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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I imagine that it would be fairly easy to get around London if you couldn't speak English, as lots of tourists seem to manage it find. As for things to do, you can do most things in London, but I don't know what it's supposed to be particularly good for. As for other cities, I don't really know. In fact, I've been to very few cities.
  2. Well, other than stuff I always wax lyrical about, I reckon people should watch Honey and Clover. However, the OP won't give you much to go on.
  3. I find Lucky Star pretty funny, but it isn't for everyone. Mai-HiME is however. Where you are, the story is just about to get awesome.
  4. Sorry, that sounded more confrontational than I had intended. 2chan is the Japanese 4chan, 2channel is text only.
  5. Yeah, 'tis funny. Where was the death note reference? Anyway, KyoAni are mostly taking the piss out of themselves with the referencing: "They obviously added those scenes in to reduce the budget." Anyway, I think Konata is going on 2channel, not 2chan.
  6. And yet another birthday today is weeyellowbloke, who is still active. Happy birthday to the three o' ye!
  7. Merry birthday to Tim! It is also Surrealist's birthday today, but he hardly comes here anymore.
  8. Yesterday? The Lucky Channel sub has been out for a few days, though I agree WinD does a better job of it as they aren't speed subbers.
  9. I tell you what they could have... lacrosse tournaments.
  10. I get about 6-7 on a school night, but this gradually gets less as the term goes on. I sleep for variable amounts of time at the weekend, but always for loanger than on a school night.
  11. Haha, I know. If you had read though my previous posts, you would have seen me say: and: So yeah, these are (I think) the only two shounen series I like, unless Video Girl Ai or Mai-HiME count. I'll stop now as well... :wink:
  12. Well, the reasons I haven't watched it so far are that I tend to dislike pretty much all shounen, and I'm not sure I want to watch a seemingly endless series. I just realised that I knew next to nothing about it even though it was so popular, so I was wondering what it was all about.
  13. Hmm... I always assumed the orange was some kind of reference to the orange robes that buddhist monks often seem to wear. So what exactly are these chakra abilities?
  14. Write about Nabokov, and combine the two. :wink:
  15. My dad's comment about this made me laugh: "Is there even anything to show? I mean, they've only got 3 fingers, so who knows what else they're missing."
  16. Do you mean oral? Aural is listening. Anyway, whatever it is, good luck with it.
  17. I've done most of my modules already, so I only have 3 left. I've got critical thinking on the 18th of May, biology on the 22nd of June, and chemistry on the 25th. Good luck to all.
  18. I think this year golden week is spilt into two weekends, so it isn't as delay inducing.
  19. After the first 8 or so episodes, brilliant. Also, lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82URtK0g1zk
  20. I haven't seen Evangelion, but although Elfen Lied is fucked up, it makes perfect sense.
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