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Everything posted by Ronnie

  1. He might get Star Wars but his The Gunslinger episode of Mandalorian was pretty rough and badly written, so plenty to learn live action wise I think. Big fan though and obviously he does fantastic work. I think the prequels have soured me on the whole Clone Wars era so I haven't really gotten into the series at all, not even seen one episode. I am looking forward to the last 4-5 episodes of Resistance though, the last couple I've seen in particular have been brilliant. Pleased for people are excited about season 7 though. Glad they're now able to finish the story properly.
  2. They tell you as much at the start of the dungeon, to use your Sheikah slate
  3. If anyone visits Tokyo, bring A LOT of spending money...
  4. That split second shot of the Enterprise D looks TERRIBLE. I'm going to assume (hope) it's just for this trailer. Then again it wouldn't surprise me if John Eaves has ruined yet another starship design. I seriously hope not. Personally I'd be fine with Discovery never airing another episode. At least until they replace Burnham and pretty much the whole cast with likeable characters, and all the writers for... well, competent ones.
  5. Release dates for all games are to be ignored from now on I think, until the game is weeks away.
  6. Some NPD news for December and 2019, as usual digital Switch sales aren't included in these... Great to see Luigi's Mansion 3 do so well. The original sold 3.3million, 3DS sequel sold 6.16 and 3 is guaranteed to sell at least 10 million. Also wild to see Ring Fit Adventure in the Top 20 for December.
  7. You don't even have to do them. Go straight to Hyrule Castle if you want. Just explore and eventually you'll stumble on a pathway to a divine beast but you can do it whenever you want.
  8. If you only have 5 hearts I'd recommend doing more shrines before continuing the main quest and getting a few heart containers. You might struggle with some of the divine beast bosses But yeah, making your own own way and making up the rules as you go along is the beauty of the game. It's not trying to be linear. Have your own adventure in whatever way you want.
  9. Personally, I'm very pleased with this news. This game could be something special, rushing it out broken is in no one's interest. Let them take all the time they need. Also, I was debating whether to delay playing it till the next gen consoles, but figured I wouldn't as 6 months was a long time to not be part of the conversation. This will make it much easier.
  10. It only lists your 10 or so most recently played games. If you want to see everything it’s a easily done.
  11. Oops sorry. And yeah sometimes you do want to see what you’ve got. Left on the d-pad and A takes you there in half a second. Much faster than the other two consoles I believe.
  12. I thought I would want folders, but then I hardly touched my PS4 not long after and when I did, I ended up not using them like I thought I would. I admitted as much. Why are we still at this useless discussion? And having lots of games clearly laid out in a line isn't "bloat", all the useless little bells and whistles, apps, layers, submenus of the PS4 is. To me.
  13. Not the whole Nintendo are "fully focused on mobile right now" thing again. If it's a choice between the laggy, bloated, confusing mess that is the PS4 OS or the Switch's clean, lightning fast one missing a handful of features, I'll take the latter. I try and spend as little time in the PS4 OS as possible. You often play more than 12 games at the same time do you?
  14. Dear oh dear. I literally admitted to hounding PS4 for folders further up this page.
  15. You know what the internet is like, something is either the greatest thing ever or the biggest cinematic failure in history. I enjoyed it too, not perfect, obviously I wish they'd taken a bit more time with it, but I didn't get all the hate.
  16. I already said on this thread that I was constantly after the PS4 to introduce folders, so thanks for proving that for me I guess? I applaud your very extensive research... I had one for all the PS+ games I downloaded that collected dust and I never actually fired up. That was the extent of using them for me.
  17. Nintendo did this a month or so ago but it was only available in the US
  18. I'm gonna say Master Chief, Steve or Waluigi. Personally hoping for Captain Toad or Rabbid Peach
  19. The whole point of the Switch OS is that it's lightning fast and free of bloat and slow down that plagues the PS4 and especially XBO. But sure, a stats feature is definitely needed and wouldn't bog the system down. I used to be constantly wanting PS4 to introduce folders and when they finally did I never really used them
  20. Really hope we finally get a sword-wielding Fire Emblem character
  21. Just tapping on the Discover section brings up a curated list of quality games. No digging needed. Beyond those, sure you might have to do some searches but three years into a console, to expect anything else is unrealistic tbh. I just don’t see the problem. Reviews might be nice but like you say gamers are known to review bomb so I wouldn’t put much faith in those. I get the complaints about the eShop when it first launched but I don’t think the criticisms haven’t really adapted and evolved in time with the updates. There are too many games being released but unless you go back to the NES days of Nintendo gating software, which isn’t a good idea nowadays, curation is the only solution which Nintendo are doing in multiple ways.
  22. I just don't understand the "there's so much crap on the eShop, the good titles get lost" argument. Nintendo literally curate the best games and push them to you (on the store, on the wake screen, on social media, and on their Indie showcases). Maybe the design could do with a bit of updating, but in terms of features, it seems like they're doing all they can. It's completely misleading trying to compare Wii software releases with Switch, given they're 11 years apart. There are far, far more games being made nowadays than back then so of course software releases are going to be higher now. The Switch is flying off the shelves, there's going to be people desperate to put games on it, but as long as the curation works, then I don't see a problem. And how can you talk about the Switch eShop search being bad but then praise the 3DS? It was like pulling teeth to search and find games you were looking for on that thing, and the results screen was a joke. The Wii U eshop was fine from what I can remember, similar features as the Switch, just with oversized buttons everywhere. More personality for sure, but functionally it was at most similar.
  23. Just thought it was a bit weird hearing about a lack of high profile titles, coming out of 2019
  24. I keep hearing criticism of the eShop. So at the moment there's... Search: by title, genre, price range, demo, DLC and a few other filters Discover: A curated set of featured games Recent Releases: Everything, updated once a week Current offers: Games on sale Charts: Categorised by all releases and download-only Coming Soon: future releases They already curate games and push the best ones to you, including everytime you wake the device up on the left hand side. I'll take the barebones design over the bloated, slow mess that is the PS4 store. The Nintendo one is fast, easy to navigate, easy to purchase. I don't really get the issue tbh. At launch, of course, but it's been upgraded so much it seems perfectly fine to me.
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