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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. So Im in... crap, I cant mind, Diadem?? The purply cloudy place, you all know where I mean, yeah? Im losing interest fast in this, I dunno why, maybe Ive just played too much of it recently. Anyway, I popped into the dimensional tear whatsit and to open the big stone door I need something from the air. I cant mind exactly what was said on the door, but can someone tell me what I need? Is it some cloud? Where can I get it?! (*awaits posts saying "gamefaqs is your friend..."*)
  2. Just to be sure, you guys have downloaded this right? It hasnt secretely been released on CD has it?
  3. Whats all this talk of Final Fantasies and (Im guessing) Resident Evil? That was a nice post about Majora's Mask, a great game made all the deeper for reading that take on it. Anyway, for my contribution its the baddest of all. He's shown up under many different names and guises and we loved beating him to a pulp in each and every one of them... thats right, King K Rool, Kaptain K Rool, Baron K Roolenstein, whatever he called himself in DK 64 when he was a boxing champ needing a boxing lesson from the chimps... take your pick, for each one is as bad as it gets!
  4. I saw em do this last night on Jonathan Ross, in fairness it has grown on me and was very good live. Ive only heard it three times now but each time my appreciation of it has grown. Im looking forward to buying it next week as a single to get me warmed up for the album.
  5. ...dude... the story :wink:
  6. I dont have many problems personally with the name GameCube, I think its better than adding a number like PS2 and now Xbox 360. I think its better to keep the names fresh and new - in keeping with the release of the fresh and new console. Many things contributed to this being a poor generation for Nintendo, what about this one though: the colour and design of the console itself? Im happy with a purple one (Im happy with being a Nintendo fan like and dont mind in the slightest them being different) but Im sure that that put plenty of people off. In my opinion it looks a bit naff anyway in black and even the platinum one didnt look so hot to me. No doubt however, as is being shown with Wii, the colours that people want (the blacks and platinums and whites) look good on something thats of sleek design - which the little Cube isnt. So what Im getting at is, even with all the non-GTA kiddy style that everyone loves to hate games that have been released maybe the public would have accepted them all a little easierif they had a console to play them on that they could have been a bit more proud of...?
  7. And I cant believe you quoted it all just to say that! But yes, a great post that I enjoyed reading there now. I dont know what to say in this thread that hasnt already been said from the start. GameCube: failure or success? Clearly its a bit of both depending on what way we want to look at it. If you compare the amount its sold to t'other two consoles then its been a failure... if you look at how much its sold and still been turning a profit then its been a success. If you compare the amount of games on it to the other consoles, its been a failure... if you'd rather look at it in terms of quality over quantity then its been a raging success. For me its been (typically) a success. I own some of the greatest games available at the minute and probably some of the greatest most fun games of all time. The only thing that its really lacked has been the freshness brought by the N64 and it being the first leap to 3-D... but GameCube games look fantastic without doubt, its just when you get down to it the gameplays been similar. For example, in my opinion, not even Timesplitters was able to capture me like GoldenEye and Duke Nukem 64. Why? Because I didnt like the dual analogue and prefere still the set up on the N64 of using the control stick to look and the C buttons to move... so that would be my main gripe. However, to counter that and to look at it in another way is that its offered quite some different style of games purely because Ive branched out into some different genres (for example: Splinter Cell, Fire Emblem and the few but still high quality RPGs that didnt appear on the N64). All in all then, I'd say its a success, all you have to do is wise up and look past this kiddy exterior and get yourself into the games and its plain for all to see. One last word, I too still have games I want to buy for GameCube and I think thats testament to how its still managing to hold its audience.
  8. Sounds very cool, however Ive only ever owned two GameCube controllers. Next time - if ever again - I get a fourplayer bitta F-Zero going, Ill be trying out for this DK suprise!
  9. I tried it and guys that was a most excellent little Easter Egg to find so late in the Cubes day! At first I thought I could hear Diddy Kong and then I realised it was some kinda squeaky rubber noise, then a wee laugh... very cool. (However its better as an optional thing, could you imagine the chat if that was standard every time you turned on the thing! There'd be uproar, twould be up there with the name of the Wii!) If the Things That Are Most Excellent thread was still on the go, Id post this.
  10. Yeah, I remember getting my only blue screen o death on my GameCube while playing Eternal Darkness, too. Must be something up with that game. As for being told to wipe the little discs with a cloth, not once have I been told that by the GameCube, nor in the instruction books for that matter. The guy must be a loon, and is trying to hurt the Cubes fair image.
