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Everything posted by Jon

  1. Not really, the question i'd be asking how long are you lifting weights for? Personally I always almost run out of time because I've still got lifts to do.
  2. I think most people have got it covered with their suggestions. I'd have to include Happy Gilmore, especially if it's aimed at students. Don't think i've met a person who didn't like it.
  3. The Avengers Soundtrack is decent, some great bands on it like Bush. I quite liked the show, a lot to fit in for the 45 minutes. I did think it was a bit of a jump to have Coulson as the sort of leader who knew so much when he was mainly comedy relief in the films but i'm sure they'll go into more detail as the series progresses.
  4. They all say that man, everyone ignores it.
  5. Been re-watching some episodes of Due South lately. I loved that show so much.
  6. I didn't get in either. They don't half mess with you in how they tell you. *Comes down the stairs this morning to see mail delivered.* *See's fairly thick brochure with London Marathon on it* *Acts a little Giddy* *Looks at front of package to see "SORRY YOU"RE NOT SUCCESSFUL" written in a rather large font. *Cries*
  7. Is it too early to trot this out?
  8. That's a widely debated subject. You've got countless studies that indicate as you say that it doesn't matter, on the other end you've got the countless studies that indicate it's important in the hour after your workout.
  9. Yeah you're better having them after your workout, it's really something carbs based you should have before the workout.
  10. I'm not in denial at all, we won the game comfortably. It doesn't matter what our reputation as team is, we set up a certain way to allow you play more with the ball, it worked perfectly. You can reel of all those stats but at the end of the day we had at least 5 quality scoring chances, you had 1 at best. Not my definition of dominating.
  11. That's a bit skewed though. Virtually every shot was Kyle Walker threatening the nose bleed seats. There's big a difference between having more touches and dominating a game. You can't really say you've dominated a game when you never looked like scoring.
  12. Dazzy. u trollin brah? I remember one shot on goal at best against us. We allowed you as much possession as you wanted in your own half and the centre circle, nothing in the attaching 3rd. Never in a million years did you ever look like winning that game. Can't speak for your other other performances so I'll take your word for it.
  13. I haven't been to Edinburgh in a while but what's happened to the women? It's the capital of Fugly now.
  14. Why park somewhere where you're going to get a ticket just because you think you can get away it? Just seems like being a douche for the sake of it to me.
  15. I might roll out another one. Unfortunately that is when I peaked.
  16. Agent Shelvey, until next time. @MadDog What is the point of Aspas? he is beyond shit. Surely even you would find it hard to say something good about him.
  17. Didn't have any jam for the afternoon Bagel. Fucked off doesn't cover it.
  18. Metabolism or genes have the be the worst excuses going. Yes it comes easier for some people than it does others but you can change anything if you want it bad enough and are prepared to put the work in. No a go at anyone here, just heard so much lately from various people in life.
  19. Yeah, I thought that was obvious I meant more the odd treat now and again and not being too focussed on portion sizes and what you're eating.
  20. Sausages are fine, it's making sure your eating the right ones. Nothing wrong with eggs, great source of protein. All the talk of 6 meals a day is bullshit. You need a calorific goal in total, how you split that up throughout the day is up to you. If you're looking gain muscle get some protein shakes. Easy to take, especially if you're struggling to eat enough. When you're adding size, you don't have to be completely anal with what you eat, you can do a bulk. You can always strip off any excess fat afterwards.
  21. I thought he was just quoting Meatloaf
  22. I quit my job a couple of weeks back and went back to education. It's scary to think i've got 4 or 5 years of this ahead but after 7 years of full time work in a job I despised. I'm looking forward to the change. Not sure if what I did would be the hard way or easy way.
  23. Came home from school, flicked on Sky news and watched in disbelief at what was happening.
  24. Wilshere isn't the same player he was before he got injured. This is understandable giving he missed close to 2 years with injury. Pre Injury Wilshere was unrivalled for his age, he was playing against the greatest in the game and outclassing them. Obviously it's going to take him some time to return to that level. He's well above the other two you mention. I appreciate this may come off looking like a total fanboy but I imagine most people who know anything about football will know what a special talent Wilshere is.
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