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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. Did you see it raw or subbed? Anyway, I'm considering watching Romeo x Juliet, for amusement purposes if nothing else. (And yes, it is what you think it is. Only it's set on a floating castle and Juliet is pretending to be a man.)
  2. Well, that would've been just the same as the dress rehersal they showed earlier... personally, I thought they were going to show the OP.
  3. The last episode was pretty good, but I didn't feel that the series as a whole ended as such.
  4. Wow, that's really nice... a world better than my cheapo replica from ebay.
  5. Right, unless any mods/admins dispute this, this'll stay closed as it's descended into a flaming and spaming fest. [locked]
  6. Okay guys, shut up now. [/locked] Edit: dammit I don't even know how to lock threads.
  7. I'm not going to lock this (sorry Fresh!), but try not to flame/spam.
  8. I think it might be useful in some circumstances, and it would be relatively hard to abuse, so it's probably a good idea.
  9. Sorry, who are you? Actually, people always get us mixed up... not sure why.
  10. ZOMG some recovery from last night is required. (sorry Dante )
  11. ...good point Dante, I missed the point of the name. Corrected. EDIT: Your name corrected too...
  12. Unless I've missed it already, I think a celebratory thread is in order. Happy birthday to The Villan, Colin, and link64uk!
  13. Thanks guys, I'll try and be a decent mod.
  14. Cool, they're doing CLANNAD. I'm a sucker for these eroge adaptations... if the game is good enough to produce a non porn anime, then it's got to have a decent story.
  15. Yeah, it's supposed to be compulsory.
  16. I think that ending is by far the best, but it could have been carried out a little less woodenly.
  17. I'd love to do it, provided it wouldn't get in the way of education. I think my mum was asked to, but couldn't go because she very was pregnant with me at the time. (she would've gone otherwise)
  18. I Want Candy: 6/10 Well, it was reasonably funny, and didn't really try to be anything else. However, it was hardly sublime. The Last King of Scotland: 10/10 This was brilliant, I loved the way it portrayed the ever increasing madness of Amin. Howl's Moving Castle: 9.5/10 Easily the best Miyazaki film I've seen. The animation is phenomenal, and you're constantly surprised visually. It loses marks because the story is a bit cheesy and doesn't always make sense, but then again it is for kids. (and this means the Japanese is nice and easy to understand)
  19. I'm looking forward to ef, another galge adaptation. The opening from the original is wonderful, and is on stage6 here. Check animesuki for the preview of the anime... not sure exactly when it'll start, but it's something this autumn.
  20. Fixed. :wink: Anyway, good luck Lazyboy.
  21. Anyone watching Higurashi kai should enjoy episode 11... The great explanation begins. The end of the arc should really surprise you. (in a bad way, it ain't called massacre chapter for nothing)
  22. Season 2 is far better in my opinion, and the original game is even better. However, the spirit of the show changes after tsumihoroboshi-hen (the last arc of season one) in that it becomes less about horror and suspense and more about a struggle against adversity.
  23. I'm not much further on than you. (about ep 7 or so) It hasn't really been my thing so far, but I hear it gets a lot better.
  24. Ah, surds. You probably won't forget once you've learnt them, which can't be said for a lot of maths. Anyway, feel free to send science and maths this way... I need something to do before university.
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