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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. That said, this is the first time I put any time into Wrecking Crew, and am enjoying it. May break out the 3DS ambassador version a bit later. I want a sequel, or for the SNES sequel to come on the VC
  2. When I get a new SD card and copy it, it takes a couple of tries before it registers that it has stuff on it, and then I have no issues forever
  3. The Sonic DLC is free. Super Mario Bros Deluxe is free It's also great fun, and great value. Normally I dismiss NES games as it's nostalgia that makes me like the majority of them, but I got this and am happy. It's bloody addictive, too.
  4. Sweet zombie jesus. Have they got a new marketing team??
  5. Nintendo pushed out a notice in Japan today informing people that you NEED to register a Nintendo Network ID to download any free or trial software on the 3DS.
  6. All NES games so all play as NES games...D-Pad + B & A buttons
  7. DS's sales were abnormal, however. It tapped the market that didn't exist in gaming then, and has now gone on to the mindless dross of smartphone gaming. PSP didn't sell bad at all, was just under the GBA and the GBA did very well. If the 3DS does those numbers, it's damned good
  8. GTA was decent enough, but its saving grace was the story. The gameplay was a bit hohum and around half the missions were just driving from A to B while characters talked about the situation. In my eyes, at least, Zelda is a far greater game as I play games to play games, not for story.
  9. I wouldn't say the infrastructure is dire. It needs party chat and a notification method but that's it...
  10. Hope so. Though I hope they allow you to scale them. It's ridiculous that some of the 3D World ones won't actually fit on the Miiverse message
  11. The comments are hilarious. I liked this one: "This is a joke right? A fucking 2 year old could make a better game than this, this game would've deserved game of the year in 1985, but not in 2013"
  12. Super Mario Sunshine had aeroplanes in. Just saying.
  13. This game reminded me why I hate Mario Bros. Jumping in that game is awful. Struggling a bit in a few of these. Jumping really lacks the momentum I have come to expect and so if you're not running, you pretty much go straight up.
  14. Because it's Wii+7 in HD :p
  15. I haven't had download issues either. NES Remix downloaded in around 5 minutes today. Wii Fit U, when I got it, took half an hour.
  16. This game really is splitting opinions across the Internet. We really need to see more.
  17. Oh, I misread, it's £13.49. Not that it makes much difference :p
  18. So glad this is coming out the same day here as America. The latest trailer makes it look great
  19. If it makes you feel better, there's a challenge where the task is to kill Luigi :p
  20. Anyone download the DLC yet? How is it? I've downloaded it, but don't get the game until Christmas so have to be patient
  21. They really need to zoom the bloody hell out in this game. It is way too zoomed in
  22. Nope. They have eShop links to the Virtual Console versions though
  23. Oh yeah, there's a lot to it
  24. It's £8.99
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