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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. ReZ, I think you should post all the images at once, so that we can make sure you won't just make a really good first one and just shit for the rest.
  2. I think last time this was suggested, it didn't get implemented because people thought it would be hard to moderate.
  3. On KNEE: The guy who remains silent for a while then corrects someone on linguistics. IRL: The guy who talks about science for a while then corrects someone on linguistics. These are kind of reversible I guess. Oh and off course there's the mod thing, and having a black and white avatar of a guy nobody recognises.
  4. Well I would have thought the same, until I went to university. You really can be too busy to care, amazingly. I imagine it's similar for Chair, only more homoerotic.
  5. The other day I made a shallot tarte tatin with goat's cheese, but sadly I have no pictures. It was quite nice, but absurdly sweet and didn't set quite right.
  6. I'd say you generally know, although some people like to claim they're sober when drunk. Talking of drunkeness, I had an cool night last night. Curry followed by a trip to one of the best pubs in Cambridge, which sells loads of obscure and awesome beers. Floris Honey is really quite astounding.
  7. I've watched anime (Japanese audio) with French and sometimes Spanish subtitles before and it's a pretty crazy experience - there are 3 languages jostling for space in your head.
  8. If you just look at even/odd factors, you can do it without modular algebra at all, but I guess it amounts to a similar kind of thing.
  9. Gah, it's horrible doing these problems when tipsy - I keep going round in circles. I'm pretty sure the answer is:
  10. Avatar was successful largely because such an absurd amount of money was thrown at it. While the story wasn't great or even remotely original, it's filled with Chekov's guns and emotive points to entice the casual viewer, and the setting is very well developed, in terms of the graphics, the biology, and even the linguistics. Nonetheless, the whole intended "alien" feel of the planet was really a bit fake, with most things just being direct analogues of things on Earth. But this actually caused people to like the film more, rather than less, as they were able to engage with it. Ultimately, it's a very watchable film despite its flaws.
  11. That's really quite awesome. How big is it?
  12. I've heard the solution to this before, and I'd say it's kind of a borderline trick question, but I'll let it slide as it involves deduction too.
  13. They're claiming to show pictures of both sides of the car, but the second picture is just the first one but horizontally flipped.
  14. Seems so. Now someone post another puzzle, or I shall...
  15. I guess I meant too complex in that you have to check both backwards and forwards, but his solution was more similar than I was thinking.
  16. Right, seeing as nobody seems to be getting further, I'll present the method that I was thinking of:
  17. Wrote a three hour timed essay earlier today. Bleh. I just watched this, and you all should too.
  18. Well, Chinese and Japanese share an awful lot of characters, and the vast majority of the stuff Ashley posted seems to be random symbols from this set, although there are a few characters that are Japanese-only. There are probably more that are just from Chinese, but I wouldn't be able to tell. And given these random symbols represent morphemes (units of meaning) rather than letters, sticking them together gets that kind of random stuff coming out - you'd get a similar effect if you chose random words from and English dictionary and shoved them all together.
  19. Well it seems not to be able to cope with the unicode in the sentence for some reason or other, and is spitting out a load of random symbols. Do you have the East Asian language support installed? That might explain why lots of the symbols are coming out as kanji/hanzi rather than just errors or other random things, but I can't help you any more than that.
  20. No links to streamy places please guys, especially if they stream licensed stuff.
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