  11. ** Could be SPOILERS ** I died a few times last night, took me til my third try to take out Giacomo (funnily enough, for the second, I changed my decks cos there were healing cards that had gone stale and whatnot, and I changed tactics to taking out the girl first, i worked well but I died again. Anyway, I was feeling confident and went straight for another retry... however the decks had been reset to what they were for the first try! I felt quite dejected and thought I was gonna get slaughtered but I hung in there, changed tactics again to taking out the guy - Folon? - first and then the girl and thirdly Giacomo. It worked and he unleashed his StarWars style plot twist upon me... before initiating the self destruct on the ship, dirt bag.) Anyway, onwards to the lava caves. Fighting fire beasts and big freaky looking things and eventually coming upon Geldoblame. I did the battle, won it without a problem and now after all the cutscenes and everything Im reduced to just being bonded with Xelha and Im not feeling optimistic about completing the game lol... who's gonna take Kalas place? Maybe Gibari... definitely him, because the other two, Great Mizuti and Savyna, have no battle experience or decent decks. And I have to go and find them all now, too. I dont expect it to be easy but hey, Ill probably be back to it later even though I dont feel like going any further with it now. That was quite the update and I tried not to go into details spoilers-wise, but I apologise if you have read that and things have been spoiled for you.
  12. Im getting into it... a little bit. Its stupid how its so serious though when its pure luck!
  13. Im interested in just about every single Wii game announced. Ive only played a little of the first Call of Duty game and that was only two player - and was horrendous. I played a little of another on PS2 and it seemed pretty uninspiring... however because of the controls... and how they could turn out, Im interested in this - for the time being. I think the screenshots look pretty darn good, too.
  14. Right you are, Ive multiple saves now and Im on disc two. Im aboard the Goldoboa and just saved it inside the door. Ive not had any bother dispatching with guards and those flying thingies on the Goldoboa so hopefully I should be equipped to get through whatever big boss fight is awaiting me up here. Seeing the ships flying and then landing on the deck of the big bad Goldoboa has reminded me quite a bit of Skies of Arcadia - even though the games have the floating islands similarities, Baten Kaitos has done a good job differentiating itself from the aforementioned Skies.
  15. Can I ask, is disc two when
  16. A few questions then: How many hours roughly are in this game? Im still only on disc one like, does the second have plenty of playtime in it? And, whats the best fighting trio to have? - ie, does it matter or is it just down to personal preference and playing style?
  17. I picket this up last summer for less than a tenner, but Ive only put a few hours into it. I didnt understand the fighting system - or is it too much to assume (assume makes an ass outta u and me) that there is a system to how the game plays? Im not slating it cos I know it has a great following and is highly regarded. KI all the way to the bank though.
  18. Ive a question, I think the answers going to be a yes anyway but I needa know for sure... do characters still gain experience even when theyre not in the battling line up?
  19. Ive not played Phantasia, but its on my list of games to get, dont worry about that. Hence seeing as Symphonia is the only Tales of game Ive played it gets my vote. I also havent played FFX so the story wasnt that bad for me... I heard from either a friend or read on here that the story only starts like FFX...? I could be wrong like.
  20. This is some incredible bumpage of this thread, Im sorry if it causes any problems... but it shouldnt, right? I got back to this last night, it took me a couple of fights to get used to the system again but I seem to be cooking again. Im up to the library section, I picked up in the town before with the festival happening. Id been trying to put up with the voicing but come on like, Queen Corellia sounded like such a robot! Anyway, its a lovely looking game and Im enjoying it quite a bit - trying not to rush it which is what I seem to be in the habit of doing with RPGs. Ill be back with more updates on my progress as I go.
  21. The Bard speaks true on the music topic. If you love F-Zero music Id suggest you should give GP Legend a go on GBA, there are tunes from the Snes and all in there, great stuff! (And all the best for that AS Level - Eng Lit shouldnt be a problem, I managed to get an A in it at A Level without feeling like I really tried!)
  22. That is quite an opening post, I failed miserably at reading it all though. Rivals that mammoth of a Resident Evil thread that appeared a while back. Anyway, one day I might just sit myself down and read all that and get Smash Bros out and play like... well in the same style I always have, oops!
  23. I enjoy this game but Ive not got as much multi out of it as the N64 one. My favourite character has always been Pikachu, I think that Roy, Marth etc arent really that much use! Im not trying to start a fight like, Im just saying. In my opinion Kirby's pretty good too, and I'd even go for the Princess for a laugh. Flip, looking at those characters Ive mentioned, youre gonna think Im gay or something... Im thinking Im just not a hardcore Smashist like the rest of you!
  24. So if we want a sequel with all the same characters, just set in the future a bit, does that mean that youre itching for a more mature Tales with older badder characters that swear even more often than their kiddy cel shaded counter parts? Replace the sword fighting with gunplay...?
  25. Its between Links Awakening and Majora's Mask. MM cos it was a bit longer? But Links Awakening had a freaking heart wrenching story... and ending. Someone help me choose!
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