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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Can I just quote this? :p Happened last time with Earthbound...don't kill the dream, Nintendo :p
  2. Simultaneous worldwide. Covers Wii U and 3DS for the first quarter of 2014
  3. Ok, Uncharted you're correct. Infamous, no. It started off in the exact same situation as Wonderful 101. Sucker Punch didn't become a subsidiary of Sony until two years after the release of the first game, same year as the second was released so technically that is the case there too.
  4. Nintendo paid for it and apparently own the IP. Do you say Uncharted isn't a Sony IP? Or Infamous? Same situation.
  5. Destroying all your ghosts on this as I go through as Toad :p
  6. Europe has had a load added Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate FIFA 14 Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D Fire Emblem: Awakening Pilotwings Resort Nintendo presents: New Style Boutique Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask Mario Tennis Open The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Star Fox 64 3D Kid Icarus: Uprising
  7. Maybe there will be a Nintendo Direct this week and it'll have N64 and GBA games with it...
  8. No bloody VC game this week. What are they playing at??
  9. America is crazy. They're charging a guy for assault because, when unarmed (he was disorientated or something), the police shot at him, missed, and hit two bystanders, so they are charging him with the assault. I really don't get America http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/05/nyregion/unarmed-man-is-charged-with-wounding-bystanders-shot-by-police-near-times-square.html?_r=0 Yeah he was causing a disturbance, but still. Their legal system is essentially equivalent to the wild west. Power and money rules all. Logic, reason and the law are secondary.
  10. New communities added for Japan. Probably will be added for the west later Fire Emblem Awakening Kid Icarus Uprising Nintendogs + Cats PilotWings Resort The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D Star Fox 64 3D Mario Tennis Pocket Soccer Culdecept
  11. Yeah that's it exactly. I remember playing new Pikmin and Wonderful 101 on the Wii. Nintendo are clearly also the only company who release new iterations of their old IPs too. Please refrain from exaggeration.
  12. Never mind. My attempt at humour fell flat. Still, as I said, Fast Racing NEO is hopefully going to be amazing
  13. Was just a comment about how many "next-gen" games look like the same malibu stacy as before, but with a new hat. The *shot* was a shot at me for the Wii U bit :p
  14. Since we're unlikely to get F-Zero any time soon, I'm looking forward to FAST Racing Neo. Considering the graphics Shin'en managed to get out of the Wii U on launch day, it is going to be spectacular. I could argue the same about many PS4 and Xbox One games. Just saying :p Especially the Wii U part *shot*
  15. All that'll do is not sell and have people question why it's on a "kid's console"
  16. Had similar last year in regards to Zombi U, a friend asked me why they were bringing out a zombie game on a console for kids. Have no idea how Nintendo can get rid of that view.
  17. Got some stuff for you. First, a new patch which fixes a load of exploits people used to cheat. Has to be downloaded to go online Second, we have new Pokémon Bank details You can also choose Battle Points to be earned as well PokéMiles in Pokémon Bank when you deposit Pokémon. If your annual Bank fee ends, you can still withdraw your Pokémon for a short time, but will be lost afterwards forever. The period of time has yet to be announced. Pokémon Bank ignores the 3DS's region lock so all games can be read and used for depositing/withdrawing Pokémon so if you have a US game, you can put it on a Japanese 3DS with Pokémon Bank installed and put Pokémon on there
  18. Give up on them? Hell no. Stop using them as a focus? Absolutely. Seriously, Wii Fit has changed my life and I have used one variation or another daily for over five years. It is one of the greatest things they have ever done
  19. The Wii U needs a price drop a rebrand and an actual marketing push. They've started with the latter but the Wii U name is poison now. It really need some sort of rebrand. It's a shame. The console is great. The GamePad is a great idea which is decently realised...the problem is that people don't get it until they've had some serious hands-on time. The games are absolutely fantastic and the company is the only one not trying to screw the customer with microtransactions and paywalls. It saddens me that Nintendo is the one failing :/ Dropping the Wii U is not an option. Dropping their console business is not an option. 3DS's sales this November are higher than last November in the US and are up 15% YTD on last year. Hardly "rapidly shrinking" an
  20. New Super Mario Bros U Enhanced :p Na, I'd probably go F-Zero too, or that rumoured combo of Starfox and Metroid
  21. The Wii U eShop has had a christmas overhaul. Such a happy tune in the background.
  22. It's actually the same here in the UK atm. I have seen far more Pokémon and Mario adverts than PS4 and Xbox One ones in recent weeks.
  23. Like we had heard about Mario 3D World last year?
  24. Was just saying, this sort of thing is expected with launches and rollouts. That had 1m+ on trying to hook things up. This has many more. Simple mathematics.
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