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Everything posted by Jon

  1. It's actually very good value, consider the cost of my phone and my ipod nano, that was about £500.
  2. This will do me when my P990i contract is up.
  3. I like you Takeo, but why must you constantly bash Sony? I know this is a Nintendo forum, but this is a PS3 thread, could the discussion not be kept to that?
  4. The record for the most annoying member? Suggestions on a postcard plz.
  5. You can never have too many dvd boxsets.
  6. ' ... '
  7. First off, must you continually use '...' to seperate every sentence? You berate Blink yet have the cheek to suggest my bloody valentine as the best band of the nineties. What I said about Blink was more aimed at Platty than them being the best band of the 90's, something both Oasis and Blur definantly were not.
  8. No, they bands they stole the majority of their songs from were.
  9. Oasis are shit. PERIOD.
  10. What about Blink?
  11. I think he's getting at the fact that one day we might know how to stop it.
  12. Spice Girls fool.
  13. Pulp, best of the nineties? Tut Tut Daniel.
  14. I have absolutely no fear of dying, Life is precious and can be taken away at any moment - so I might as well enjoy it as much as possible. I've lost enough people in my life to understand the pain it causes, I'm more concerned how my family would handle my death than me actually dying.
  15. Sounds good, payapl OK?
  16. I LOLZ at Student debt, I just blew £900 in the last week. Gonna be blowing about £700 on money for Canada trip.
  17. Luv U Caris.
  18. Damn Kingsmill bread, too large to fit sideways in my toaster.
  19. "That's the Bomb"
  20. It was, apart from the finale for obvious reasons.
  21. "That's a very personal question Dan, I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs".
  22. Is it wrong to find this funny?
  23. I remember a certain Anti - LOL campaign that had a shit load of posts in a short space of time.
  24. It can be tacky, But if it's done right (Alas Friends) it works quite well.
  25. I wanted the pink one, but it's been discontinued
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