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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Yeah, Youtube's Content ID system has gone crazy this week
  2. The UK has always hated Nintendo really. The rest of Europe is pretty much alright with it, loving it when they do stuff right, but the UK...
  3. Yeah, because neither Sony or Microsoft had any issues with load on their online systems this past month. Oh wait... :p
  4. It is when you're playing as character #5 :p
  5. Trailer for Time of the Doctor
  6. Wish there was a StreetPass Bournemouth. Would set one up myself, but the site would eat into the time. It's a great thing to meet fellow players. When I went to the Pokémon Adventure Tour here in August, I battled people, I traded, then I let them know who I was. It was great. May try to convince a friend of mine to set one up
  7. Unfortunately not. The 9 million goal is at the end of this fiscal year, correct? That's March. When companies say Spring, they mean April, May, June...Q2 essentially (hell that's seasonal Spring -9 days anyway) Unfortunately, we'll likely be 3 million short of his target, and that's the best case scenario of 2 million units between now and March :/
  8. Last week, in Japan, 3DS LL 92,375 Wii U 48,762 3DS 32,894 Vita 25,594 PS3 24,085 PSP 4,416 Vita TV 3,772 Wii 767 Xbox 360 473 3D World held strong with a further 43,000 sold too. The latest Dragon Quest X release did 70,648 on Wii U, though 117,432 on Wii. Gran Turismo 6 started strong with 204,784
  9. Nintendo sent out a tweet on their Japanese account and noted the servers are still getting load. I'm struggling to load the Wii U eShop
  10. MH4 strangely blocks Miiverse from booting up while it's being played.
  11. See it from theirpoint of view Console with 37m install base gets the new feature opened up. Do you a) Stagger the communities so your system doesn't collapse b) Think "Screw it", put them all on instantly, and watch as the servers melt down with people posting pics, art etc. constantly
  12. Oh yeah, the new 3DS games released today in Japan all have communities
  13. Yeah, the way Nintendo went about it was wrong, but the fact is, they were both being idiots and both screwed eachother in one way or another.
  14. You forgot the bit where Sony was wanting to get the majority of the royalties from all Nintendo's IPs. Sony was definitely wanting to screw Nintendo. While Nintendo dropped them harshly, it was Sony's own doing.
  15. Call of Daisy: Mushroom Warfare
  16. A Mario FPS to come in 2014? I think it should :p Yoshi's Safari Unleashed!
  17. I think we should actually complain on Miiverse about the fact that they are purposefully not putting the DLC on the Wii U with an asinine excuse http://www.techradar.com/news/gaming/consoles/ubisoft-no-plans-to-put-assassin-s-creed-4-freedom-cry-dlc-on-wii-u-1206592 I made two Miiverse posts: https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYMHAAACAAAYUKlBuKE5yw https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAC_UqFIVDhmsw The second one is something that really grinds my Klinks Why advertise it if you're not going to bother releasing it??
  18. Do you realise how hard it'd be to completely redo a system so deeply integrated as the friend system, and have it not be broken or cause issues in the OS? It's ridiculously tricky. Any software engineer knows that you don't just overwrite things like that and hope for the best, especially in this day and age. Plus, as I said, it'd require pushing out patches for every single 3DS game that utilises the friend list in one form or another.
  19. Well no, it'd have a Pokémon twist. Look at Nobunaga's Ambition. That was mostly about killing, slaughtering, stabbing etc, but they put the Pokémon twist in it. It could work similar here.
  20. Not a chance in hell, my friend :p
  21. Hell no. A Wii U Pokémon main series RPG would be catastrophic for reasons I have repeated ad nauseum. However, a spin-off game that crosses over with Monster Hunter...the two biggest video game franchises in Japan (and one of the biggest in the world with one that has decent gaming respect)...that would sell the console.
  22. A Pokémon & Monster Hunter crossover would save the Wii U. Has to be done :p
  23. Didn't say it can't be done. I said it would require a considerable amount of recoding and patches.
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