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Everything posted by Jon

  1. I'm firmly against these pointless friendless days before the season starts, especially factoring in who is playing. There's a very decent chance it'll be a 'tasty' game, with some tackles flying in. I'll be amazed if the stretcher isn't in operation at least once.
  2. If you're in so much discomfort the next day you struggle to do anything then you're body is either not conditioned well enough yet or your pushing it too far. As Flink says, If i miss a couple of weeks, the first session can be horrific but I soon get used to it.
  3. 4-0 England. Hopefully it's a decent game and doesn't descend into some sort of UFC bout.
  4. You're a cock? (I KID) You're not one of these twats who sits on the fence supporting no one but taking the piss out of every club when they're not doing well ARE YOU?
  6. Perhaps you should be flicking something else. Har Har Har. Sorry. On a related note to sleep, I've been doing a lot of dreaming lately. This is quite odd for me as i've never been one for dreaming. Since I started working out later at night and going to bed not long after, I seem to be having dreams quite often. Not sure if it's related anyway or just a coincidence.
  7. Seriously? Go back over the years, look at your league position in comparison. Look at the European competition you're playing in, or not playing in. Always quick to mention the trophies, yes we haven't won anything in a long time, we're still a class above you on a bad day. Liverpool haven't been a decent side since Robbie Fowler sniffed the line
  8. Why would he not join a bigger club? no one else is interested in him. I don't care if he uses us as a stepping stone. To move on from us he'd have to be playing well and I'd most certainly take that. He's never played for a club on the scale of Arsenal. Arsenal won't suck forever, we'll turn it around eventually, hopefully sooner rather then later. I can See Suarez being a part of that.
  9. I just want us to spend some money. You can't really be thinking too much about long term plans with players, it changes so quickly nowadays. If we could add Suarez and couple more, we'd certainly have a squad capable of challenging for the title.
  10. I'm loving all these Liverpool heroes from back in the day talking up the club like it's the greatest side in Europe. They're all questioning why he'd moved to Arsenal. We may not be the side we have been in years past but even our worst season (last year) is far better than the scouse have managed anytime recently, not to mention a least a few other reasons. Without Suarez last season, They'd have struggled to make the top 10, Gerrard is getting on and despite certain people thinking he's some sort of wizard at football management, Rodgers is still unproven at this level. I can understand why Liverpool fans are pissed off with Suarez, if any fans of a club can understand that, it's Arsenal. God knows we've seen happen almost every summer lately. Once a player kicks off like Suarez, there's only ever going to be one out come. Wouldn't it make sense to ship off now and have time to bring in a replacement. Wouldn't want a repeat of the last minute nonsense with Carroll again.
  11. One post and he still got more votes than I ever have. GOOD ONE.
  12. Any chance of dropping the St and just making it plain old Jon. Fantastic.
  14. I'm no doctor but I wouldn't have thought it would have been ligament damage that usually requires some sort of blunt force trauma or something unusual to happen. It's not usually something that just 'starts to hurt' after a while. Could be a problem with the cartilage perhaps or the kneecap.
  15. Barefoot running shoes are no use for me. They're uncomfortable and they don't make me run like an Eithopian.
  16. Thanks man. Doing all the pros/cons shizzle, I really can't find a reason not to do it. They'll cover up to a certain amount. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Education/UniversitiesColleges/16640/financial-help
  17. No Emirates cup this year again. Another trophy less season beckons.
  18. One perk of having worked a bit is that I do have some money behind me and the whole moving away to study does appeal to me, as you say, to experience new places and people. I quite like the idea of moving to some Welsh place that I can't spell without googling
  19. I could study anywhere in the UK. Fine folks at the Scottish government will cover my tuition fees. The open university isn't for me, it's gonna take too long doing that route and want a clean break from my current job.
  20. You tend to find these in sports based retail outlets.
  21. Not really the place for this but whatev. Came to the sudden realisation of late that i've been in a job for 7 years I hate that has no prospects, stuck in the terrible work of retail. So I've been thinking about going back to some higher learning of sorts. I'm really interested in media, TV/Radio and the like and the producing jazz that goes along with that. Anyways, there's a path that would allow me to end up with a degree in Media at the end of it but it means taking 5 years out from earning any sort of money. I've worked full-time for 7 years now in a job I hate and I really don't want to continue down this path. I know there's no guarantee I'd get a job i'd like even with a degree but it would give me a decent shot and I'd really like to be able to move down to London or somewhere to search for work. Aberdeen's not really the media hub of the world. One upside of having worked is that I do have a little money saved up. Also, the challenge of doing some learning and being mentally stimulated is something I'd look forward. I know i'm capable of putting in the hard work and 5 years is a relatively short timeframe if it allows me the chance of doing something I generally love. Anyway, would appreciate any help/ideas. (apologies for the thread hack).
  22. Obviously not what I meant. One of the hardest aspects of Marathons are the training required for them. I'm not talking breaking the 3 hour period but you have to question just how hard people have trained when their taking 7 hours to do it. It's supposed to be a battle of will, not really that if you're walking half of it. As for protein, it's similar in regard to the myths about eating at night. Eating before you go to bed doesn't make you gain weight or do anything to your body it wouldn't if consumed hours earlier. A lot of people tend to to eat junk food at night and comfort eat whilst watching TV. If you have to eat at night in order to make sure you're getting all your food in for the day, it doesn't make a difference.
  23. Is it really 'completing' a Half Marathon if it's taking you 3 hours to do it? Obviously everyone is different but I've always questioned the validity in people finishing in extraordinary late times.
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