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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Basically Venemoth and Butterfree look like they've been swapped round when you consider what they evolve from. It's really quite disturbing.
  2. Jimbob, it's up to you to take it from here...
  3. I'm ready to jump into action, if only Spambot will...
  4. Yay, I have some linguistics proofreading work - basically getting paid for revising.
  5. Happy birthday! I first thought that was the same sycamore as the one on the cover of the cover of Jackendoff's Foundations of Language, but I think I was mistaken.
  6. Well, it works quite nicely in that the universities are divided up into manageable but somewhat arbitrary blocks, both for administration and socialising. Which is great, because you get to know people well who aren't doing the same subject as you - most of my friends are at the same college as me but do English rather than linguistics. Plus given the way the system works, there's not really any conceivable way of reorganising things, and everyone seems very happy with things the way they are. And as Chair pointed out, the University Challenge thing is more of a(n intentional) handicap than anything else, and I think they cap the number of college teams per season (something like 5 for each University). To be fair, much of theoretical computer science is basically a branch of pure maths.
  7. Term is nearly over, so I shall play this time.
  8. Lol, I think I'm the only person who read Chair's initial post and thought of algebraic rings rather than anal sex. I think a lot of the problems people have with self identity revolve around the fact that it's a fluid construct, especially when you're "developing" and all that. It's entirely normal to act very differently around different people, and though when overdone this makes you false, it's usually just a necessary personality shaping that goes on to aid communication. You shouldn't worry that you're not showing people your true self as that doesn't really exist, given people are just shifting bundles of thoughts. Similarly, there's not really any way any individual person can totally know you - even the people I'm closest to aren't aware of parts of me as it doesn't make sense for them to emerge, and that's completely normal - it would be far weirder for people to know you totally. As for doing something with your life, note that just by existing you've already done a hell of a lot. And while it may seem that some people stand out for their achievements while others are largely insignificant, note that this is partly a comparative thing - what's more important is doing something that you yourself consider to be worthwhile. And we've all got an awful lot of time for this. The Stoic Philosopher Chrysippus of Soli died of laughter after feeding wine to his donkey and watching it try to eat figs.
  9. I think we should implement a special "oh god another ReZ pun" button alongside the thanks one. :wink:
  10. Try getting the Combined Community Codec Pack, and using Zoom Player that comes with the bundle. It happily plays anything for me, and is a lot more modern and shiny than Media Player Classic. Edit: Actually it seems it's no longer part of that pack, but you can get it here. And if I were you I'd get the CCCP anyway - some more codecs might make things run more smoothly.
  11. I may be either in New York or at a conference on that date, but if not, I should be able to attend.
  12. So true - I actually only live an hour away from Cambridge, but have never got homesick nor had time to go home in term time. Anyway, I know a couple of people at university in London, including my sister. The obvious advantage is the bigness of it all, and you'll always find more things to do should you look, but it can also be a bit daunting, and accommodation is very expensive.
  13. You've both shown one (or in Zell's case, two) way(s) of breaking up the bar, but neither of you have proved why the number you get is the minimum number of breaks:
  14. Nope, only the most basic type of break is allowed. Well, there's not an x in the equation, but I guess you mean (m-1)(n-1), which isn't right. Edit: Ah, might have confused you. When I said "m x n" I just meant "m by n" - there are m squares one way and n the other.
  15. Yeah, but both Tyrannic and Titanic have secondary stress, whereas Tyranid has primary.
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