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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Is there a highlight to reveal thingy you could use? Not that I'm sure how that'd work on a phone.
  2. Lol, I guess the argument can be fun too, but I'm still interested in seeing who other people consider to be great.
  3. It's a bit annyoing that this thread has turned into an argument about whether footballers can be great, when it should be about introducing (and explaining, for those who haven't given descriptions or even names) people you think are great, be they footballers or otherwise. While some individuals have had massive impacts on history, this surely isn't the key criterion for greatness - it should be about the accomplishments rather than the consequences. Otherwise, you'd have to largely reject any artistic achievements as being less great than scientific ones, as the latter almost always have a greater effect on the world. Ultimately this means greatness is in part a personal thing, but consequences of this are that opinions given should be justified.
  4. I'll go for Ludwig Wittgenstein: During World War I he fought for the Austro-Hungarian empire, requesting to be sent to the front line, and while there wrote one of the most important books ever written on philosophy, the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, which consists of a complex system of numbered propostions that combine to putatively solve all the problems of philosophy. Having written this, he considered philosophy "finished," and went away to be an obscure teacher, but later changed his mind totally and wrote a second equally famous book refuting his earlier one, Philosophical Investigations. He was also a fascinating person, who was brilliant at anything technical he but his mind too, yet didn't seem to fit the mould of the world. Oh, and a Russell quotatation about him: "the most perfect example I have ever known of genius as traditionally conceived, passionate, profound, intense, and dominating". Coming up later: Charles Darwin, Srinivasa Ramanujan, Noam Chomsky (and not for his politics ).
  5. Add a little bit of glycerine as well, or the bubbles will pop really easily.
  6. I will check this with some physicists/other mathematicians, but I think Chair's probably right. Of course there are multiple ways of modelling the idealised situation you describe, none of which will be perfect.
  7. Just finished the powerpoint for my presentation tomorrow. Sleep now. That's like this, which made me laugh for ages:
  8. Possibly for a blog post? Bit silly anyway. Regarding an OU course: if you want to do all three at once, how about linguistics? :wink: Although now I think of it, I don't think they have much linguisitcs stuff...
  9. The first question I thought of was: "Why aren't they wearing gowns, when it appears to be formal hall?" Actually I guess it could be Oxford Union or somewhere else entirely.
  10. I'm guessing it's so you don't have to sit there like a lemon. Where that expression comes from, however, is more mysterious... Edit: Nope, seems it's from:
  11. Bleh, so much work this week, but thankfully I've done most of it now. Wrote an essay on generalised quantifiers, and another one on non-linear phonology, now need to prepare a presentation on writing systems, which should hopefully be fun. And then another two essays for next Tuesday... In other news:
  12. Ye olde terrible and slightly frightening photo: God, that was ages ago. And I now look even less like that photo than I did then.
  13. You mean a griddle pan? Hmm, I reckon tiny fat pancakes ftw. I will be making medium fat pancakes, they're always best fat. Also griddles aren't really designed for that kind of thing (though woks aren't either, but meh) and will cook the batter unevenly.
  14. Knowledge of obscure British (and Commonwealth) customs fail. Anyway yeah. I will be eating pancakes. Possibly in the morning, and definitely in the evening. With melted dark chocolate. Ooh, must get some cinnamon.
  15. My day = writing on generalised quantifiers. They're very pretty things.
  16. Didn't they try and suggest selling single cards on the day before Valentine's day on the Apprentice once? It didn't go down terribly well, for the reasons outlined by Gizmo. Plus, the whole commercial (and let's face it, driving) point of Valentine's day is that people buy things for their partners, but if you're celebrating singledom then who's going to spend money on you doing so? Personally I think celebrating any kind of "relationship status" (to borrow from Facebook) on a predecided day is a bit silly really. Although I'm still doing so...
  17. Our head teacher at that age banned giving out birthday invitations for similar reasons. He also tried (and of course failed) to ban people from having discos at their own homes, out of school time, because he argued bad behaviour at such events could reflect badly on the school...
  18. A PS3, Heavy Rain, FFXIII, and Trico whenever that comes out. And some time to actually play the games...
  19. Valentine's schmalentine's. It's such an annoyingly commercial holiday. And I need to go shopping for it tomorrow...
  20. To be honest, I don't really see what anyone could do for you that'd be any better than cropping the DVD covers...
  21. Games that only install on C are a bit of a laziness mediated violation of liberty, in my opinion. I mean, I have CNC3 and only a C drive, but it's the principle of the thing.
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