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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That complaint though, if the generations were flipped, people would be saying the same about the Gen I ones
  2. Ethics are all well and good, but ethics get thrown out of the window in times of crisis and that's where this sort of thing would come in
  3. http://www.physorg.com/news/2010-11-erase-memory.html This is such a bad thing. If the military gets this, they have brainless soldiers who do stuff without considering. Before too long, we'll just be mindless shells. Even if they don't remove fear completely, removing a memory is a terrible thing as memories are what make us human. Without our past experiences, we'd not be who we are. Delete those experiences and we too shall be deleted
  4. It's a different show in the same franchise. If it was "trying to be Stargate", it'd just be the same stuff as SG1 and Atlantis...continuous rehash. I wasn't a big fan of Universe but it has grown on me
  5. Nice costume. Very imaginative. I know the feeling though, last year I went as V from V For Vendetta. While not an imaginative costume, everyone wanted photos with me so am on facebook loads with people
  6. Sorry but nothing is more boring than Season 1's episde Life
  7. I saw a person's tweet the other day about it saying that those who said that just "aren't imaginative"
  8. From the halloween party last night. I'm the one in the middle, clearly. My hair had been fucked up though as my friends sent me to get my camera from home because they originally told me not to bring it but then couldn't find their camera's battery
  9. I guess having "Pokémon God" in my CV isn't a good thing then :P
  10. I've found the game here don't hire people who are actually really really knowledgable. They like decent knowledge but when it's people such as you and me, they don't hire
  11. In the old days, you could play a game for 10 days and still have things to do Nowadays, you play a game for a few hours and you've 100%'d it. I think that's what killed it
  12. I lept into myself from an hour in the past...now I need to work out I need to put right which once went wrong
  13. One of my best friends works at GAME. She's hardcore though. She has a Triforce tattoo. However, she has told me that the higher ups do force them to always try and sell extras with games and that she dislikes that that happens. She always tries to get me to pre-order things when I visit her
  14. Urgh...so much for the Temporal Prime Directive.
  15. I'd change mine to "This douche behind me has a gun call the cops you Moron" It'd also mean my first and last names would be This Moron Lols. Self deprecation!
  16. If you are to make an absolute statement, you need to have evidence to back up your claim, regardless of the contents of the claim
  17. Prove it :p
  18. I'm exactly the same. Just with more scientific explanations for the possibilities
  19. While I need evidence to believe something, that doesn't stop me theorising, which is what I've done here. I've been providing possible scientific explanations for paranormal phenomena which differ from the "Hallucination" or "Bullshit" explanations and you took my theorising as me stating its fact and brought up court cases? Scientists theorise and then prove. That's what I do. I'm much more a theoretical person than one who proves things.
  20. Because dismissing things is not the way I was raised. I'm not saying the entire world should suddenly accept any and all plausible explanations. I'm saying that there are possibilities and we should not just dismiss them outright
  21. Clearly because there is no evidence that they do exist
  22. Ghosts as in the spirits of the dead? Possible but unlikely Ghosts as in the possibility of extra dimensional beings being perceived as ghosts by people? Sure why not
  23. Seven It's be a new Merrick afterall
  24. Regardless of if it is right or wrong to, a person is still responsible for their own actions, regardless of any circumstances that brought them to it
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