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Everything posted by Goafer

  1. Very obviously biased voting. The song wasn't spectacular, but it was far from the worst there. Italy's was brilliant though, so glad it won. Dadi Freyr were robbed though. Felt so bad that they were robbed last year due to Covid and then couldn't even be there for the final this year for the same reason. #JusticeForDadi
  2. That's fucking awful. Really sorry to hear it. Hope you're doing ok.
  3. I missed the age bracket by 6 days, but thanks to @Happenstance informing me of them accepting people under the bracket, I'm now all booked in.
  4. I'm playing through Mass Effect 1 and I can't unsee the fact that Tali's armour makes it look like she got dressed in the dark and is flashing a boob.
  5. Bloody love the Nier soundtrack. I've also been listening to FF7 Remake stuff a lot, in anticipation of seeing Distant Worlds later this year.
  6. Finished playthrough B and whilst Replicant isn't as good as Automata IMO, it's still a great game. It is a weird one though. A breakdown of my opinions over time: Playthrough A: Act 1: About as generic as it's possible to be. Clearly feels like an old game with a fresh lick of paint. At least the combat and music are good. Playthrough A: Act 2: Ok, things are picking up, but it's still nothing that special. I'm beginning to wonder if all the praise is just nostalgia and weebs. Playthrough A: Ending: Oh, that twist is a bit of a kick in the pants. Playthrough B: This is soul destroyingly brilliant. I'm not a fan of games that start off slow and you have to slog through the tedious early sections, but Nier:Replicant is utterly brilliant towards the end of the first playthrough and beyond. It's not quite Automata levels of brilliant, but it's not far off.
  7. I think it's purely for collection purposes. I guess it's like any collectable, the scarcity and the fact that it's so obvioisly related to a certain period of time gives it some extra value to collectors. It's not like they'll get re-released in the future either, as who would want PS5 shoes when the PS6 is out? It's not my sort of thing, but I can see the appeal. Edit: that said, it seems they're just a new colour scheme for existing shoes. Maybe it's just that then: a new colour option and is meant to be worn. They're just white and blue, so hardly a weird colour scheme. I could imagine people actually wearing them if people already wear the other colour variants. To me, it's the shoe design itself that's ugly. The colours are fine.
  8. Bloody loving Dance With The Dead at the moment. Tempted to get the Blackout EP on vinyl, but shipping from the states makes it too much for a 3 track record. Still, a bloody good EP. Can't really describe their music. Heavy, retro dance music maybe?
  9. Will you just fucking shut up and let people enjoy things. Constantly slating Sony (often with double standards) doesn't make you interesting or funny, it makes you a joke.
  10. I use these whilst cycling: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XG8L3CW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_7ENTEX5YB566QE0J77A3 They're fine. Nothing fancy, but I only listen to podcasts, so they do the job. I've been using them for just over a year.
  11. Bloody love the first MGS. If updated graphics and gameplay allow/encourage more people to experience it, I'm absolutely all for it. Hell, I'll probably get it myself. Loved the gameplay of the later MGS games, so experiencing the first one's story with that gameplay would be excellent.
  12. Weird how people are against price reductions, but also see Game Pass as fantastic value. Theres no way games on Game Pass are getting full price for every download through it.
  13. Yes, but only if Sony did it. As it's Microsoft, it's fine. Remember when games were fun and not just some pissing match between "my brand" and "your brand"?
  14. Been using the recent bike upgrades as motivation to actually get out on it. Bloody good day for it today as well.
  15. Not given it a proper ride yet, but the initial test was promising. Just need some spacers for the stem, as there's currently a gap between the stem and top of the steering tube (you can just see it in the photo. It's the silver bit sticking up), but it's rideable and feeling much better than before.
  16. A lot of my recent record purchases have been a bit "loud", so figured some more relaxing music was needed.
  17. I narrowed it down to the cassettes for the swooshing noise, so my red Sharp cassette player is working fine. I did replace the belt on my Alba and Sony cassette players, but the Alba is just plain trash (knew it would be TBF, as I just bought it for the novelty of built in Tetris) and the Sony needs new capacitors. I got fed up after that and just stuck with the Sharp. I'll probably send the Walkman off to be repaired at some point, as it's really nice, but I'm in no hurry. Kind of sticking to vinyl for now, as it's far more reliable.
  18. My bike saddle is far too uncomfortable on long rides, so I ordered a new one. And then I figured I may as well replace the handlebars, as the current ones are rusty. And then I realised I'd need new grips too. And then I figured that I may as well replace my old mirror at the same time, as the old one was a bit tatty and barely hanging on. And then I figured I'd order some other things, because why not? I bought in the end: I spent far too much...
  19. Good God, what a colossal embarrassment. However will Sony recover from having one of their top tier games making money elsewhere? Everyone at Sony should surely be fired for this humiliating embarrassment.
  20. Why did you buy a PS5 at launch, when all you do is piss and moan about it?
  21. I've started cycling again and I'm amazed at how much fitness I've retained. Managed my long route over the weekend (although I did feel like death after) and managed my medium route at a fairly fast pace today and barely got out of breath. Just got to lose the weight I put on over Christmas and I'm back to where I was late last year.
  22. You know you don't have to be abrasive all the time, right? Looks a good month to me. Been wanting to try Days Gone for a while, so that'll do nicely.
  23. Yet more records: And some Samsung Galaxy Buds+, as they're half price on Amazon currently:
  24. I don't think the confusion comes from actually misunderstanding them, it's more that they've changed so many times now, and normally at short notice, that it's hard to remember which ones are currently in effect. Whilst I'm sure there are some people who are just pretending to be confused so they can just do whatever they want, I think there are some that have just lost track.
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