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Everything posted by darksnowman
It would be nice and the more I have time to think about it the more Ill realise how nice it could be, when I read that At the Core I wasnt sure whether they were saying that the resistence could be created or if it would be next to impossible to create it realistically...? But if you've done the research and are a man after my own heart (and a good few others here, in that you are a lifelong supporter of Nintendo) then its a very interesting prospect indeed and every single game would benefit from this... ...racing through Mute City, a new remix of the age old Mute City tune putting the hairs on the back of my neck up once again, and someone, Samurai Goroh is that? Comes up alongside me and I lean into him, not altogether visiciously as this is my first go on this new game, and whats that? The controller wont go any further because he's preventing me from going any further in the game? I think that Id be on the verge of being perfectly immersed into games worlds...
And on a more pleasant note than Senor Sanchez, I forgot to mention that by some act of magic akin to that found in places like Narnia, my surfing of the forums has gotten back to a more bareable speed this evening. Made all the more enjoyable while having a nice listen to the Corpse Bride Soundtrack, Danny Elfman knows how to make a tune alright.
Must say Ive been a regular here for quite a few years and I dont think its going downhill, theres always been an influx of new people now and again and older ones posting less. Personally I hardly ever post and when I do its hardly ever here in General, I hardly ever come in here! Its been all the more strange thought with the change in Mods and all, one time Im here and its all nice and dandy and everyones enjoying the new look boards and making a mockery of the character restriction rule and the next time I visit its a whole new selection of personel, whoa. Im still not used to it. The forums are grand like, theyre all a bit dead but hey, its been Christmas and people have lives! Stocka was perfectly right in what he said about it picking up again when Revolution news stars flooding in. My GameCubes been really busy lately and the Cube boards here are as dead as can be. The handheld or retro discussions are the places to be though, not sure about the Revolution one yet as its a whole lotta speculation and its a bit pointless to get caught up in it all, though to get caught up in it a little is exciting. The forums will live on a long long time, as long as Nintendo I daresay. Then when/ if they drop outta the business thats when we can all sit back with a cuppa tea and reminisce of the good old days.
I began my quest along the Pth of Radiance this afternoon... Ive only done the first chapter and have it saved to restart the second. Im on easy and the Tutorials are a little tedious but I know that they are probably best seen out as itll be better in the long run to know what Im doing. Its my first Fire Emblem game, my impressions are that its a medievel version of Advance Wars, and thats far from being a bad thing! My GameCubes got so much life left in it this year, who said it was dying out?!
It would be fantastic if Nintendo had asked developers to appear "out o the loop" like Nick said up there, somehow it seems so farfetched and improbable that it could be something Nintendo would do! I would love a summertime Revolution! Heck, gimme a European Revolution this year and Ill be more than happy!
Im up to the Rainbow Continent and its proving to be a very very good game. Like all great RPGs its hard to finally say to yourself that this is the save point where you save and end playing for a while and then when your away your mind keeps wandering back to it and wondering whats to come next! My Tvs been on the blink - a nine year old portable, I got it back the same Christmas as The Almighty Donkey Kong Country 3 (which coincidentally will be top of the list we all voted in and not the game everyone is resigned to seeing top league, right Stocka?) ...so anyway, I been playing the GameCube downstairs in the living room and what I was saying in regard to Baten Kaitos is that somehow the game doesnt seem so amazing to look at on a big widescreen. Strange, but true!
Ive got and completed Colosseum - well Ive not purified em all but Ive completed the Story Mode. Ive also just began XD and its very nice! Maybe Im only saying so because Ive not had any Pokemoning for a good while but I think its probably better than Colosseum although Id also say the two go hand in hand, so anyone who can own them both should do so. Neither are obviously a full blown GBA in 3D adventure but they do what they do very well, embrace them for what they are my children.
One more question, when you take photos should you just go and sell em? Or is there any point in keeping em for like a Bestiary type thing or anything? Ive got the Lord of the Springs and the Rainbow Spider but I dunno if I should cash in or keep em...? Ive only played a bit but Im loving it! One other thing lol, the girl with the Bracelet wants a Bluebird, any tips on catching one? I went back and got her a dead one but thats not good enough, oh no. And dare I say it? Ive been wrecking my brains but is this the best graphics Ive ever experienced on Gamecube and thus ever? It could just be.
