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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Another vote for spoiler tagging leaks and rumours. We did that during E3 I think
  2. Yeah I get that, it just seems so lame to me. These are hard working devs putting their all into making a game and waiting for the right time to have their big reveal, and some well connected guy or girl on twitter just ruins it for them, all for 5 minutes of fame. It takes away from the delight gamers would have watching it live, and it takes away from the devs/publishers wanting to reveal the game on their own terms.
  3. I had no idea there were controversies and pitchforks being grabbed about Borderlands 3. I guess it had been a whole 5 days since the last time gamers got up in arms about something.
  4. I'm thinking Indie Highlights is NOE, Indie World is Japan and the Indie Showcase is NOA. It always struck me as weird that NOA and NOE had completely different broadcasts, so close together. Glad to get a unified one now.
  5. Interesting, first time they've used the same Indie World brand as NOE. Did seem strange they called it different things and had it on at different times before now.
  6. Cool, though I'm more looking forward to NOA's Indie showcase probably in a couple weeks.
  7. So not "Disastrous" "Unnacceptable" or "Slipping quality standards" then? Nintendo games always improve from a technical pov closer to release, glad to see that seems to be the case here too.
  8. If there's the usual September Direct it could be they talk about it there. I'd be surprised if they didn't just throw SNES in with the current price, maybe N64 and over they'll introduce tiers.
  9. 12 months after NES seems pretty intentional.
  10. Are you purposefully being obtuse, that's the third time you've misread what I wrote. We were talking about previous Nintendo consoles. Not Playstation. A typically simplistic way of looking at things, that misses the point. Releasing say, 1000 extra games a week doesn't = more money. It doesn't work like that. Maybe in the quieter Q2/Q3 of 2020, who knows what their release schedule is like after Animal Crossing. That's a possibility too, sure, but after three Virtual Consoles on their previous platforms, it's unlikely. Some might, some won't, some will buy a cheap VC game and play it for 30 hours instead of buying Astral Chain.
  11. It wasn't worth considering, to you. I've already told you that other consoles didn't have the same volume of high profile releases (be it first party, third party, or indie) of the Switch, and needed titles to pad the release schedule out. The Switch isn't lacking games at the moment. Doesn't matter how short VC games are or aren't, the point is they take mindshare and marketing away from new releases. The Switch is selling insane numbers of software, truly incredible figures, there's no need to release old games when their new games are selling like crazy. Come on, take the shovelware out of the equation and the Wii suffered from huge sofware droughts. And it makes up for that with six first party releases in the second half of 2019. Unless of course little Timmy decides to buy Ocarina of Time for £10 instead of spending £50 on Fire Emblem or Astral Chain..
  12. When you keep shifting the goalposts to fit your own arguments, like you always do, and like you did in your second paragraph, then dismiss any argument that doesn't line up with yours as "not worth considering" then expect a bit of push back. What does time and effort have to do with anything? My suggestion has always been about mindshare and knowing what to push to consumers, when. And by the way, that's all it's ever been, a suggestion. @markderoos asked what possible reason Nintendo could have for not giving us Virtual Console. I came up with one potential answer. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, just a potential reason. When you have multiple big games coming out every single month for their hugely popular console that's flying off shelves, why would they try and shove old games into our lap? It's just a thought, that's all. As an aside, I very clearly remember the vast majority of this board were telling Nintendo to release Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild on the same (launch) day of the Switch a few years back. "More games = better" was the reasoning. I think we can all agree now with hindsight that spacing games out was obviously the right way of doing things. Showering consumers with new and old at the same time isn't always the best way to go about things.
  13. What are you on about? I'm talking about any new software on the Switch, first party, third party, indie. I never said they were against making older games available, I'm saying one reason could be that it's not a priority for them and they'd prefer to promote and push new software, especially when there's tons of it coming out. They said themselves they released the NES classic in the gap between the Wii U and the Switch and it was timed purposefully for the software drought. And don't be your usual condescending self by saying an argument "isn't worth considering", thanks.
  14. You give Nintendo too much credit. There are obvious reasons why Nintendo should do lots of things yet they never do them. And you give them too little. It’s a business decision/strategy, they have their reasons, I’ve suggested one. Might be wrong but it’s something.
  15. The Wii (and especially Wii U) weren't seeing the kind of "one big game a month" release that the Switch has though. There were huge droughts and so Virtual console on past consoles made sense. Who knows. It might be a combination of things really, the point is there's obviously reasons for it or else they'd do it.
  16. Why? VC is money for old rope on their part, no game to develop. Unless it eats into the full share of purchases of brand new software or eats into their marketing that could be spent advertising new games.
  17. They'd rather have people play their new software I imagine.
  18. So funny. At least change the tab design!
  19. I genuinely laughed out loud when I opened that first screenshot. Utterly SHAMELESS. The reactions though are that's the gaming community I suppose. Still, you want tons of publicity for your unknown game? Rip off one of the most beloved and critically aclaimed games ever made! Not for me though, the combat looks mindless and button-mashy.
  20. Looks like a cross between punk culture and hooligans The Newcastle United look took me a second to realise
  21. Sadly it's not just games. The hysteria around Game of Thrones has shown that these past few months. YouTube also keeps recommending me a video on The Last Jedi (a film with 91% on Rotten Tomatoes, a whole 3% less than Endgame) with the thumbnail "A COMPLETE CINEMATIC FAILURE". Just f off, seriously. Everything is either the greatest thing ever or the worst thing ever. Content creators and Youtube personalities feed on negativity. I just steer well clear. Not saying that this E3 fuck up isn't a monumental blunder that'll have huge consequences, but clickbaity hyperbole can get lost.
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