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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. I can never approach a female in clubs. They're usually in groups and so forth. I honestly seldom see it work. My friends rarely "pull" in clubs, though some do. Plus I have social anxiety issues so it'll never happen for me.
  2. And what are other consoles' lineups. Almost as barren I would wager. This is always the worst time of year. Also, you include some download titles and not others, such as Party Find The Mistake. If you're going to make a list to show how the lineup is barren, at least do some research and include either all software, or just have retail versions.
  3. Everything dropped. This was the week known for the worst sales in Japan. The total hardware sales for last week was 50k less than the 3DS alone sold in the previous week. Come on...
  4. Downloaded it. Having fun, relaxing, but it does get trickier than I remember it
  5. She's Ashley, a character from WarioWare. She is an Assist Trophy
  6. Incidentally, a load of developers have come out of the woodwork and have said that the Eurogamer article is inaccurate.
  7. I can imagine the UK bit was easy to deal with as BBC, Channel 4, ITV and Sky are eager to do all these things and implement their OD services, among other things, on as many platforms as possible. I mean hell, iPlayer was most popular on the Wii for a very, very, long time My gut is telling me that it's the rest of Europe holding this back and they stupidly want to give it to all of Europe at once.
  8. Prices have been fixed
  9. I think that was a mis-type and that they meant it was a regret with DKCR that is rectified here
  10. Some interesting rumours, apparently from ONM http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=751154
  11. Which is why it's taking so long
  12. Using some trickery, you can make it so many transferred Pokémon can be marked as Kalos native. You can transfer hacked Pokémon with Hidden Abilities if they were unreleased e.g. Sheer Force Feraligatr, Contrary Serperior etc. You can have Pokémon in the wrong balls etc.
  13. There are a lot of things they can do to improve it. Trust me.
  14. You don't need to tell me this :p
  15. Thing is, the whole point of it wasn't Action Replay, it was against the apps like Poké Builder...yet despite that, the hacks went through. Their database behind it is just horrific. Hell, their online battle hack check is better. I do know for a fact that the hack check is being improved, however. Me too. I like Bank
  16. Because the big names threw their dev kits out years ago :p
  17. Torchwood is decent enough, but not really up to Doctor Who quality. Its third season was absolutely amazing, however.
  18. This game is woefully under-rated. It gets trashed a lot, having changed many Zelda conventions. The story was cool, and nice to set up the entire Zelda timeline. Each dungeon was unique and revisiting old dungeons to have things change was cool. Yeah the world was a bit less open, but every part of it had something to do...it wasn't just an empty field with a bombable rock in it. With the use of the 1:1 motion, each battle stopped feeling like a "hindrance" needed to pass to the next area, but when you defeated an enemy, you felt a sense of accomplishment. While not the best Zelda I have played, it is definitely good fun 9/10
  19. Anyone going to get this? I decided I may as well, so may need people to destroy online :p
  20. I honestly wish I were -_- Junichi Masuda left Twitter for two weeks because of the abuse he was receiving.
  21. Seriously. Because Japan gets more events for Pokémon due to them loving it more and more places in Japan actually being willing to hold events, people claim GameFreak & Nintendo are racist and prefer Japan, especially as Japan had Pokémon Bank for 30 hours
  22. Try receiving countless e-mails every day about Nintendo being lazy, being racist etc. It's very grating. I truly apologise if I let my frustration shift over here.
  23. Didn't mean it towards this thread. I was thinking more about Youtube commenters, GAF users etc. with it. Apologies. Poor attempt at humour.
  24. But Nintendo are doomed/awful/kiddy/phone games in/rehash/a shadow of their former selves. Aww
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