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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I was talking to a friend once: Me: So if you isolate part of the mRNA of the plasmid that contains a gene for the resistance of a specific antibiotic... Him: Yes, and you could convert that back to DNA using reverse transcriptase... Some other guy: Could you cross a human and a shark? Then you could have the awesome power of a shark combined with the intelligence of a human!!11!! Us: ... Anyway, biologically, intelligence returns to the norm, so two clever people are likely to have slightly less intelligent progeny, and two stupid people are likely to have slightly more intelligent progeny. And if we had a RE island, then I hope that everyone would enjoy being almost entirely gay... :wink:
  2. That's nothing; I lent a game to someone who sold it. Then again it was FFX-2...
  3. Lol... I wasn't being serious. Actually, I haven't yet greeted this new guy... Hi.
  4. Let's just hope he isn't a fan of zombies in that way...
  5. Who told him about the gang?
  6. That Pacman one is a thing of utter brilliance.
  7. Yeah whenever it comes out... I think "Lyra's Oxford" was quite good, but I don't remember it very well.
  8. Lol I posted in it: Anyway... you've made yourself into a firm member pretty quickly (probably firmer than I am).
  9. I suppose that'll be CG (which may well look crap). I remember thinking when I saw the titles of the books that "Northern Lights" didn't fit; all three books were centered around an artefact and only the first wasn't named after it. "The Golden Compass" is a complete copout though... perhaps "The Alethiometer", although that lacks a descriptive adjective (I feel that putting one in would water the title down, although providing uniformity). But I digress... It's terrible that they've removed the religion bashing; although Pullman is too atheist for me the removal of this part of the plot effectively ruins the purpose of the books. You guys have presumably read "Lyra's Oxford" and know about "the Book of Dust" which is coming out next year?
  10. That's exactly what I did... (mind you, if you don't post much like me, it can lead to you being unknown).
  11. I actually did miss that, because I turned the show on about a minute too late. What did the Doctor do?
  12. Depends on whether you want the American meaning or the Japanese one; the American meaning just means someone who likes anime a lot, the Japanese meaning means an anime geek, so is much more negative. However, some Japanese people use it as a badge of pride, just as some people here use "geek" as a badge of pride. Anyway, the first mai-HiME DVD is out on Friday... apparently the dub is terrible; they've given Shizuru a Southern American accent. I'll buy it anyway, and watch the subs.
  13. ahh... It all makes sense now.
  14. I've never heard of pass- I thought a 3rd was the worst you could get without failing.
  15. Get back in the basement! ...Hi.
  16. If you remember that reality TV show Shattered where the contestants weren't allowed to sleep, I think one of them started to go a bit crazy; he was saying things like "I'm the prime minister of Australia"...
  17. No, I meant a student at University, which if you are English leaves you incredibly poor with top-up fees etc... Luckily I won't be one for another year or so.
  18. http://www.curdrice.com/ranga/red_rain.html has some stuff on it. It was in the news recently (I first saw it in New Scientist) because they started to analyse the cells last year. Other proposed theroies have so far been a little ridiculous- such as "they are the bood cells of a swarm of bats hit by a meteroite".
  19. If you're a student then you shouldn't be able to afford one... Anyway... I'll probably end up waiting until Christmas.
  20. What we need is a cold fusion power plant... Anyway, I believe this research is necessary, and if it does not serve a "useful" purpose, then it should still be carried out for what is perhaps "academic" (if not scientific) merit alone. Also interesting is the Indian "red rain"; rain that fell in 2001 that contained weird, unidentifiable (and thus possibly alien) cells. They appear to be almost a cross between prokaryotes and eukaryotes, backing up the alien theory.
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