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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Here here. Case closed, keep the Cube, keep your soul and keep the great memories
  2. Sounds like a plan. Im getting it on day one, and Ill be converting everyone to it I can. Wii for Halloween? Im liking it alot. I suppose though that they need to get it out in early November anyway to get it into peoples houses for Christmas so, I suppose, Octobers not that big a shock... but still nice to hear!
  3. Im yet to do a replay, but I think the incentive of having other areas of the quest to concentrate on and maybe do the whole thing in a more chilled out manner - I really played it non stop to get it finished, so to maybe enjoy it a bit more and have a nosey about the world and find the best weapons etc would be cool. And to see a different ending, because the Lloyd and Collette one was a bit short. On a side note: does anyone want to predict when this will die out as a thread? I see the Baten Kaitos ones dropping off somewhat, and I plan to ressurrect that in couple of weeks time when I get back to it, so keep an eye out for it making a reappearance!
  4. Im yet to complete any Metroid game and Im still without this one... however, something about hearing Arnie like that and having him rain bullets on me is making me strangely motivated. I think however Sir that Ill be joining you in Final Fantasy IV before I get near Metroid Prime II.
  5. That trailer was very nice. I just restarted FFII there because I was too weak to finish off the big final bossman before due to not really bothering to level up the magic spells of my team. This time shall be different though I cant see me getting this done and dusted for FFIV's release... bah stupid lifes just not long enough is it!?
  6. Whoa, slaggage, Ill just leave then. Seriously though, what is it specifically a sequel to? Lets just chill in the sun and then enjoy whats gonna be on the shelves and thus entertaining us the way only Nintendo know how.
  7. Ive only got the original Bongo game, Id like to maybe get the second but DK Jungle Beat is beyond doubt on my list of games to pick up that Ive missed... and this is a definite purchase. Love DK, love Nintendo racers, love this.
  8. Nintendo really are a company that do it for the games more than the money (I know theyre a company that needs to make money etc to survive) but anyone else would either not make this or just ship it over to Wii. Doesnt anyone else feel I great deal of respect for them simply for the fact theyre making this game? Im incredibly hyped about the game too and Im gonna have such a crazy amount of saving to do - I can afford the games and Wii like, have enough money to buy em all if they came out this weekend like... but I needa spread the cash around, you know!
  9. Id not even noticed the thread title had been changed, the name sounds good. I think that the battle system being simplified has improved it if reviews are to be trusted... and sure if the games topping the first one in scores then its bound to be doing something right. Id be worried about it coming out here and if it doesnt I think Ill definetly resort to lowly importage but Im feeling strangely confident that this Zelda (Ill get it for Wii anyway) but also Super Paper Mario, that new DK game and Kirby and whatevers not coming to mind'll be a pretty great last hurrah for GameCube. With backwards compatibility being all the rage nowadays the game has no excuse whatsoever - and was I dreaming that Nintendo are publishing this too? That surely has to be a promising sign for us malnourished European gamers.
  10. I got this second hand for Gameboy and I expect it to be pretty good due to all the attention it gets nowadays. Im yet to play it though and Im thinking that in a couple of weeks I might break out the Snes and Super Gameboy and see how much it rocks... or doesnt...
  11. Whats all the hating about? This game is gonna be great and highly addictive, Im having a bit of an RPG cool off at the min so Ill be ready to get involved in Baten Kaitos II and the lew of DS stuff... like this. It will rock, I imagine it to be highly customisable and although Ill have next to no one to play against (unless its online, but thats pretty much a given?) Ill be training like a mad man once again into the night getting these new babies levelled up. Too many games on the way, its getting crazier by the day!
  12. He's quite an emotional guy once you take the time to get to know him.
  13. Im looking at the site, Im yet to get any footage but Im loving what I see, where am I to get the cash to buy like pretty much every Wii game theres gonna be??
  14. I got mine on release, it has the sticker. I however will not be ebaying it unless I become extremely broke. Very extremely broke.
  15. Ive the GameCube version... but Im yet to play it since January... great title though, I could tell that after about three missions. Ill be back into it come June though, it can only elude me for so much longer.
  16. I just saw OSS 117. It was a toss up between that, Wild or Horribilis (Slither I think that one is) and OSS was a good call. Cheesy, amusing and a nice watch. And most important of all tonights criteria, it wasnt dubbed... bliss! A stonking 8.5/10
  17. Come on guys, you just all love Raine! She's evil like and it looks like Im the only one to believe so!
  18. I even consider the Revo dear and were sure its gonna be cheaper than that, like half the price? Whoa I dont know what to say like but if Nintendo priced the N5 up in that kinda bracket I might have to actually think twice about gettin it. They wont though. If these PS3 thingys fly off the shelves then people are crazy and should like look into giving their cash to charity instead of Sony.
  19. Isnt it great how the threads for the Cubes couple of great RPGs keep makin their way to the top of the page? My turn to weigh in with a point this time and listen up Tales fans and fanatics (if there is indeed a difference!), Ive high hopes of this turning into a decent discussion. I was reading down a thread there in the Handheld area, could well have been the Spring time release dates one. Anyway, someone about here has an avatar with Raine in it. That set off a little thought chain in my head... I think I posted this briefly way back when on the old forums and it didnt get picked up on/ I forgot about it and didnt bother comin back to it when I finished the game... anyway, what am I babbling on about here eh? Bare with me just a little longer, ok? Its been a few years but I think this was in the deserty town near the start of the game where Lloyd gets penned as a wanted criminal and posters appear. In the hotel or wherever it is theyre staying Raine gets her hands on the Cruxis...? Hmm I cant remember what the plot was doing at this point, but she gets something important! And there's this cutscene with her in her room and shes like yes Ive got it now, mwahahah and her eyes change colour. Your all still with me yeah? I thought this was her being set up to be a villainous old tart out to take over the world for herself, or she was atleast in cahoots with the big baddies... but nothing ever came of it. Anyone care to discuss this?
  20. Everyones said just about everything - I read a page or two. Ive nothing really to add apart from one question.... Is it too early for an April fools joke?
  21. Listen to this, I lent it to my friend back in the day, I'd almost got all the gold medals by this point. Id not really explored the options in it but my friend, he did. He changed the speech to Lylat, something I tried when he gave it back to me but it really grated or somethin on my brain and I didnt enjoy it. But back to my friend, he like also changed the language of the text to make the game totally incomprehendable - cool if you like that kinda thing. The problem was though, that he accidently wiped all the data. Ive still not got back to the point I was at, it took a truly inspired play through of Aquas to get me that medal - man I used to be a decent gamer...
  22. Ive the GBA one and its got quite some faults, but I love the idea of the cross over (I mainly bought it actually just for the Halloween Town level) and if Im ever to own a Playstation of any kind Ill get the Kingdom Hearts games.
  23. Isnt Lylat Wars a good old Nintendo offering? Corker of a game like and one that I like to hook up for a blast through from time to time nowadays - people complained about it being so short... yet it was so epic!
  24. Who's actually gonna go to such lengths as this? Own up now, its time to name em and shame em!
  25. Im actually interested in picking up one of these and atleast one extra dance mat for later this autumn and winter when Im back at Uni, should be a good blast I thought... but if its rare already... and I thought it was a pretty recent release!
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