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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Scary is relative
  2. Things like Werewolves, Vampires, Zombies etc. have been done to death
  3. Couldn't find a jacket for it so I've got the mad scientist stuff...but I'll be able to pull that off awesomely
  4. Awesome. Congrats I did my work experience at that publishing place and they're cool peeps to work with. You should have a lot of fun working there
  5. I was thinking of going as Ash Ketchum this year, plush Pikachu and all. However, I couldn't find a workable jacket for it so I decided to go as a mad scientist
  6. The Kumasyun event is now active
  7. Seems they're Tesco exclusive. They're brilliant though...not only are they chocolate chip with those varieties, they have a milk chocolate base similar to a digestive They are win
  8. Trailer for Monday's Sarah Jane Adventures episode featuring Matt Smith
  9. I found these cookies Win
  10. maybe they'll do it like Street Fighter X Tekken & Tekken X Street Fighter. Capcom will do a Phoenix Wright VS Professor Layton game with Phoenix Wright gameplay and Level 5 do a Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright game with Layton gameplay
  11. The story by Jay about the cow was the highlight of the episode though :p
  12. Spent £120 today on a jacket, a new hoody, t-shirts and a scarf Woo
  13. It should be; "The badgers are loose...quick, capture their souls on camera"
  14. No, they don't think you are, they ensure that you're not. It's the blanket bomb strategy
  15. They're not saying that they think you're trying to break the law. They're trying to prevent themselves from getting their license revoked by people breaking the law Not that it's related to being ID'd, but a friend of my brother was once carrying a spatula from his house to his mum's house because his mum needed it. He didn't have a car. The police did him for carrying a concealed offensive weapon.
  16. Indeed. I enjoy it, except for when they used to refuse my ID
  17. In essence...yes. In practice...
  18. It's a shame ratings are low for it in America, indicating a probable no season 3, as since the second half of season one, it's been getting really good. Episode 3 is indicative of that too, they've even started adding good bits of humour in, and not just pop culture references by Eli.
  19. After which, the Time Lords revived him and gave him more to fight in the Time War. It has always been the case that the regeneration limit was imposed by the Time Lords
  20. Indeed they did The limit was always set by the Time Lords...by Omega I think...can't remember, has been ages
  21. # A new WiFi Event has been announced in CoroCoro: Pokémon Kumasyun. Will be given over WiFi from October 22nd 2010 to November 29th 2010. It has nothing special but is given away due to its rarity, being very rare outside of Winter. This is Kumasyun; # In addition to this, we now know of a new Global Link event through CoroCoro. Get a Global Link Croagunk with the ability Poison Hand. This Global Link event requires a password and will be available for download from October 20th 2010 to November 19th 2010.
  22. Thing is, it'd have to be classic Ash for people to get it. Hat is easy, but finding a suitable jacket is really tricky which is why I'm leaning towards mad scientist
  23. Trying to figure out what to go as to Halloween...I want to pull at this party so I can't go too insane Was thinking either a Mad Scientist or cutting the middleman of my friends saying "This is Joe, he owns the biggest Pokémon site in the world" and go as Ash Ketchum
  24. They didn't refine it well enough. I've hit invisible barriers, been crushed when not touching the crushing thing, had no control whatsoever on even the slightest of inclines.
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