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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. They wouldn't be that stupid to do it again, surely. It'd hand the win to Microsoft. I'd say $400.
  2. I was half joking really, but even so I still think it's a little strange. I know the games are literally polar opposites but AC will sell 10+ million, Doom won't get near that.
  3. Good on them for delaying it rather than releasing it broken and fixing later, like so many other publishers/devs seem to. The same day as Animal Crossing though? They're crazy.
  4. They really don't care. To be fair the adaptive triggers sound pretty cool. Genuine innovation from Sony there, good to see. I was surprised to see the PS4 UI be described as barebones, to me it's totally bloated and chugs constantly because of all the bloat. Hopefully the PS5 one will be nice and snappy for people who don't care about multiplayer gaming. Though with Layden unceremoniously leaving Playstation without so much as a press release, I'm worried the single player first party focus might not be around for long over there...
  5. Yeah I wouldn't mind Burnham as the lead, if she wasn't completely bland and annoying. I didn't need a 30 second long clip of her screaming in slow motion in the season 2 finale for instance. A better actress would have helped a lot I think, even outside the show Martin-Green is irritating. Did we really need four mirror universe episodes in season 1? If they absolutely had to include that bit of storytelling then make it 2 episodes and give us more character focused ones in the other two, make one about Airiam for instance. Or Rhys and Bryce, I know this show seems to prefer female characters but give those two some screen time beyond a few bridge lines. I don't think having 27 or whatever executive producers helps to be honest. Feels like they have too many ideas to fit in and everything has to be fast forwarded to get to the next one. Also, I can barely remember much from season 1, a couple of episodes or setpieces stand out, but otherwise it was all a bit muddled. I guess that's the way television has gone sadly. I'll keep watching Discovery because I love Trek but (personally) I don't think the writing or characters are up to much and that's kind of a problem.
  6. What would be great is if they did what sold Nintendogs and DSs back in the day, get celebrities playing it in adverts or on Instagram, that would boost sales a fair bit I reckon. Otherwise I can see it struggling to really catch on in the same way Wii Fit did, or even anywhere close.
  7. I appreciate level design a lot. I adore Link's Awakening and countless other Zelda games for that very reason. I also appreciate incredible openworlds that make you feel like a kid going on an adventure again. It's ok to like two different styles of Zelda game. Not every one in a 16+ entry series needs to play identically. We all have opinions, and that's what yours is on BOTW, and that's great, but there's no need to belittle the vast majority of people who played BOTW just because it didn't give you the experience you were looking for.
  8. Yeah they're definitely leaning too heavily on what little character traits there is, but it points to a lack of writing talent frankly, especially when you add in the convoluted and nonsensical story-telling. Turning a Klingon into a human, and no one noticing? Come on. Season 2 started great, the episode in the Church asked some interesting questions and was well made. The Talos episode too was fantastic, that felt like classic Trek. Then it devolved back into dumb season 1 stuff, the instant they revealed Michael was the angel. That last space battle was just WTF . Another problem with Discovery's characters is that the writers are fast forwarding emotion and drama, and none of it is earned. They're telling us to feel these things as if we're supposed to care but it just comes across as half arsed. Does anyone really care much about the Burnham Tyler love angle? Or Stamets and Culber. Or Airiam in that season 2 episode. Or the teary goodbye between Saru and Burnham in season 2? Why are we seeing Mirror Universe versions of characters less than 10 episodes into the first season? We barely know our universe versions, why are they showing us alternates already. Thankfully they made Georgiou more likeable, she's great. So is Saru. Stamets is getting there slowly. Reno is great too, some much needed personality. I groaned when they made her a lesbian though, a move that would have had ResetEra cheering at least. Pike was great, sad to see him leave.
  9. Nail on the head for me as well. It's also a problem when the character you set your entire series around (and evidently, the universe) has zero charm or personality, and over-acts like crazy. At least they've mellowed Stamets out a bit, he was so obnoxious in his introduction scene at the beginning of season 1. Terrible first impression!
  10. Oh I agree and that's why I'm cautious about Picard, but if the characters are good that's probably the most important thing. It does look and feel a lot like Discovery though, lots of generic pew pew 100 miles an hour action for the sake of it. Some quieter moments though. And hopefully, much better writing than Disco. The hologram shot of the Enterprise-D was lovely though, back when Federation ships were nicely designed
  11. Oh good, another season where the universe revolves around the charmless, terribly acted Michael Burnham. zzzzzzzzzz Picard series looks good though, hopefully they get the characters right.
  12. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2019/10/looks_like_nintendo_might_be_hiring_developers_for_a_new_2d_mario_game
  13. Great post. What a glorious game. Making me want to play it all over again. Love that last part about just gliding through a crack in the window.
  14. My god that statement is so badly written. So convoluted. As for 8 gyms, same old same old. Even more laughable when said gyms still seem Game Boy-like in their puzzle/structure.
  15. Gamexplain loved it as well
  16. Kinda Funny/Greg Miller in joke
  17. That overview trailer is great, there's tons more depth to this than I thought. Such a clever idea
  18. It's an interesting read. Joe Skrebels, a clearly made up name, does great work. I kind of look to things like Labo, Ring Fit Adventure, Breath of the Wild, Arms, the Switch itself etc for a continuation of Iwata's legacy. Their mobile offerings are more of a necessary evil for their investors.
  19. Because: gamers. You know what some people are like. Nintendo have changed the analog stick hardware in the Switch Lite. Oh and they're probably not admitting the issue at this point for legal reasons, instead they're just repairing them.
  20. I'm sure I could get my joy cons to drift if I smash the sticks around for half an hour. It's probably an easy issue to replicate if you really wanted to.
  21. I think some people in the games community are more than capable of lying. Joycon drift on what was it, the day after the thing came out? Call me cynical but it reeks of 'gamer wanting internet points'. Not saying it's not an issue on the OG Switch, of course it is, but these early reports probably wouldn't have happened if it wasn't a big talking point atm. The reports of the sticks being identical was a complete lie after all, and that came from website.
  22. Yup, it's a thing. People with Switch Lites are joining the class action lawsuit against Nintendo. Fair enough, I just hadn't seen any reports of it on the Lite apart from that one guy who probably just jammed it to one side for internet fame said he had the issue on day 1, lol, as well. We'll see how things develop, seems a bit circumstantial for now.
  23. Is that a thing? The only videos I've seen of the Lite are of people absolutely adoring it.
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