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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. Didn't watch the Playstation Direct, but found this on Twitter... (Just a bit of fun, before anyone kicks off)
  2. Thrilled to see Sports Story and Axiom Verge 2, both huge successes on Switch so I'm not surprised sequels announced. Survivalists looked cool and that interactive comic book, shades of Inside there. Great to see Nintendo continue to highlight and curate quality indie titles and show them off like this.
  3. Oops I posted in the wrong thread
  4. Great to see Nintendo continue to push and curate indie games to such an extent
  5. Yeah I don't get the "playing NES games with randoms" thing either
  6. As usual Sony does what Ninten, wait Microsoft does??
  7. I think a Smash reveal is a guarantee. I'd love to see a BOTW2 teaser but not getting my hopes up on that...
  8. It's funny, I've always thought he was universally popular among gamers, until I come on this site. I think he seems like a great guy, who yes towed the company line and gave nothing away, but he's obviously well respected in the industry.
  9. Thanks for that. I’ve not been to Dathomir at all yet and feel like I’m over halfway through the game and just wondered whether to go now or now. It’s the same as in Red Dead 2, I didn’t go near St Denis until the story took me there. As an aside, watching the Mantis jump to hyperspace while you’re in the cockpit NEVER gets old.
  10. No spoilers but should I go to Dathomir after the second tomb or will the campaign take me there eventually and I should wait for that?
  11. I’m still a bit confused if this is their rebranded twice a year showcase, I could swear we just had one and the next one is usually in March, but hey not complaining. Silksong??? Please please please
  12. The game looks so beautiful, it's so weird the Wookiees look terrible lol Can I ask for those who've finished it, two things: 1. how far into the campaign I am 2. How people found the time to backtrack and find secrets/new areas to explore? At the moment I just seem compelled to follow the main quest and it's not giving me much chance to breathe and look around or revisit old areas with new abilities. Does the game open up later? I know I can do it whenever I want but it just feels like you do one objective and then you just stumble on another.
  13. Chapter 5 of the Mandalorian on the other hand, was great. I'm surprised to see it being marked down online for having so much fan-service but it didn't feel that jarring to me. Enjoyed the new characters, though the first female character we meet seemed a little out of place. The sudden tone shift was a bit weird. Again though I'm loving how each episode is it's own mini adventure. Also I continue to be amazed how good the ship looks, hooray for practical models instead of CG. Some of the editing feels a bit off and dare I say amateur (Filoni?) though, the dogfighting at the beginning in some ways looked great and in others didn't work. As ever very intrigued to see what happens next!
  14. Seven and a half hours after Anakin started fighting Obi Wan, I've just finished re-watching Revenge of the Sith. Utter dogshit. It somehow seems to get worse every time I watch it. Just a total mess. It's like an amateur directed some of the scenes. I love how JJ Abrams is (rightly) talking about how Star Wars is at the end of the day a story about hope. Trouble is he fails to add "except the prequels which are about, erm, the Jedi being wiped out and Anakin going evil, killing kids and burning half to death". Couldn't they of thought of a better more standalone storyline to base the prequels on instead of focusing so heavily on Anakin and such a downer ending? 0/10 Thank fuck I can finally get onto good SW films from now on... Also, Ian McDiarmid's acting has me a little worried for IX lol
  15. Star Fox 2! Very cool, look forward to finally trying that out
  16. Really gutted In the Valley of Gods has been put on hold. Looked so good and interesting
  17. It's basically the Vita, but better, and with first party support. What's not to like.
  18. I never claimed he did. My point was BB-8s and Porgs were flying off the shelves and had a cult following without anyone having even seen them in the film. That doesn't happen in a lot of franchises. It also speaks to their creativity in making unique cool things obv.
  19. Chapter 4 was great, so different to what I was expecting, gave us a fresh look at the SW universe, at least in live action. What I love about the show is that each chapter is its own self-contained story. There's one season-long arc sure, but unlike a lot of modern tv these days each episode is memorable because there's a specific tale being told in each of them. Watching Star Trek Discovery's first season I could barely tell you anything that happened because it all blended into one (and was a pretty shit one at that) Star Wars has this insane ability to make people fall in love with something before even seeing it appear in the actual thing it appears in! (BB-8, Porgs, the Mandalorian *spoiler*, and at least for me, D-O in Rise of Skywalker, love that thing)
  20. I'm glad I got a PS4 but I haven't played it anywhere near as much as I thought I would, and it's been collecting dust for a year. I've also wasted money on PS+ for a few of those years, I don't think I once fired up any of the free games they offered, but that last part is more down to me just not finding the service particularly attractive. Enjoyed Detroit, Tearaway Unfolded (so much wasted potential), Shadow of the Colossus Remake and God of War on it though, struggling to think of any other big games that made a lasting impression. Infamous was fun and the Order looked stunning for sure.
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