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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Yeah it's really weird. Almost as if they think Metroidvanias don't sell big numbers or something.
  2. Wales are a good team, they do the basics exceptionally well and their defence is pretty good, but are totally missing the sharpness in attack that makes the difference at this level. South Africa are similar to be honest, and basically let De Klerk handle their attacking game on his own. He's a fantastic 9. As an England supporter I much prefer facing the Boks next week. Wales would have been an emotional and distracting nightmare to have to deal with. England are playing probably the best rugby in a couple decades, fingers crossed it's enough but anything can happen on the day.
  3. I'm sure he does want to be both a YouTube star AND improve the gaming industry. Just, you know, in that order, and I suspect with the latter being more of an afterthought than a conscious reason for doing his videos. Edit: The above posts put it better than me anyway.
  4. It's 90% true tbf. He's based his whole persona on YouTube outrage/negativity culture.
  5. I thought I was the only rugby fan on here, figured you well all footballzzzzzzz fans so didn’t bother starting a thread. Outstanding performance today but I don’t understand why everyone’s calling it an upset. NZ might have been slight favourites but England were always more than capable of winning. Hopefully South Africa will win tomorrow. England will have a much better chance against them than Wales. Plus I can’t stand Gatland so would hate to see him get to the Final. Great performance from 1-23. Hope Farrell knock isn’t too bad but I imagine he’ll play next week anyway.
  6. That's me at the inference Sony buys its SSDs from Amazon
  7. PS3 was also ridiculed for its price. I think they'll have learned their lesson from this infamous moment
  8. I'm not expecting it to be a high price at all. I'm thinking £350-400. Certainly not the 600-700 you mentioned recently.
  9. As with Watch Dogs Legion and Rainbow Six, this has been delayed till the 2020/21 financial year. February always seemed pretty hard to believe given we've seen one reveal teaser trailer anyway. Let them take their time as usual, plenty to play early next year anyway.
  10. PS5 is PS4 backwards compatible, so PS5 owners will still be able to play it. Probably, you would hope so by now that they would have figured it out. I know a recent interview has it as fully compatible, but I'll wait and see till it's officially revealed. Doesn't stop them releasing an updated GOTY Edition for PS5 owners anyway.
  11. Oh absolutely, delay the game as long as you need. I'll always believe that, it's just a weird situation.
  12. It's so that they can release it on PS4, get tons of people playing it, then release a next gen version 6-12 months into the PS5 life.
  13. How do you go from announcing a release date at a State of Play, and then 30 days later delaying it? Anyway, this has been delayed to May 2020.
  14. Oh so you solve puzzles between floors then, backtracking etc? That sounds good in that case. As for combat being easy thanks to the slam move, that's just down to opinions/experience I guess.
  15. Kinda Funny (Greg and Tim) adored the three hours they played, all on the same planet. Definitely getting me more and more hyped
  16. Interesting, thanks. JJ's talked about resolution a ton, not just of the film or of this trilogy, but of the saga itself, I'm confident he's prioritised story-telling. Having not seen the trailer, I suspect Lucasfilm might just be talking up the pomp and circumstance and epic-ness, knowing that'll be enough to entice people, without needing to give them hints at the storyline. But like you say, maybe a couple of hints like what they did with TLJ would be nice. Tbh, I'm just looking forward to seeing the three main characters go out on an adventure together. One of my favourite cinema moments in The Force Awakens, was going in pretty spoiler free and being really surprised by the first line of the crawl "Luke Skywalker has vanished.". They kept that so close to the chest, it was a great opener. Leaks I stay well clear of so I couldn't say about that. Personally I have two issues with JJ's involvement, the second only just cropped up a couple of days ago. 1. A relatively small point, I don't think he does space battles particularly well, certainly not Star Wars space battles (at least standard-setters like ROTJ/Rogue One). The attack on Starkiller Base in TFA sort of drove that point home, though to be fair the X-Wings saving the day on Takodana was great. Ditto Falcon v Ties on Jakku, that was cool. I just have this horrible feeling he's going to go the Star Trek Discovery route and flood the screen with millions of ships and just call it a day with fast cuts and lots of pew pew. The shot I managed to spot of the Resistance fleet made me cringe, hopefully that works in the final film. 2. I'm wondering how much Bad Robot were involved in terms of marketing and promotion. I genuinely thought the poster for the Last Jedi was a work of art (at least until they redesigned it with Rey at the top). The poster for TROS is, frankly, shit. Generic and weak. And now you're saying the trailer wasn't up to much. I'm guessing, but as Bad Robot weren't in charge for TLJ, it makes me wonder if they're behind these two bits of underwhelming marketing.
  17. I wasn't as keen on TFA final trailer, but TLJ's was excellent. A very good thing imo, and standard stuff for how JJ Abrams operates. I much prefer than so many trailers for other films literally telling you the chronological sequence of events in a film. Do you get the impression they're holding stuff back or the film itself doesn't look that good? The sequel trilogy has tons of those I'd say, visually, they're beautiful films.
  18. Couple of comments from Gamexplain to maybe temper people's expectations. - They'd only played till half way, but the game was apparently very level based, at least until that point. No backtracking, each floor of the hotel acting separately (though you can go back and find missing collectibles). - This is something that jumped out at me during E3, the combat isn't particularly challenging thanks to the OP slam move. Again, at least until half way. Bosses are great though.
  19. Was hoping for a poster as stunning as the Last Jedi one but sadly seems not. Hope the trailer was good and got people excited
  20. There's a strange reluctance on here to give Microsoft credit where it's due, especially from those who are very "pro-consumer". Sure backwards compatibility would have been nice at the start of Xbox One's life (and the entirety of PS4s) but they deserve a bit of a thumbs up for providing it at all, surely. I'm planning on playing through the Mass Effect trilogy for the first time on my X. BC makes that possible, couldn't care less if it was late. The reality is Playstation and Nintendo don't do it because they prefer to just re-release their old games. Three quarters of a month's mortgage repayment for 5 or 6 years of use. I'm 100% planning on playing RDR2 again in a couple of years time and relive that whole game from the start. It's nice to know I'll (probably) be able to do it on the next Xbox. It's a convenience, a nice thing to have, add up a dozen of those conveniences and it makes a very strong console proposition.
  21. NES was my first console, I think it was technically my brother's but I played a ton on it. Mostly SMB, as well as Wrecking Crew, Ice Climber, Bubble Bobble () and TMNT (that overhead truck level ffs). I got the SNES at Xmas and remember falling in love with Street Fighter II, and obviously Super Mario World. Felt mind blowing seeing those two and things like F-Zero and Stafox on demo units in shops at the time. I never had a SEGA console till the Dreamcast but I didn't really care if they did well or not, I went to a friend's house and played Echo the Dolphin, Sonic and some weird point and click adventure game that had Greensleeves as a background track at one point, wish I could remember what that game was. Funnily enough, just as strong as my nostalgia for the consoles themselves, I've also got massively fond memories of the tv series Games World. That was a big deal at that age, I loved every night of the week was a different theme/programme. Used to love Madame Pixel's Peep Parlour especially, think that was on Wednesdays.
  22. For the same reason people go back and watch films from 5-10+ years ago? At the end of the day, it's a nice thing to have. It's inclusion doesn't hurt anyone and Microsoft did a good job getting it in this gen, one of the many good moves they've made in recent years.
  23. Yeah I'd say 15 hours or so probably. There are 17 floors which seem to act like oversized levels from Dark Moon, each with their own boss at the end (I could be wrong about that last bit).
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