Ive not read this thread for fear of spoilers but Id just like you all to welcome me to the Baten Kaitos fold as Ive now got and began with the quest. Ive not played much, just out of the first village... should I have found a way to give that girl milk or will I be back? And Ive beaten some beast in the forest and the girl, Xehla has joined me. Does anyone remember that fallen log or whatever? Should I have been able to burn my way through it yet or again, will I remember it and go back later? My first impressions are good and it seems very fresh and I feel good about having started this new adventure. I just hope Im gonna have as much fun and be engaged as much as in Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia.
Tales of Symphonia Official Thread
darksnowman replied to Stocka's topic in General Gaming Discussion
Its good to see this thread revived. I completed this beast of a game back in May... and I musta done no sidequests cos I cant mind there even being any! All I ever got was the letter near the start to give to some guy (Alfred?) and I never bumped into him so well... I still have the letter! Im tempted to give this a replay but Ive lotsa other games and stuff to do for now that itll have to wait. Its a definite candidate for a replay in the future. -
Of Doshin and Perceptions of Nintendo
darksnowman replied to darksnowman's topic in General Gaming Discussion
I started playing it last night, Ive done two days worth of it. Raising and lowering the land is something I needa get the hang of it yet... Its got me interested though... even though it is incredibly slow! Wheres the run button?! -
Destiny Blade, Id say get it because its probably the best SSX game there is out there, and barring the original Ten Eighty its almost probably the best snowboarding game out there. I too got it for a mere £20 so dont pass it up! And come back to us with your views and initial opinions on it when you pick it up because chances are you'll love it and you'll probably shoot all the arguments I presented down - which is maybe the kinda thing I needa here to get me into this game...?
I bought On Tour last week and I just had a go on it there for a wee while. I dont know what to make of it at all... So it seems to have a pretty good progression system - I managed to get to being an amateur (I think, Im in the rankings now anyway) and thats a pretty good step on from SSX 3 - which I loved. But with this one... I dunno, it hasnt captured me like I expected. The intro sequence wasnt very good I thought, it even seemed quite messy. And the menus and on screen stuff is quite hard to look at aswell. I think the style has been over done. Then from the intro, the create your boarder baffled me... but Ill stick with my created one cos they all looked a bit stupid anyway... Ive some long haired galoot who I gave a beard shadow. He needs new clothes so hopefully the shop will be as cool as SSX3. But its mainly the style I think thats keeping me from becoming immersed. I dont remember it being quite so MTV and sk8r in the last one. It seemed to have a nice blend. I did go into Quick Play to see if Mario, Luigi and the Princess were there or if I had to unlock them. They were there and I gave each of them a go The first time I saw Mario he looked really outta place and a bit stupid, but I got used to him being there and it was quite fun! Then I tried the Princess and that was great fun! If I ever get to play the game in two player Ill be using her, she was class on the ski's and I think Id like play through the main game as her! Then I tried out Luigi and that two was pretty good fun - I think if I could convince my sister to play it we could have a decent blast... but the controls would put her off... its a little complicated for the newbies... And speaking of controls, I keep pressing "z" while in mid air expecting to do a grab but instead it resets me onto the piste. All in all though, I give them credit for revamping the game somwhat to freshen it up because Id be having a wee rant if it was SSX 3 all over again. I hope I get into it and I hope that Radio Big makes a return later in the game...? Maybe when Im good enough Ill be able to tune into it, heres hoping.
