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Everything posted by Supergrunch

  1. I don't pretend to understand this in depth - I read it in a popular science book somewhere. Anyway, the papers vary in comprehensibility - the abstract of this one makes some sense. You'll be shocked (:wink:) to hear that I switched from physics to evolution a few weeks ago, methinks I'll go into biochemistry or genetics.
  2. Hmm, then I must have been reading a book that was lying or confused...
  3. So ultimately, it's as I said - it just so happens that observing something cause the quantum wavefunction to collapse. Am I right in saying that light travels at around walking speed through Einstein-Bose condensates? If so, that's slightly crazy - you could do all sorts of things if you could control light more easily...
  4. Like people have said - use a tripod so that the pictures are all from the same point, then photoshop them together.
  5. Hmm, a couple of months ago. And no, this hasn't taken over the homework thread, it is for science appreciation. :wink: If anyone has biology/chemistry/maths questions, post them in the homework thread and I'll try to help. It just does, quantum is crazy like that.
  6. I wasn't talking about you, I just found the guy irritating. Anyway, if you're doing A level physics then you're more qualified than me...
  7. Only if the life of the cat depends on something very simple, like a decaying nucleus, which is able to exist in quantum superposition. Anyway, the guy in that video is a bit irritatingly patronising. :wink:
  8. I think we need more sciencey love. Here, maybe this will inspire you all:
  9. Wow, I read that as "got my lass pregnant for her birthday on Wednesday"...
  10. Are you cutting it all off? Hmm, I haven't had a hair cut since I left school... my hair still isn't very long though, and not emo and/or in my eyes because it's something between wavy and curly.
  11. I've seen one of the documentaries on this guy, possibly the one alluded to in the article, and it really is odd. Every time his wife walks in the room he gets so happy, as if he's never seen her for years, saying "look who it is!" This is such a contrast with when he plays or conducts music. It's obviously a horrible condition to have, but it seems that he's come to terms with it somewhat these days, albeit subconciously.
  12. Well, it varies greatly, depending on the method of cooking and how well said method is pulled off. It's often nice in my opinion, but can be done badly.
  13. I may have said that I liked the first episode as much as the others, but generally find them all enjoyable. The only really great episode was the one with the Hiiragi family meal, but then I'm a sucker for character development.
  14. Today should be good - I've just had my only lecture, and I'm going to have lunch with a friend who's at Birmingham Universty, then meet another friend who's on his gap year in the evening.
  15. To be honest, all an age rise would do is annoy those people who are responsible, and might respect the law - the others will get hold of drink somehow. And it's unfair to deprive those who won't be responsible - can you imagine me drinking irresponisbly? Hell, I'm tipsy right now, but not stupid.
  16. Hmm, my dad told me it didn't stop, unless you aborted the process, which made it crash in horrible ways. Still, I won't bother with it for now.
  17. I'd use this, but it slows down your computer and you can't stop it running. Annoying thing. Ah well, I hardly watch TV anyway, and don't even have one here...
  18. It's not mad scientists experimenting on people - this change just randomly happens to some individuals. ...apparently 10% of those complaining of heartburn have the condition.
  19. I don't think the government are actually going to do this - it just seems that a few months back a high ranking policeman said he thought it would be a good idea, and the government disagreed.
  20. I remember messing around with a guy when I was about 8, and he was writing "classy" in his book and I was writing "crap". (I was 8 ) Anyway then he told the teacher that I'd written "crap" on his work and I got in loads of trouble, they acted like I had burnt all his notes... what a cock. But yeah, I have many a biology question to do today... I'm trying to delay doing them, but I'll have to eventually.
  21. It's more that the evil robots sent people to kill the guy and his mother, so he (and his wife/girlfriend/I forget) sent people to save them. And when I say people, I mean robots.
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