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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. To be honest, it's more like 40 years. Anyway, though I don't think this will affect most people, it's probably worth doing for the odd few it does something for.
  2. Unfortuately, I had released the first before finding the second. However, I'm sure the second would have reigned triumphant.
  3. I posted a bit about this in Meaningless, but I feel it deserves its own thread. Basically, when I was on holiday in Italy, I came across this in front of the fridge: Now, I ended up capturing it and putting it in a tub so that it wouldn't sting anyone, and was able to take a picture showing that it wasn't the gargantuan beast suggested by the first picture: Now, I looked up how dangerous they are, and it seems that these ones are about as dangerous as wasps. However, I wasn't too keen on walking around in bare feet after this incident. The next day, I came across a far bigger one crawling down the wall outside the house, and caught it too: As you can see, it had a load of crap on its back, possibly cobwebs or the remains of some kind of egg sac. My friend removed most of it with a rolled up bit of paper, and this angered the scorpion. (compared to the first, relatively docile one, it had quite a temper) It tried to sting the paper, but thankfully didn't do any damage to anyone. Anyhoo, after a day or so I released them both, a fair way from the house. Observing them running around was quite frankly wonderful. They have such a perfect air of maliciousness about them, and remind me of a finely honed machine. They quite literally scuttle, and move fast when they need to. Discuss.
  4. I believe it is clockspider of Luelinks fame. Anyway, yay for taxonomy!
  5. Ah, good old Dante... he seems to know everything about anything popular, or at least is well placed to find things out. Plus he likes similar TV programmes to me, which is always a good thing.
  6. I haven't watched a great deal of Buffy (only a couple of seasons or so), but Anthony Stewart Head was great, so I might watch the special.
  7. You and me both. I was going to bump it for the new school year. (has that started yet?)
  8. Melikes Franz Ferdinand. Would be cool to see a third album.
  9. Ooh, this is interesting. Darksnowman, you appear to be a pretty cool guy who I've had a couple of conversations with. I have to say though, your picture in the user image gallery wasn't anything like I imagined you to look.
  10. Bah, I know about forum members, not popular culture. :wink:
  11. Indeed. :p And I remember Din, with his gas mask avatar.
  12. Wow, hi there Pesten, though you may not remember me.
  13. 1. Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge. It's on that sort of engine, anyway... 9. emprfsuerouonr
  14. Well, ecology isn't (and is also boring), but biochemistry is.
  15. Why so? Surely the Kane edition can hook up to the normal one...
  16. Everyone's favourite forum mormon. Also a minor character in a Douglas Adams novel I believe. (one of the Dirk Gently ones)
  17. Good luck to everyone getting GCSE results tomorrrow.
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