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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Where I would like to live and hopefully will live in the next few months is Canada.
  2. Very Comfortable and only £84.99.
  3. Thanks, out of interest why did you hate me? and how the hell can you possibly respect me?
  4. How I love your Honesty.
  5. Thanks Ash.
  6. You'll get to know me soon enough.....
  7. Thanks Honey.
  8. Running is awesome, there's nothing better than a morning jog with the ipod cranked to full volume. Obviosuly, when you start wearing lycra shorts - you have a problem.
  9. Oh yes, got to love the plane stopping scene. 2006 was a pretty good year for me, obviously the love life sucked but in general, the rest was pretty good.
  10. I normally do an hours' jog in the morning before work, I normally go swimming one night a week, a spot of badminton on sundays and football at various other times.
  11. Happy Day of birth Mr Scorpio.
  12. Baskin and Robins sell it here for like £1.10 a can.
  13. The 2006 N-Europe Member Of The Year Ashley Thread Starter Of The Year Flaight Best Mod Of The Year Shorty Best Admin Of The Year Ashley Most Helpful Member Of The Year .... Most Respected Member Gaggle64 Best Newcomer Of 2006 TakeoMiyazaki Most Knowledgeable Member Of The Year ..... Funniest Member Of 2006 The3rdchildren Best/Worst Negative Member of 2006 Zeldafreak Spammer Of The Year Caris Most Missed User Of The Year Offerman User With The Best Sigs Of The Year Redshell User With The Best Avatars Of The Year .... If You Were Stuck In A Lift With An N-Eer ........ Who Would You Most Like It To Be Moria The Taciturn Award .... The User Who Spends Most Of His/Her Entire Life On Here Jordan Best Forum moment of 2006 The meaningless post thread creation The N-Europe 2006 Award For Personality Of The Year TakeoMiyazaki Best User Ever Ashley The N-Europe 2006 Lifetime Achievement Award: Platty
  14. That third child fag
  15. At the moment I only have: +44 (unknown support) Carling Arena - 05/02/07
  16. +44 - When Your Heart Stops Beating Angels & Airwaves - We Dont Need To Whisper Snow Patrol - Eyes Open
  17. As much as I think bard should learn to bite his tongue, I agree with him in every way. Having spent many hours a day, for the last 10 years perfecting my ability to play an instrument, you become quite pissed off when you see losers like this with no talent making it.
  18. I know from personal experience, there is only so much you can help someone. If they don't want to help themselves, then in my opinion they deserve to rot in hell - harsh i know, but that's my vew. People seem to forget that drugs dont just destroy the person taking them, but more often or not, they destroy the families involved.
  19. I agree, but this whole bullshit about them having no option but to sell their bodies to fund their crack/heroin habbit is just bollocks, the media is making them out to be marters, which there were clearly not. They just couldn't be bothered getting a proper job and trying to sort their life out.
  20. To put it simply, these girls are made out to be angels by the media when it's quite obvious they are not. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying they deserved to be murdered, who does? but lets get real here, they were no saints.
  21. I'll probably end up offending a lot of people if I post my opinions
  22. I'm so sick of these acts ruining music that I have reached the stage where I can no longer even drum a post about whyhe sucks, soi'll just say - go lil chris.
  23. My christmas shopping starts and finished on Thursday.
  24. In no particular order LOTR trilogy The Green Mile Apollo 13 Cool Runnings V for Vendetta
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