Well its taken me a few weeks and quite a bit of thinking but I think this is as close to my top five as were gonna get - its soo hard to decide! 1) Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kongs Double Trouble This is the top for me. DKC was amazing and the second was great but a little too dark for my liking but then came this one to complete one of the best trilogies ever. It has everything, a great world map and great characters both to play as and to interact with not to mention some great fun baddies. The game also has one of the best sound tracks ever and some of the best graphics and replay value Ive ever known in a game. Ive completed it so many times, first to get the 103% then I got a NMS that had a cheat, TUFST or HARDR that you could enter and play again to earn 105%. What an achievement, and what made it even more of a joy was that MERRY cheat. What a game... and Im getting the GBA remake this Chrimbo so I can get some (watered down) DKC perfection anytime! 2) F-Zero Ill never forget this game or fall out of love with the series. This is the one that truly got me to where I am today gameswise. Id played on things like the Commodore 64 and NES before this and then stuff like Street Fighter 2 on the SNES but once I got a go on this... I was hooked to what was going on in the game... the graphics were/ are superb, the controls are perfect and the characters and vehicles and levels leave nothing to be desired. It was this game that kept me from getting into Super Mario World and it will forever hold a dear place in my memories, all the sequels have been amazing and everytime I hear the remixed music it gives me chills up my spine. What else can I say? 3) Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island This was the first ever game I reserved, and back in them days it was in the lowly gaming heaven of Woolworths that I did so. I remember being up the town and coming down with my parents and driving past Woolies. I looked up the sidestreet and saw a big lorry sitting there and I got a buzz of excitement inside - today would be the day I got a new game! Lo and behold, when we got home the phone rang and it was Woolies, my game was in. Ma went to get it and I waited for what seemed like hours... but what an experience once I got my little mitts on it. The intro story... and then the colours and crayon backgrounds, raocking soundtrack and throwing eggs and the Yoshi's had so much personality - they were real... Nintendo had done it again. This was back when DKC and Mario World reigned supreme and look what they had delivered! This is my second favourite platformer ever and as you can see by me placing it third here, its easily one of the best games ever. 4) Skies of Arcadia Legends Ok this is where the decisions get tough and I start over analysing my own selections. I have chosen this because its got a great story and characters and atmosphere from start to finish and wonderful tunes for everywhere you explore... what more could you want? Ok, no random battles and a battle system like Tales of Symphonia but get over it, this is an RPG and this is the mould that RPGs are made in. There are ship battles in this game and to end it all theres an onslaught of epic battles at the end each of which take forever to complete before you rescue the world and feel some of the warmest and proudest feelings you'll ever have while playing a computer game. 5) GoldenEye 007 Do I need to say anything to justify this? Its a game which is, no joke, still used as a bench mark in comparing others in the genre to today. Great controls, great Bondstyle music and a superbly superb and addictive 2player mode. Ill take you anytime, Bunker and Proximity Mines... your carcass shall be mine. That was difficult, where are the Mario Karts, Mario Platformers, Zelda games and countless others like Pikmin and Starfox...? I wish I could vote for them but these others have nudged them aside. What does make a game so dear to you anyway? For me it seems to be the experience, the characters and something that is very important in making a great great game is the soundtrack. I sure hope my top three feature highly up the list because they truly are benchmark games which I have some wonderful memories of.
So I been picking up quite alot of games recently and with the oncoming of Chrimbo and the few games Ill get then, well I really wont have time to play them all. I have Kid Icarus and SSX On Tour that I have yet to have a go on aswell as this one - Doshin The Giant. Anyway, last Friday I was just looking to see if there were any decent bargains and what I found was Doshin. I will admit that I did think twice about buying it but that was because Pikmin was there aswell and Id love to pick it up at some point (I have the second) but I opted this time for Doshin because its new to me, although I have played Black and White. Anyway, at the till the guy mutters something to me and I said What? He repeated but I had to ask him a third time what he was saying. In fact he was asking me if I was buying it for myself or for a child! I was raging inside. Why would someone who runs a game shop be so narrow minded like that? I dont think he was trying just to strike up casual conversation as I handed him the cash because he was quite taken aback when I didnt hesitate in saying it was for myself. Then I asked him if he'd played it and he put his head down, fumbled for my change and said no. I was ready to get into a big speel about Nintendo games being about fun and not about the picture on the front of the box but I bit my tongue and left. The encounter did play on my mind the rest of the afternoon though. Sheesh, the world needs to start thinking again and realise that just because its a big yellow giant doesnt mean its for three year olds to play, who in fact wouldnt have two clues what to do with a console controller. I dont think Ive picked up any FPS' this gen (notice how I dont include Metroid: Prime in the FPS bracket), so sue me. I had GoldenEye, PD and Duke Nukem last gen so its not like Im some poof who cant bare the sight of blood. Its time to get over the fact that people think that a game needs blood and guts.
