldmine sadly missed out on.
  19. Agree with the above and I can easily see them only bundling one controller in the box with others being an added extra like the NES.
  20. I was thinking that other day that not having those Pokémon Go wrist band things ready in time will surely rank as one of Nintendo's biggest failures alongside the Virtual Boy and Wii U. They could have made a fortune if those things had been available when the Go craze had first swept the world. I guess they didn't anticipate it becoming a global phenomenon so quickly. Don't think many of us did tbf.
  21. The sequel is not only much beefier it's also widely considered one of (if not the) best indie game on Switch. Top 3 at the very least Worth every penny.
  22. Ronnie


    Completely agree, I was definitely willing it to end so I could move on to something else. That said the final boss and ending are a bit better than the rest. Looks nice but otherwise just isn't much fun. It's ok but these days there are so many great games, I'm not sure I'm keen to just play ok games anymore.
  23. That's the thing I don't like multiplayer much at all.
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