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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I think it's more the fact that the last 6 episodes didnt do so well with the good weather and world cup this year so they're shifting it
  2. The box set could still be out in November...the specials boxset for example was out 10 days after End of Time Part 2 aired. However, I think part of the reasoning for this is that X Factor is apparently moving back to November to allow for Cowell to do X Factor USA
  3. Series 6 split in two http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s7/doctor-who/news/a269381/new-doctor-who-series-split-in-two.html I can see this ending very badly
  4. All my friends have tended to stop using MSN and are on FaceBook IM instead. I like MSN though :/
  5. The Doctor and Amy help the SS Lucy Gray to return home to Earth, unravelling a Cyber Plot and preventing the Daleks from retrieving a lost Time Axis along the way. The Doctor and Amy arrive on a human colony ship returning to Earth after it was rendered uninhabitable by solar flares. Without provocation they are attacked by the ship’s maintenance robots and become separated in the struggle. The Doctor is eventually led to the ship’s Head Quarters, where he discovers a Cyber Leader has connected himself to the ships AI and is blackmailing it into doing his bidding, or else he’ll kill the crew. Meanwhile the Cybermen that were hiding in the ship ambush Amy and chase her out into space. Guide the Doctor and Amy as they face their biggest adventure yet! Out October 29th Hmm...
  6. I'm clearly not serious lol
  7. 50mbps Virgin Media is pretty amazing. No limits, super fast (can download a gig in like 8 minutes if everything is good)
  8. Seems Pokémon Black & White have become the fastest selling DS games of all time already having already broken one million pre-orders http://www.4gamer.net/games/104/G010490/20100823032/
  9. Faraway region. Staples like Nurse Joy & Officer Jenny have been replaced with plastic bindings
  10. Why cobble stuff together...more pleasure and just use coathangers later :p
  11. Toasted Pizza-esque sandwich Cheese Tomato Puree Mushrooms Pepperoni I occassionally add Tesco's cocktail sausages in too Gorgeous and gives you everything you need to keep hunger locked up til lunch
  12. Really wish I had night out offers like that. FML
  13. It's usually the one friend and/or his girlfriend who cancels on us. We're all getting sick of it, but we're never really out much anyway. We intend to change that but jeez. No nights out for me til October anyway due to my work but still :/
  14. Two friends cancelling two hours after we were meant to meet up...the night was a total mess again. I had to leave early since another friend was trying to get me drunk even though he knew I had work to do with the Brocolli Ape later, but it's infuriating how these nights are turning out. I give plenty of warning but damn, it doesn't make me happy.
  15. Well, I failed last night. Weren't many hot girls out and I had to leave early to cover site stuff. FML
  16. Pokémon Sunday has just finished airing and has shown some a new Pokémon called Yanappu (ヤナップ). It is the Grass Monkey Pokémon, is 0.6m and 10.5kg. Its ability is Gluttony and is a Grass-type Pokémon and knows a new move called Acrobat which has a use within Rotation Battles. They question if the Pokémon is owned by anyone in particular in the games.
  18. There are some good alternative clubs in Bournemouth, and I don't mean the full on rock club. I'm talking about cool ones that play decent music. Stay away from the chavvy ones and you're fine, but even then, they're sometimes good. It's not where you are, it's who you're with... ...and how wasted you are
  19. I dunno. The constant aspect ratio change completely annoys me and takes me out of the film. Picture quality is good, yes, but that is a massive issue
  20. Got my 46" LED Samsung...is awesoe. The picture clarity on the BluRays is amazing My BluRay Collection; Fantastic Four (Came with my PS3) Cloverfield Cars Monsters Inc Ratatouille Toy Story Toy Story 2 Up WALL-E Star Trek Stargate Movie Stargate Universe - Season One Doctor Who - The Specials I'm also considering getting all of LOST on BluRay
  21. Pixar films on BluRay = Epic Win. Even the old stuff like Toy Story looks amazing in it. SciFi stuff is always good for the special effects. Star Trek & Stargate Universe for example
  22. Imagine it being said with either a jamaican or an african accent then you have the "mainstream" Bournemouth clubs
  23. We get them here. Normally they're very cliché "No splash no gash"
  24. Is that you admitting your love for oompa loompas? Did you get a song when you left?
  25. What a lovely mental image :P Anyway, I'm not really a one-nighter guy so the point is moot. I mean I'd kiss and get their number, but sex...no. Plus, my standards are really high.
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