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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. As far as I can tell, the media picks the odd missing person, probably ones they think the public will emotionally connect with, and blows up the case into a massive (inter)national event, when the disappearances of other people, who are perhaps less appealing to the public, are pretty much ignored. This strikes me as massively unfair.
  2. That's horrible. I think the first "2" (for want of a better word) is supposed to represent England as well, as "London" is written in roughly the right place. This doesn't redeem the horrible thing though. (in fact, it may well make it worse)
  3. I wouldn't worry too much... maths A level is pretty much a different subject to GCSE maths, further maths even more so. GCSE maths is... strange, especially the non-calculator papers, and I don't think ability at non-calculator GCSE maths has much to do with ability at A level maths.
  4. And you can use sum of two squares as well with imaginary numbers. eg. x² + y² = (x + yi)(x - yi) Not that it's as useful...
  5. Oh yeah, you're doing Salters... which module are you revising for?
  6. I asked my sister how old the guys in the photo looked... her reply: "14 or 15?" Her words not mine. (don't kill me!) Personally I think you have it going on. :wink:
  7. This is true. Though they can lead to problems, for example: Buy a TI-84+ calculator. Write a program on it to solve quadratic equations for you. Realise that the memory gets wiped before exams. Give up and solve them like normal people.
  8. I am terrible at arithmetic, and always do worse on non-calculator papers. I don't even know my tables.
  9. I'd suggest you go here, where I've answered your question.
  10. Nope, it's exactly 30%: 325/250 = 1.3 so £325 is 130% of £250 and thus there is a 30% profit. If y is proportional to x, this means y = kx. (where k is a constant) If y is proportional to x², this means y = kx². If y is inversely proportional to x², this means y = k/x² Now we need to determine the value of k. We are given that x = 2 when y = 3.5, so: 3.5 = k/2² k = 14 Therefore y = 14/x².
  11. 12 kyu as well, after about 6 months.
  12. Unfortunately not, I've never heard of them. Well, you need two numbers that make -8 when multipled together, and -7 when added together. So, the pairs numbers that multiply to make -8 are: -8 & 1, 8 & -1, -4 & 2, 4 & -2. Of these pairs, only -8 & 1 add together to make -7, so the factorised fraction is (x+1)(x-8). This is pretty much the mental process I go through when doing these.
  13. I dislike this sort of probability thing, and basic stats, but I find it can get interesting as it gets more advanced. Things like probability density functions are fun, and you can also do crazy things with moment generating functions.
  14. I always find that probability confuses me, until someone like Chris comes out with a simplification that makes it obvious.
  15. So I suppose I ought to start revision for my exams in late June. I have a few textbooks to learn...
  16. If anyone fancies trying out the chat room, I'm there right now to talk to you. If you want to use a different client, for whatever reason, I use IceChat, which can be downloaded from http://www.icechat.net/site/.
  17. Chris, if you download open office math for now, then you can create pictures of maths forumulae etc. then host them somewhere like photobucket. I suppose I ought to do that when I'm doing homework help really...
  18. Perhaps someone should make a thread about the irc channel, where we can help people get in. Edit: Okay, you made it... looks like you were working on it before my suggestion...
  19. I love the meaningless post thread. Even though I rarely post in it, I think it really adds to the community of the forum, and allows people to have the mundane little discussions that make life great. Nevertheless, people obviously go too far, and you mods/admins have the difficult task of telling the difference between posts that are meaningless and constructive and those that the thread could do without. This latter type of post should indeed by cracked down upon, and it seems like you're going about it in the right way, but I think you should act with care. Some posts will naturally lead to discussion, and I think this is fine and part of what makes the thread so great. Of course, many of these discussions (but, fundamentally, not all: there should always be some space for meaningless debate on the forum) could be had on the irc channel, which is sadly under used at this current time. I would love to see more people use it, and perhaps making it more accessible is the way to go about this. If this worked, it would be phenomenal. I would be delighted to be able to drop in to a bustling room full of members I know, and have a chat. So in conclusion, I feel that the meaningless post thread should be kept much as it is, though a few dregs should be flushed away, and the chat room should be promoted as a place for conversation. Which is, of course, what you're all doing, so good for you. :wink:
  20. In my opinion, that conversation was awesome. But yeah, humour is more clearly stated later on.
  21. In Tuscany, and no, I'm bringing a go playing friend. (who is actually better than me)
  22. Ah, yet another birthday... Happy birthday!
  23. I haven't read the manga, but I hear it's a bit more racy than the anime. The anime is wonderful nevertheless, though I'm not sure how much you'll already know.
  24. I wouldn't recommend making the x coefficient 1 unless all the coefficients will remain as integers, as factorising fractions can be more difficult.
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