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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. In circuit A, nothing at all would happen, and in circuit B both bells would ring all the time. (the button would be bypassed) Depending on how the bells work, you could just wire them up together (parallel being preferable to series) with the push button after the batteries, but it is possible bad things would happen. (like, the bells being damaged) If you just used one battery and wired them up in parallel then there might not be enough current to power the bells, and if you used one battery and wired them in series then something similar could happen... So, I think the only surefire way is a relay, but it could work in other ways depending on your setup. And yes, your assumptions about the relay thing are correct - you just have to connect up the right legs, and you get one circuit independently controlling the other. However, you do need enough current in your first circuit to power the electromagnet, so it's probably best (unlike in my diagram) to connect it up in parallel. Of course, buying a new doorbell is even more surefire...
  2. Pah, it probably only runs on a standard 9V battery. Rewiring is cool, it's a pity they made it illegal to rewire your mains without an electrician's qualification or something.
  3. Wire an electromagnet into the circuit of the original doorbell which switches on the second circuit (including the new bell) via a reed switch. You should be able to get a relay which incorporates both the reed switch and the electromagnet. Edit: I drew a diagram in paint.
  4. Right, I'm finally going to watch eva. I hope it's as good as everyone says.
  5. I know... I'm sure I know it from somewhere. It sounds like an 16 or 64 bit RPG... 2. Paper Mario? (I highly doubt it)
  6. I don't get you people pining for Wispa golds. I had them a few times, the caramel just detracted from the brilliance of the Wispa. Basically: Wispa >>>>>>>>>>>>> Wispa gold.
  7. Emma Watson's an okay actor, but not brilliant. She's not actively bad like Daniel Radcliffe, and she's only there for eye candy anyway.
  8. I found out how to describe your drawings in Japanese today, which I'm sure Takeo will appreciate. 攻め 【せめ】 (n) (col) dominant partner of a homosexual relationship; 受け(P); 請け; 承け 【うけ】 (n) (col) submissive partner of a homosexual relationship;
  9. I feel like some more late night N-E isketch. Who's up for it? For those who don't know the game, it's like online pictionary. The website is http://www.isketch.net, and you need shockwave.
  10. ZOMG I now know the answer to another... tell me I'm wrong already! Edit: Dammit, Coolness Bears saw the hint before me.
  11. Come on, I'm trying to remember his old capitalisation. (I think he had some) 3. MeiK
  12. Just on the off chance you're complaining about the question mark: 3. Meik
  13. They're fake outtakes done with chibi characters of all the main points, some of which are funny, known as Maria-sama ni wa naisho. (keep it a secret from the virgin Mary) There's one 10mb ish one for each OVA, 7 10mb ish ones for series one, and 6 10mb ish ones for series 2.
  14. Obviously this is amazing news. Now if I am ever trying to decide which chocolate bar to buy, I'll buy a Wispa to support them.
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