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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Strangely not. SerebiiJp, my Japanese NNID, uses my site e-mail and I used that e-mail on the new one, thinking I had a different e-mail on it. Worked fine.
  2. Just got in on my standard 3DS XL, checked and my Wii U activity is listed on my 3DS, but all 3DS activity is not listed under "Account Activity". Despite this, all 3DS titles downloaded & purchased are listed under all the titles. I now assume they'll all be listed under Account Activity on both from here-on.
  3. After the Swapnote incident, they're being cautious. They treat friend codes as personal information and don't like them being spread so much.
  4. Switching from Friend Codes to NNID would actually cause some issues with the way all the online games are coded. Every game would have to be patched. We have to pull through with Friend Codes for the rest of the system's life. It is foolish to think that they would have switched it
  5. People posting their friend codes are having their posts deleted Oh yeah, apparently (can't check it) Account Activity lists both 3DS and Wii U purchases on both eShops now...
  6. Is anyone having issues with the 3DS eShop? Updated both my 3DS XL and Japanese 3DS and linked them, but now the eShop just hangs while loading
  7. Done it, merged my two accounts (thankfully they did it a smart way) and created a third, Serebii3DS
  8. If you actually gave Mario 3D World a try, went through it rather than just look from the outside, you would see that it is fresh and extremely focused
  9. Get it. You don't need food, but you need Mario.
  10. Did you use a red font? :p
  11. I wouldn't trust his predictions. I recall one instance earlier this year when his prediction of the Wii U's sales was actually half what it actually was.
  12. Hopefully they implement such a system in an update next year. Just do like the 360 did and need the disc to run the game, then the disc will stop being read. Job done.
  13. The UK has crap taste in games :p
  14. Aww. I was hoping to play the 60hz one for once. Meh, still only £1.49 and can play on my GamePad so I'm happy.
  15. Same, I have had very few. Since the Spring Update, I've had 2...and they were both on Lego Marvel
  16. A Link to the Past is on the Virtual Console this week. £5.49
  17. Good lord...that's insane. I've never had it that bad
  18. Yeah it is a bit cruel, but I'm fine doing it. Gives me something to mindlessly do while watching TV One of the situations where I actually use Off-TV Play
  19. Played all levels as Mario and Luigi...going through as the others now. Not cheating and using the bubble method :p
  20. To be fair, it's not like the Wii U is the only console to do this. You have no idea how many times my 360 crashed. As long as it's not happening every hour with every game, you should be fine. It's just possibly poorly coded ones that do it.
  21. Lego games are notoriously unstable. They're always known to freeze. My Wii U has seldom frozen, but when it has, it was playing Lego City and Lego Marvel. Unless it happens with every other game continually, it's fine
  22. Why do so many of the stamps not actually fit the little box?
  23. Brick & mortar retail sucks for games and game stuff. Hell, I saw a Wii Remote for £49.99 in GAME the other day, and a Nunchuck for £29.99. I mean what the actual hell??
  24. Indeed. What happened to that deal with Tesco of theirs?
  25. Blame the retailers :/ They mandate that if publishers attempt to undercut on their own platforms, outside of special promotions, they'll stop stocking the products.
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