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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Read that there's rumblings that a promo photo of Peter Capaldi in his Doctor's outfit is going to be released soon. Makes sense if they're going to do location shooting soon. He most certainly does. Paul McGann is a great actor and a great Doctor. He was just let down somewhat by that material...but it was made up for later.
  2. New Pokémon spin-offs. Screw Dungeon, Ranger and Conquest. I want new things. Thankfully... Roll on 2015.
  3. That'd frustrate me so much
  4. I have a Japanese Wii U so that's not an issue for me
  5. Plus, I don't have enough arms to cover both at once for my site :p That's part of why I want it staggered
  6. Can you provide proof that I'd be like that? Because that is completely contrary to how I am.
  7. I'm thinking September. What they need to do though is make it June for Wii U, September for 3DS. Give the Wii U some breathing room so it can sell the console, and then profit :p
  8. Todays pic
  9. Déjà vu
  10. Yeah, and the GBA carried Nintendo for a good portion of the GCN's life.
  11. Indeed Bound to be an amazing game, though. I was on the fence thinking "I know it'll be good but I'm not excited", but then I saw the videos yesterday. Bring it on.
  12. He is confirmed as the only one unfortunately. Leaving out Engarde when there's a whole world of water seems criminal
  13. Fine I apologise, but I believe I am owed apologies from various people here who have turned it into personal attacks, just because I disagree with them. Perhaps subconsciously my wording has become hostile because that's the environment we're in here at the moment. Seriously, it feels to me, and I know it is seen that way by many others here, that I am constantly being mistreated and insulted here just because I believe Nintendo aren't doomed.
  14. You do realise that it was a tongue-in-cheek statement initially. It was a joke based upon the fact there was no support. Hence the emoticon. You appear to be over-reacting. But fine, I'll just remember this for the future.
  15. We get this crap all the time. We had a tonne of it in 2011 in regards to the 3DS. It has now gotten old and should be ignored
  16. It's an observation based upon years of actions and statements :p And yes, that is their opinion.
  17. Third parties hate Nintendo. This isn't news :p
  18. Nintendo didn't front them the cash I guess.
  19. It sold best on the Gamecube http://uk.ign.com/articles/2004/01/24/graphs-soulcalibur-ii-sales http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80195 At least in the US. Struggling to find the worldwide figures.
  20. If this were an isolated example, then sure. However, it is not. This is a common thing, even away from dross. Plus, it's nothing like Angry Birds. I only provided that link anyway as it was to hand while I was surfing the web.
  21. People say that about smartphone software, but realistically, we have situations such as this http://gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=220776 And Cave Story and countless others. So many games earn and sell more on Nintendo's hardware than on smartphones. The reason investors are clamouring for Nintendo to shift to smartphones is because it's the "in" thing at the moment. Just because investors want something does not mean it is the best idea for the company. Many investors are in it for a quick buck and Nintendo's company is not the way to do it, nor are most gaming companies. They're in it for the longhaul, not the smartphone ones where they are massive and then die out, like Zynga did.
  22. That's not proof, that's anecdotal. Where are your facts?
  23. It doesn't kill morale as much as decimating the workforce.
  24. They didn't say give a taste. They said to make people aware of them and encourage them to go to the console. There's a bit of a difference in the mean. Making people aware could mean anything, while a taste would mean things like Jungle Run, but that wasn't what was said.
  25. Not ignoring it does not mean they'll put their games on the devices. They also will be revealing their strategy on Jan 30th. They renamed the investor meeting to show this.
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