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Everything posted by Serebii

  1. Unfortunately, while playing with my brother, it appeared because he died a ridiculous amount of times. Ah well Think of Worlds 1 and 2 as a tutorial. As World 3 continues, and goes on through the rest of the game, the levels get so imaginative and so awesome.
  2. Some levels are not good on multiplayer. My brother lost 30 lives on one lol
  3. Been playing this with my brother this afternoon...great fun too
  4. There's your problem :p
  5. It's because, even when they're "formulaic", they ooze with creativity. Just look at Super Mario 3D World for that. You don't need to be pumping out new IPs to be creative.
  6. Pretty much, yeah. Or you could rotate the GamePad for the same effect. It all depends on the situation though. Some bits won't let you go round all the way.
  7. Controls take a little getting used to at first really, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. They just feel a bit sluggish compared to previous games, but I remember playing Mario Galaxy last year and thinking the same
  8. It just arrived. Just put it in an the EAD magic already exists. Beautiful...just...beautiful Just realised why @Ashley said the camera only moved in 15 degree increments. He didn't have it on Free Camera mode. Just turned that on...
  9. Still no postman. He's taking the piss
  10. He tried that, didn't work
  11. My friend's PS4 bricked after the update. It's doing this: http://instagram.com/p/hTDNGKyYf4/# Any ideas?
  12. I don't know...Sony tried to screw Nintendo then (asking for majority of royalties from Nintendo IPs on that system), and Nintendo screwed Sony (Didn't say it wasn't happening and went with Phillips instead) so there's a lot of bad blood and something is bound to happen again. Hell, look at what happened between Nintendo and EA. They had a great partnership building. Battlefield was to be a Wii U game, with major focus on it, among others...then it collapsed. Nobody knows why but the general consensus through insiders is that EA wanted Nintendo to be solely on Origin, putting EA in control, and Nintendo rightly told them no.
  13. I'm quite likely to play through the game 5 times because of this... Does the game at least keep track of which character you have completed each level with? 3D Land did...
  14. The week before last (14th to 21st), I spent 27 hours playing Lego Marvel The last week (21st to 28th), I spent 15 hours on Zelda and 22 hours on Assassin's Creed 4. I also played a lot of Pokémon for screenshots and data for the site Don't regret a single minute. Love them all. Still haven't finished AC4, but that's on hiatus due to Mario...and I intend to spend as much time as possible playing it Would it have been nice to spread them out? Sure, but then I'd have just had longer periods of boredom. So I hear you, buddy. I am the same. Ignore the others :p
  15. Yep. Go get it
  16. I for one can't help but do it. Zelda was a masterpiece, but I couldn't put it down. When I managed to, I was back on it half an hour later. It's the curse of the Nintendo developed titled
  17. Midnight Central European Time
  18. I'll be Mario all the way. I'm a purist!
  19. I hate you all. And I hate my postman
  20. Nope. It was end of December 2012 http://www.polygon.com/2013/1/30/3931742/nintendos-earnings-wii-u-sales-had-a-negative-impact-on-profits
  21. ShopTo for me, no post at all today...it's a joke -_-
  22. This makes me sad. My postman is taking the piss...
  23. Rub it in guys Bloody postman. I think he hasn't bothered coming today. Sigh.
  24. No but the post annoyingly hasn't arrived yet :/ Could be a bad sign. Though people on GAF have got theirs.
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