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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Red Dwarf - Nanobots rebuilding Red Dwarf and all the crew
  2. Angry fish as in the one ReZ posted, yes. Depressed fish, no
  3. You're mixing screenshots up. The one of Basurao is pretty much not likely to be fake. The one of Tabunne is probably not fake. The one of Darumakka is not fake. The one of the PlantOwl and the rock head are fake
  4. Allow me to provide you with a cheaper alternative; http://www.serebii.net
  5. It means that TMs are like HMs in that they can be used time and time again
  6. So TMs no longer expire after use
  7. * Pokémon This Pokémon is called Wakoishi (ワコイシ). No further details are known, although it is possible that this image is a fake. There has been no mention of this Pokemon in any of the previous reports so we're very skeptical. We'll let you know as soon as possible * Vaporeon gets the Hydration ability if you get it from the Dream World * The move detailed yesterday; WindStorm (ぼうふう) where the Pokémon's Accuracy changes with the weather is confirmed to be one of Swana's moves * We now have confirmation that Wild Pokémon change depending on the seasons * The ability Sturdy now prevents any form of one hit knock out, leaving just 1 Hit Point * Victini appears at the bottom of the Liberty Garden Tower and will re-appear straight away if you knock it out. * Victini's Dex Entry; It makes limitless energy inside its body. It releases this energy on any Pokemon who touches it. * Game DetailsIn a correction to a previous update, your home town is is Konokota Town コノコタタウン * Team Plasma is giving a speech in Karakusa Town when you find them. They try to steal Pokémon to liberate them. * Global LinkYou can get customised backgrounds for your Pokédex and C Gear similar to the Pokémon Box * You can also download new songs to use in the Pokemon Musical * The above details are downloadable through the Global Link * High Link You can trade Items & Berries with friends over the High Link. This is done through leaving the items in the shelves as seen with Pokabu in the image * The Derudama listed for High link recently access abilities through Deru Power in the High Link. An example of which doubles EXP in the game. You can trade these abilities with your friends. Anybody near you in the C Gear will also get some of these effects * PokéShifter The PokéShifter is only available after you have beaten the main story. * Pokémon Musical Pokémon Musicals take place in a building called the Music Hall * An item called the Goods Case stores the stuff to hold the costumes and props. * You can receive gifts from the audience.
  8. Nope. All info which is on my site is 100% legit.
  9. A new image has come from the Pokémon Searcher BW tour which confirms that the seasonal changes affect more than just Shikijika. As seen in the image below, new parts of the areas become accessible within different seasons. It also appears that the main characters get costume changes for the seasons. For those who didn't pay attention or were mislead by the inaccurate post posted earlier. Seasons last a month and cycle through three times a year
  10. * Pokémon This Pokémon is called Basurao (バスラオ)which knows Aqua Jet & Uproar as well as Headbutt. In the demo, it is used by Cheren * Next, we haveShikijika (シキジカ) the deer Pokémon shown in the trailer last week. It is Normal/Grass-type. It itself has four different appearances, one for each season. Spring Form is Pink, Summer Form is Green, Autumn Form is Orange and Winter Form is Brown. It is the Seasonal Pokémon, is Normal/Grass-type and is 0.6m and weighs 19.5kg. It has the abilities Chlorophyll and a new one called Herbivore (そうしょく ) * Next, we have Mamanbou (ママンボウ) the water Pokémon shown in Oha Suta a couple of weeks back. It is the Nursing Pokémon It is 1.2m tall and weighs 31.6kg and is a Water-type Pokémon and has the abilities Hydration or a new ability; Greedy Heart (いやしのこころ) * Next, we have Miruhoggu (ミルホッグ) the evolution of Minezumi we saw last week. It is the Precaution Pokémon It is 1.1m tall and weighs 27.0kg and is a Normal-type Pokémon and has the abilities Illuminate or Keen Eye * Next, we have Swana (スワンナ ) the swan Pokémon we saw last week. It is the Swan Pokémon It is 1.3m tall and weighs 24.2kg and is a Water/Flying-type Pokémon and has the abilities Keen Eye or Pigeon Heart abilities * Next, we have Kurumiru (クルミル ) the bug Pokémon we got on Tuesday. It is the Sewing Pokémon It is 0.3m tall and weighs 2.52kg and is a Bug/Grass-type Pokémon and has the abilities Swarm or Chlorophyl abilities * Next, we have Moguryu (モグリュー), the mole Pokémon shown in Oha Suta in June. It is the Mole Pokémon It is 0.3m tall and weighs 8.5kg and is a Ground-type Pokémon and has one of two new abilities; Sand Throw (すなかき) and Sand Power (すなのちから ) * Game Details Rotation Battles have been further confirmed. They indicate that the strategy lies in trying to determine which Pokémon and attack your opponent will use * Miracle Shooter has been revealed to be the aspect of the games seen in a single image back in June. During wireless battles, you can earn points through turns. When you have enough points, you can then use an item * The Battle Subway, revealed last week has also been further detailed. In it, you have to face 7 trainers, similar to the Battle Tower. When you beat them all, you get Battle Points which you can exchange for prizes. * Dento is the Gym Leader of Sanyou City (サンヨウシティで) * You start your journey in Kanoko Town (カノコタウン) * Miscellaneous In some cases, the game box art is slightly different, showing Reshiram & Zekrom's tails illuminated. It is not known for what reason this is Legit
  11. The owl thing isn't fake but that scan is
  12. That's what happens when you don't get the tuff from my site
  13. Oh yeah, would have posted this earier but I wanted to get back to sleep. Hihidaruma pre-evo
  14. A new scan has started to leak out from the Pokémon BW Tour. These details confirm information about the Pokémon in addition to several aspects of the game which have been revealed. Special thanks to Sabonea Masukippa for translation They are as follows; * Pokémon First, we have Emonga (エモンガ), the Flying Squirrel Pokémon. It is 0.4m tall and weighs 5kg. It has the ability Static and is a Electric/Flying-type Pokémon. * Next, we have ,Gigaiasu (ギガイアス ) the High Pressure Pokémon. It is 1.7m tall and weighs 270kg. It has the ability Sturdy and is a Rock-type Pokémon. We'll have more as it comes, including CoroCoro, so keep checking back
  15. Serebii


  16. Does anyone else end up thinking about about 10 things simultaneously and then, when writing it, you suddenly merge them and end up with a short story about a person who went to town for some beans but then found that he has a Fatal Exception in PHP error; Memory Over Limit 1542353476323 (tried to allocate 15 bytes) on line 214 with a large sandwich?
  17. Serebii


    It was vivid as I was totally awake...I was totally awake before, didn't feel like I was drifting off and bam, there it was. It's just weird. That's the thing, my theory has been that the dominant life on this planet was meant to be reptillian, but the meteor hit 65 million years ago and wiped out most cold blooded species on the planet. If it went in a similar manner on other planets, then life wouldn't be mammalian, it'd be reptilian which would explain "Greys"
  18. Serebii


    Don't worry, I don't judge you. I've seen questionable things in the sky that I can't explain too
  19. Serebii


    The thing with Roswell though is that it was dismissed in the 40s, it was only in the late 70s did someone spout the words cover up
  20. Serebii


    That's the thing, a lot of scientists do actually believe it all as fact. It really irks me :/
  21. Serebii


    Not quite. Science by definition is attempting to understand but not necessarily having absolution. However, most think of it as 100% true and that is what I have issues with.
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