Yeah Ive got the first two for GBA but Ive lost interest for the minute with it cos of doing and playing other stuff. I will however have to get em sorted before the third one and the rest are available, busy RPGing times ahead my children.
I think I made about one transfer in September and since then it looks like ive done ok, eighth isnt too bad is it for just letting my team do its own thing? Come on you EMPATHICA!!
Have yourself a Nintendo Christmas.
darksnowman replied to Hero-of-Time's topic in General Gaming Discussion
I usually like to get out the SNES and play through DKC III with the MERRY cheat on. Then once i get used to it again and where the bonuses are to be found I fire in the TUFST cheat and sprint through it again to get 105% and the best time I can in order to be top of the rankings. Plus yeah, OoT is a good one but for Chrimbo memories and I like to get it out and play through the first three dungeons or that, up until the cutscene where its Links dream coming true and then Ive seen enough. One other one thats great for Chrimbo, Diddy Kong Racing! Ill see you's down in Frosty Village... -
Y! Like Ty said up there, I got used to using c up on the N64. I think as well y seems logical like c up did because its above the punch and kick buttons...?
I made a thread about this t'other year and it died out pretty flipping quickly. Ive read the series over many years. Followed Roland on his cycle from the Mohaine Desert more than once and I love it every time. Everytime something different stands out. A great great series, although Im not stupid enough to say its perfect. The Crimson King then. Might be some spoilers here for anyone whos worried. He basically went mad. There are many theories on him and well the final battle wast really that great but thats not what the stories about. Sure he went crazy, killed everyone in his court and headed for the Tower. Insane. If he had remained sane he woulda fought Roland at his Castle and taken his guns as the sigul to enter. I dont have the time to get into it all now but like I said, and this applies to Mordred too, the story was never about the ending, its about Roland and how he changes, opens his heart again, can ya not see it? If you want to know more about the Crimson King read Insomnia.
Merci, Adieu, Bon Aniversaire et Adieu...
darksnowman replied to darksnowman's topic in General Chit Chat
Thanks for all the kind words guys and gals. Im just looking at train times to get from the airport tomorrow afternoon. Should be a blast putting my french to he test after a summers speaking English. Might needa scoot on and pack my gear here. -
Muse is amazing for your ears and imagination. Its the kind of music you listen to and it makes you want to start learning guitar and piano yourself.
Theyre supposed to be "trustworthy"... but I wouldnt really think that the IRA are turning all goody goody on us. If they were turning away from being a terrorist organisation then what are they needed for? Its all to look good and to see what the Loyalists will do.
Time for a soppy thread, try to hold yourselves together guys and gals. :aww: I put a thread up in the summer about my plans for the near future and it would appear these plans have come to fruition and are coming together nicely. On Tuesday 27th September Im heading to France to spend the year teaching English. An Ulsterman teaching English? If you hear any Frenchies (ah, werent the Frenchies in Conkers Bad Fur Day great to kill on the Beach?) speaking with a Norn Irish (Ballymena-hey) accent well then you've me to thank for that, so in years to come Ill be keeping an eye out for any such threads. I dont think this is goodbye, but I dont know if Ill be able to be online as often over the next months :unsure: I only been on so much this past fortnight cos I finished my summer job (Argos, yawn) and have been taking it easy/ being super lazy. Anytime I get online Ill pay this place a visit to see whats happening with Nintendo and see if the forums are still thriving. Ill try to pick up the releases I can when Im over there, but we gotta see how tight the cash is. Anyway, its a happy birthday to me and a happy birthday to Twilight_Link. I think its that one anyway, there are so many Links around this place. It appears we were both born on the same fateful day, alas years apart. Im 21 tomorrow and Linky's still but a mere teenager. Well keep the place alive guys, and unlock the Chrimbo thread. Go on, grant me my parting wish wouldya
Sounds like Twazzock? Is that a good thing? And your not sure about your gender, crazy! 6/10... if you tell us how you thought up your name I could reevaluate the score.